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Guards Of Green is a military unit of [[Pakistan]]. It's commander is Mohammed Bilal. It is one of the greatest forces of Pakistan.
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\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Guards Of Green is a military unit of [[Pakistan]]. It's commander is Mohammed Bilal. It is one of the greatest forces of Pakistan.\
Guards Of Green is divided into 4 regiments 2 of which have currently no members.
Regiment 1
Guards Of Green is divided into 4 regiments 2 of which have currently no members.\
The largest and most powerful regiment in the MU.It's captain is Mohammed Bilal himself.Both second commanders are in this regiment.Out of 36 members of the MU 25 are part of the regiment.
Regiment 1\
Regiment 2
The largest and most powerful regiment in the MU.It's captain is Mohammed Bilal himself.Both second commanders are in this regiment.Out of 36 members of the MU 25 are part of the regiment.\
The second largest regiment in the MU. It's captain is Heart Stealer. Out of 36 members in the MU 11 are part of the regiment.
Regiment 2\
Regiment 3
The second largest regiment in the MU. It's captain is Heart Stealer. Out of 36 members in the MU 11 are part of the regiment.\
This regiment has no members.
Regiment 3\
Regiment 4
This regiment has no members.\
This regiment has no members.
Regiment 4\
This regiment has no members.\

Revision as of 10:20, 13 December 2013

Guards Of Green is a military unit of Pakistan. It's commander is Mohammed Bilal. It is one of the greatest forces of Pakistan.


Guards Of Green is divided into 4 regiments 2 of which have currently no members.

Regiment 1 The largest and most powerful regiment in the MU.It's captain is Mohammed Bilal himself.Both second commanders are in this regiment.Out of 36 members of the MU 25 are part of the regiment.

Regiment 2 The second largest regiment in the MU. It's captain is Heart Stealer. Out of 36 members in the MU 11 are part of the regiment.

Regiment 3 This regiment has no members.

Regiment 4 This regiment has no members.