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Latest revision as of 02:08, 14 July 2008

// DotNetWikiBot Framework v2.3 - bot framework based on Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 for wiki projects
// Distributed under the terms of the MIT (X11) license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
// Copyright (c) Iaroslav Vassiliev (2006-2008) codedriller@gmail.com

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Web;

namespace DotNetWikiBot
	/// <summary>Class defines wiki site object.</summary>
	public class Site
		/// <summary>Site URL.</summary>
		public string site = "http://wiki.erepublik.com";
		/// <summary>Default user name to login with.</summary>
		private string userName = "MiniBill";
		/// <summary>Default password to login with.</summary>
		private string userPass = "";
		/// <summary>Site title.</summary>
		public string name;
		/// <summary>MediaWiki version.</summary>
		public string generator;
		/// <summary>MediaWiki version number.</summary>
		public float version;
		/// <summary>Rule of page title capitalization.</summary>
		public string capitalization;
		/// <summary>Short relative path to wiki pages (if such alias is set on server).</summary>
		public string wikiPath;		// = "/wiki/";
		/// <summary>Relative path to "index.php" file on server.</summary>
		public string indexPath;	// = "/w/";
		/// <summary>PageList, containing all MediaWiki messages of the site.</summary>
		public PageList messages;
		/// <summary>Regular expression to find redirection target.</summary>
		public Regex redirectRE;
		/// <summary>Regular expression to find links to pages in list in HTML source.</summary>
		public Regex linkToPageRE1 = new Regex("<li><a href=\"[^\"]*?\" title=\"([^\"]+?)\">");
		/// <summary>Alternative regular expression to find links to pages in HTML source.</summary>
		public Regex linkToPageRE2 = new Regex("<a href=\"[^\"]*?\" title=\"([^\"]+?)\">\\1</a>");
		/// <summary>Alternative regular expression to find links to pages in HTML source.</summary>
		public Regex linkToPageRE3;
		/// <summary>Regular expression to find links to subcategories in HTML source
		/// of category page on sites that use "CategoryTree" MediaWiki extension.</summary>
		public Regex linkToSubCategoryRE = new Regex(">([^<]+)</a></div>\\s*" +
			"<div class=\"CategoryTreeChildren\"");
		/// <summary>Regular expression to find links to image pages in HTML source.</summary>
		public Regex linkToImageRE = new Regex("<div class=\"gallerytext\">\n" +
			"<a href=\"[^\"]*?\" title=\"([^\"]+?)\">");
		/// <summary>Regular expression to find titles in markup.</summary>
		public Regex pageTitleTagRE = new Regex("<title>(.+?)</title>");
		/// <summary>Regular expression to find internal wiki links in markup.</summary>
		public Regex wikiLinkRE = new Regex(@"\[\[(.+?)(\|.+?)?]]");
		/// <summary>Regular expression to find wiki category links.</summary>
		public Regex wikiCategoryRE;
		/// <summary>Regular expression to find wiki templates in markup.</summary>
		public Regex wikiTemplateRE = new Regex(@"(?s)\{\{(.+?)((\|.*?)*?)}}");
		/// <summary>Regular expression to find embedded images in wiki markup.</summary>
		public Regex wikiImageRE;
		/// <summary>Regular expression to find links to sister wiki projects in markup.</summary>
		public Regex sisterWikiLinkRE;
		/// <summary>Regular expression to find interwiki links in wiki markup.</summary>
		public Regex iwikiLinkRE;
		/// <summary>Regular expression to find displayed interwiki links in wiki markup,
		/// like "[[:de:...]]".</summary>
		public Regex iwikiDispLinkRE;
		/// <summary>Regular expression to find external web links in wiki markup.</summary>
		public Regex webLinkRE = new Regex("(https?|t?ftp|news|nntp|telnet|irc|gopher)" +
		/// <summary>Regular expression to find sections of text, explicitly marked as non-wiki.</summary>
		public Regex noWikiMarkupRE = new Regex("(?is)(.*?)");
