Keykeeper Rules of the Netherlands

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Article 1 – Tasks of the Keykeeper

  • 1. The Keykeeper will be the warden of the passwords of all governmental organizations of the Netherlands.
  • 2. The Keykeeper will change all of these passwords once a new Country President of the Netherlands assumes office.
  • 3. The Keykeeper will provide the Country President access to the governmental organizations, except the password of organizations that are used for storing and using NLG/Gold, once the Country President assumes office.
  • 4. The Keykeeper will provide officials access to the appropriate organizations linked to their job that involves storing and using NLG/Gold on those organizations, once they assume office.
  • 5. The Keykeeper may never provide access to DNB to anyone.
  • 6. The Keykeeper of the Netherlands will have access to all (private) Congress channels.

Article 2 – Appointment of the Keykeeper

  • 1. The Keykeeper is appointed by the Government for an unspecified time period. The appointment is thereafter accepted by a vote of Congress.
  • 2. The Keykeeper can leave office by voluntarily resigning, or can be removed from office by Congress, as laid down in Chapter II, Article 12 of the Lawbook of the Netherlands.
  • 3. 3. The Keykeeper can never simultaneously be a Country President or Dictator. If someone attains both offices (Dictator & Keykeeper or Country President & Keykeeper), he must resign one of them.

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