The Irish Department of Community

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The Irish Department of Community
Logo of The Irish Department of Community
Country Flag-Ireland.jpg Ireland
Founded June 2009
Founder Nithraldur
Colours Green, White and Orange

The Irish Department of Community


The Irish Department of Community is better known as The Irish Community. The department was created in June 2009 during Nithraldur's third administration. The purpose of the department is to work towards citizen retention through activities and programs directed at citizens of all ages. The minister runs the national lottery and seeks private and government funding for raffles, lotteries, and competitions. Deputy and junior ministers are appointed when needed. In September of 2013 President Ian E Coleman reorganized The Irish Community into three separate divisions. The Offices of Community Events, Census and Statistics and Citizen Welfare were created with three separate Ministers overseeing the offices.

Duties include:

  • Organizing and running competitions, lotteries, and raffles. - Office of Community Events
  • Retaining citizens of Ireland. - Office of Citizen Welfare
  • Seeking new citizens to the New World and from overseas. - Office of Citizen Welfare
  • Fundraising for prizes and monetary awards. - Office of Citizen Welfare
  • Conducting the government census. - Office of Census and Statistics
  • Gathering statistical information on the community. - Office of Census and Statistics
  • Ensuring the welfare of citizens. - All Three Offices

The Community Awards

  • History

The Community Awards are the most looked forward to of all Community events. The Awards allow the citizens of Ireland to show who they feel are the current citizens that deserve recognition for their accomplishments.

The Community Awards were first suggested by Lord Rhindon, who was Minister of Community for part of the August-September 2009 term. Intended to be inaugurated that month this did not come to fruition as LR was involved in a scandal over one of the department's competitions and chose to resign his post early, leaving Cun-Bo-Dawex to finish out that term.

When einberliner was appointed to the department in September 2009 she asked new president Patton if she could run the awards and, using the suggested categories, created definitions of each and opened up the nominations for the first time.

  • Qualification for Awards

In order to qualify for nomination a citizen must hold eIrish citizenship at the time of that month's awards being opened. They must also be a reasonable nominee - someone who has never fought at all cannot be nominated for soldier, for example. Self-nomination is allowed but not encouraged, the exception being the lifetime achievement award which a citizen cannot put their own name forward for.

The sitting Minister of Community (or Ministers) may not be nominated in their term, though three have won awards prior to or after their term. This is to prevent any allegations of 'fixing' should they win.

  • Categories and Descriptions

Most Trusted Politician

Who of the current or recent TDs/Ministers etc. stands out to you as having fulfilled their campaign promises? Who's been honest and upfront? Who's served eIreland before themselves?

Most Acclaimed Publisher

Whose articles do you never fail to read? Who keeps you informed or entertained, who gets you thinking or explains things you might not have understood nice and clearly? Maybe they do all of the above.

Most Celebrated Soldier

Which of our soldiers stands out to you as one who should be applauded? Maybe they're a great leader, a tireless fighter - maybe they're both.

Best General Manager

Whose company/companies are always well stocked with raw materials? Maybe they stand out for another reason - do they offer any perks you couldn't get elsewhere, or are the wages are generous? If you think a general manager deserves praise here's your chance to give it to them.

Newcomer/Up-and-comer to Watch

Who, of level 14 or less, has already made an impression? Are they getting involved already, making their voice heard? Nominate them here.

Irelander of the Month

This can be anyone, for any reason. One Irish citizen who stands out to you as deserving of an award. Maybe they're a trusted poltician, and a great manager, and many other things... maybe they've helped you out when times were hard, or worked hard for the nation. Whoever and for whatever reason this is your chance to get them the attention they deserve. For this category a brief explanation of why you're nominating them would be greatly appreciated.

Lovable Rogue

They're mischief but you love them anyway, or they stir the pot without actually doing harm. Does this sound like someone you know? Please nominate them for this one.

Lifetime Achievement Award

Similar to Irelander of the month but nominees for this award should be people who throughout their eLives have stood out. They may not have constantly held positions of power but maybe they always were there to help you, maybe they turned your political party around, maybe they mentored you to greatness but all this over the longer term. All nominees for this award should have a citizen account at least four months old as of the day nominations open.