		/// <summary>A template for disambiguation page. If some unusual template is used in your
		/// wiki for disambiguation, then it must be set in this variable. Use "|" as a delimiter when
		/// enumerating several templates here.</summary>
		public string disambigStr;
		/// <summary>Regular expression to extract language code from site URL.</summary>
		public Regex siteLangRE = new Regex(@"http://(.*?)\.(.+?\..+)");
		/// <summary>Regular expression to extract edit session time attribute.</summary>
		public Regex editSessionTimeRE = new Regex("value=\"([^\"]*?)\" name=['\"]wpEdittime['\"]");
		/// <summary>Regular expression to extract edit session token attribute.</summary>
		public Regex editSessionTokenRE1 = new Regex("value=\"([^\"]*?)\" name=['\"]wpEditToken['\"]");
		/// <summary>Alternative regular expression to extract edit session token attribute.</summary>
		public Regex editSessionTokenRE2 = new Regex("name=['\"]wpEditToken['\"]" +
			"(?: type=\"hidden\")? value=\"([^\"]*?)\"");
		/// <summary>Site cookies.</summary>
		public CookieContainer cookies = new CookieContainer();
		/// <summary>XML name table for parsing XHTML documents from wiki site.</summary>
		public NameTable xhtmlNameTable = new NameTable();
		/// <summary>XML namespace URI of wiki site's XHTML version.</summary>
		public string xhtmlNSUri = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
		/// <summary>XML namespace manager for parsing XHTML documents from wiki site.</summary>
		public XmlNamespaceManager xmlNS;
		/// <summary>Local namespaces.</summary>
		public Hashtable namespaces = new Hashtable();
		/// <summary>Default namespaces.</summary>
		public static Hashtable wikiNSpaces = new Hashtable();
		/// <summary>List of Wikimedia Foundation sites and prefixes.</summary>
		public static Hashtable WMSites = new Hashtable();
		/// <summary>Built-in variables of MediaWiki software
		/// (see http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Magic_words).</summary>
		public static string[] mediaWikiVars;
		/// <summary>Built-in parser functions of MediaWiki software
		/// (see http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Magic_words).</summary>
		public static string[] parserFunctions;
		/// <summary>Built-in template Modifiers of MediaWiki software
		/// (see http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Magic_words).</summary>
		public static string[] templateModifiers;
		/// <summary>Interwiki links sorting order, based on local language by first word.
		/// See http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Interwiki_sorting_order for details.</summary>
		public static string[] iwikiLinksOrder1;
		/// <summary>Interwiki links sorting order, based on local language.</summary>
		public static string[] iwikiLinksOrder2;
		/// <summary>Wikimedia Foundation sites and prefixes in one regex-escaped string
		/// with "|" as separator.</summary>
		public static string WMSitesStr;
		/// <summary>ISO 639-1:2002 language codes, used as prefixes to identify Wikimedia
		/// Foundation sites, gathered in one regex-escaped string with "|" as separator.</summary>
		public static string WMLangsStr;
		/// <summary>Availability of "api.php" MediaWiki extension (bot interface).</summary>
		public bool botQuery;
		/// <summary>Versions of "api.php" MediaWiki extension (bot interface) modules.</summary>
		public Hashtable botQueryVersions = new Hashtable();
		/// <summary>Set of lists of pages, produced by bot interface.</summary>
		public static Hashtable botQueryLists = new Hashtable();
		/// <summary>Set of lists of parsed data, produced by bot interface.</summary>
		public static Hashtable botQueryProps = new Hashtable();
		/// <summary>Site language.</summary>
		public string language;
		/// <summary>Site language text direction.</summary>
		public string langDirection = "ltr";
		/// <summary>Site encoding.</summary>
		public Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

		/// <summary>This constructor is used to generate most Site objects.</summary>
		/// <param name="site">Wiki site's URI. It must point to the main page of the wiki, e.g.
		/// "http://en.wikipedia.org" or "".</param>
		/// <param name="userName">User name to log in.</param>
		/// <param name="userPass">Password.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns Site object.</returns>
		public Site(string site, string userName, string userPass)
			this.site = site;
			this.userName = userName;
			this.userPass = userPass;
			xmlNS = new XmlNamespaceManager(xhtmlNameTable);
			xmlNS.AddNamespace("ns", xhtmlNSUri);
			//GetMediaWikiMessagesEx(false);		// Don't load messages needlessly

		/// <summary>This constructor uses default site, userName and password. The site URL and
		/// account data can be stored in "Defaults.dat" file in "Cache" subdirectory.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns Site object.</returns>
		public Site()
			if (File.Exists("Cache" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Defaults.dat") == true) {
				string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(
					"Cache" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Defaults.dat", Encoding.UTF8);
				if (lines.GetUpperBound(0) + 1 == 3) {
					this.site = lines[0];
					this.userName = lines[1];
					this.userPass = lines[2];
			xmlNS = new XmlNamespaceManager(xhtmlNameTable);
			xmlNS.AddNamespace("ns", xhtmlNSUri);
			//GetMediaWikiMessagesEx(false);		// Don't load messages needlessly

		/// <summary>Gets path to "index.php", short path to pages (if present), and then
		/// saves paths to file.</summary>
		public void GetPaths()
			if (!site.StartsWith("http"))
				site = "http://" + site;
			if (Bot.CountMatches(site, "/", false) == 3 && site.EndsWith("/"))
				site = site.Substring(0, site.Length - 1);
			string filePathName = "Cache" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(site.Replace("://", ".").Replace("/", ".")) + ".dat";
			if (File.Exists(filePathName) == true) {
				string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(filePathName, Encoding.UTF8);
				if (lines.GetUpperBound(0) + 1 == 5) {
					wikiPath = lines[0];
					indexPath = lines[1];
					xhtmlNSUri = lines[2];
					language = lines[3];
					langDirection = lines[4];
			Console.WriteLine("Logging in...");
			HttpWebRequest webReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(site);
			webReq.Proxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
			webReq.ContentType = Bot.webContentType;
			webReq.UserAgent = Bot.botVer;
			HttpWebResponse webResp;
			try {
				webResp = (HttpWebResponse)webReq.GetResponse();
			catch (WebException e) {
				if (e.Message.Contains(": (502) ") ||		// Bad Gateway
					e.Message.Contains(": (500) ")) {		// Internal Server Error
						Console.WriteLine(e.Message + " Retrying in 60 seconds.");
						webResp = (HttpWebResponse)webReq.GetResponse();
				else {
					Console.WriteLine("Can't access the site. " + e.Message + "\n");
			site = webResp.ResponseUri.Scheme + "://" + webResp.ResponseUri.Authority;
			Regex wikiPathRE = new Regex("(?i)" + Regex.Escape(site) + "(/.+?/).+");
			Regex indexPathRE1 = new Regex("(?i)" + Regex.Escape(site) + "(/.+?/)index\\.php\\?");
			Regex indexPathRE2 = new Regex("(?i)href=\"(/[^\"\\s<>?]*?)index\\.php\\?");
			Regex xhtmlOptions = new Regex(
				"(?i)<html xmlns=\"([^\"]+)\" xml:lang=\"([^\"]+)\" lang=\"([^\"]+)\" dir=\"([^\"]+)\">");
			/*Regex languageRE = new Regex("(?i)xml:lang=\"(.+?)\" lang=\"(.+?)\"");*/
			string mainPageUri = webResp.ResponseUri.ToString();
			if (mainPageUri.Contains("/index.php?"))
				indexPath = indexPathRE1.Match(mainPageUri).Groups[1].ToString();
				wikiPath = wikiPathRE.Match(mainPageUri).Groups[1].ToString();
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(indexPath) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(wikiPath) &&
				mainPageUri[mainPageUri.Length-1] != '/' &&
				Bot.CountMatches(mainPageUri, "/", false) == 3)
					wikiPath = "/";
			Uri testPage = new Uri(site +
				(string.IsNullOrEmpty(indexPath) ? wikiPath : indexPath + "index.php?title=") +
			string src = Bot.wc.DownloadString(testPage);
			indexPath = indexPathRE2.Match(src).Groups[1].ToString();
			xhtmlNSUri = xhtmlOptions.Match(src).Groups[1].ToString();
			language = xhtmlOptions.Match(src).Groups[2].ToString();
			langDirection = xhtmlOptions.Match(src).Groups[4].ToString();
			File.WriteAllText(filePathName, wikiPath + "\r\n" + indexPath + "\r\n" + xhtmlNSUri +
				"\r\n" + language + "\r\n" + langDirection, Encoding.UTF8);

		/// <summary>Gets all MediaWiki messages and dumps them to XML file. This function is
		/// obsolete, it won't work with current versions of MediaWiki software.</summary>
		/// <param name="forceLoad">If true, the messages are forced to be updated.</param>
		public void GetMediaWikiMessages(bool forceLoad)
			if (messages == null)
				messages = new PageList(this);
			string filePathName = "Cache" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(site.Replace("://", ".")) + ".xml";
			if (forceLoad == false && File.Exists(filePathName) &&
				(DateTime.Now - File.GetLastWriteTime(filePathName)).Days  <= 90) {
			Console.WriteLine("Updating MediaWiki messages dump. Please, wait...");
			PageList pl = new PageList(this);
			pl.FillFromAllPages("!", 8, false, 100000);
			Console.WriteLine("MediaWiki messages dump updated successfully.");

		/// <summary>Gets all MediaWiki messages from "Special:Allmessages" page and dumps
		/// them to HTM file.</summary>
		/// <param name="forceLoad">If true, the messages are forced to be updated.</param>
		public void GetMediaWikiMessagesEx(bool forceLoad)
			if (messages == null)
				messages = new PageList(this);
			string filePathName = "Cache" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(site.Replace("://", ".")) + ".messages.htm";
			if (forceLoad == true || !File.Exists(filePathName) ||
				(DateTime.Now - File.GetLastWriteTime(filePathName)).Days  > 90) {
				Console.WriteLine("Updating MediaWiki messages dump. Please, wait...");
				Uri res = new Uri(site + indexPath +
				File.WriteAllText(filePathName, Bot.wc.DownloadString(res), Encoding.UTF8);
				Console.WriteLine("MediaWiki messages dump updated successfully.");
			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
			doc.LoadXml(File.ReadAllText(filePathName, Encoding.UTF8));
			XmlNodeList nl1 = doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes(
				".//ns:table[@id = 'allmessagestable']/ns:tr[@class = 'def' or @class = 'orig']/" +
				"ns:td/ns:a/ns:span", xmlNS);
			XmlNodeList nl2 = doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes(
				".//ns:table[@id = 'allmessagestable']/ns:tr[@class = 'def' or @class = 'new']/" +
				"ns:td[last()]", xmlNS);
			if (nl1.Count == 0 || nl1.Count != nl2.Count)
				throw new WikiBotException("MediaWiki messages parsing failed...");
			for (int i = 0; i < nl1.Count; i++) {
				messages.Add(new Page(this, HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(nl1[i].InnerXml)));
				messages[messages.Count() - 1].text = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(nl2[i].InnerXml.Trim());

		/// <summary>Retrieves metadata and local namespace names from site.</summary>
		public void GetInfo()
			string src = GetPageHTM(site + indexPath + "index.php?title=Special:Export/" +
			XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(src));
			reader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None;
			name = reader.ReadString();
			generator = reader.ReadString();
			float.TryParse(Regex.Match(generator, @"\d+\.\d+").Value,
				new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"), out version);
			capitalization = reader.ReadString();
			while (reader.ReadToFollowing("namespace"))
				namespaces.Add(reader.GetAttribute("key"), HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(reader.ReadString()));
			wikiCategoryRE = new Regex(@"\[\[(?i)(((" + Regex.Escape(wikiNSpaces["14"].ToString()) +
				"|" + Regex.Escape(namespaces["14"].ToString()) + @"):(.+?))(\|(.+?))?)]]");
			wikiImageRE = new Regex(@"\[\[(?i)((" + Regex.Escape(wikiNSpaces["6"].ToString()) +
				"|" + Regex.Escape(namespaces["6"].ToString()) + @"):(.+?))(\|(.+?))*?]]");
			string namespacesStr = "";
			foreach (DictionaryEntry ns in namespaces)
				namespacesStr += Regex.Escape(ns.Value.ToString()) + "|";
			namespacesStr = namespacesStr.Replace("||", "|").Trim("|".ToCharArray());
			linkToPageRE3 = new Regex("<a href=\"[^\"]*?\" title=\"((" + namespacesStr +
				")?:?([^\"]+?))\">([^<]*?)</a>\\) ?.?<a ([^>]*?)>\\3</a>");
			string redirectTag = "REDIRECT";
			switch(language) {		// Revised 2008-04-14
				case "ar": redirectTag += "|تحويل"; break;
				case "be": redirectTag += "|перанакіраваньне"; break;
				case "bg": redirectTag += "|виж"; break;
				case "bs": redirectTag += "|preusmjeri"; break;
				case "cy": redirectTag += "|ail-cyfeirio"; break;
				case "et": redirectTag += "|suuna"; break;
				case "eu": redirectTag += "|bidali"; break;
				case "fi": redirectTag += "|uudelleenohjaus|ohjaus|OHJAUS"; break;
				case "ga": redirectTag += "|athsheoladh"; break;
				case "he": redirectTag += "|הפניה"; break;
				case "id": redirectTag += "|redirected|alih"; break;
				case "is": redirectTag += "|tilvísun"; break;
				case "ka": redirectTag += "|გადამისამართება"; break;
				case "nn": redirectTag += "|omdiriger"; break;
				case "ru": redirectTag += "|перенаправление|перенапр"; break;
				case "sk": redirectTag += "|presmeruj"; break;
				case "sr": redirectTag += "|преусмери|Преусмери"; break;
				case "tt": redirectTag += "|yünältü"; break;
				case "yi": redirectTag += "|ווייטערפירן"; break;
				default: redirectTag = "REDIRECT"; break;
			redirectRE = new Regex(@"(?i)^#(?:" + redirectTag + @")\s*\[\[(.+?)]]",
			Console.WriteLine("Site: " + name + " (" + generator + ")");
			Uri botQueryUri = new Uri(site + indexPath + "api.php?version");
			string respStr;
			try {
				respStr = Bot.wc.DownloadString(botQueryUri);
				if (respStr.Contains("<title>MediaWiki API</title>")) {
					botQuery = true;
					Regex botQueryVersionsRE = new Regex(@"(?i)<b><i>\$" +
						@"Id: (\S+) (\d+) (.+?) \$</i></b>");
					foreach (Match m in botQueryVersionsRE.Matches(respStr))
						botQueryVersions[m.Groups[1].ToString()] = m.Groups[2].ToString();
			catch (System.Net.WebException) {
				botQuery = false;
			if (botQuery == false || !botQueryVersions.ContainsKey("ApiQueryCategoryMembers.php")) {
				botQueryUri = new Uri(site + indexPath + "query.php");
				try {
					respStr = Bot.wc.DownloadString(botQueryUri);
					if (respStr.Contains("<title>MediaWiki Query Interface</title>")) {
						botQuery = true;
						botQueryVersions["query.php"] = "Unknown";
				catch (System.Net.WebException) {

		/// <summary>Loads default English namespace names for site.</summary>
		public void LoadDefaults()
			if (wikiNSpaces.Count != 0 && WMSites.Count != 0)

			string[] wikiNSNames = { "Media", "Special", "", "Talk", "User", "User talk", name,
				name + " talk", "Image", "Image talk", "MediaWiki", "MediaWiki talk", "Template",
				"Template talk", "Help", "Help talk", "Category", "Category talk" };
			for (int i=-2, j=0; i < 16; i++, j++)
				wikiNSpaces.Add(i.ToString(), wikiNSNames[j]);

			WMSites.Add("w", "wikipedia");					WMSites.Add("wikt", "wiktionary");
			WMSites.Add("b", "wikibooks");					WMSites.Add("n", "wikinews");
			WMSites.Add("q", "wikiquote");					WMSites.Add("s", "wikisource");
			foreach (DictionaryEntry s in WMSites)
				WMSitesStr += s.Key + "|" + s.Value + "|";

			mediaWikiVars = new string[] { "currentmonth", "currentmonthname", "currentmonthnamegen",
				"currentmonthabbrev", "currentday2", "currentdayname", "currentyear", "currenttime",
				"currenthour", "localmonth", "localmonthname", "localmonthnamegen", "localmonthabbrev",
				"localday", "localday2", "localdayname", "localyear", "localtime", "localhour",
				"numberofarticles", "numberoffiles", "sitename", "server", "servername", "scriptpath",
				"pagename", "pagenamee", "fullpagename", "fullpagenamee", "namespace", "namespacee",
				"currentweek", "currentdow", "localweek", "localdow", "revisionid", "revisionday",
				"revisionday2", "revisionmonth", "revisionyear", "revisiontimestamp", "subpagename",
				"subpagenamee", "talkspace", "talkspacee", "subjectspace", "dirmark", "directionmark",
				"subjectspacee", "talkpagename", "talkpagenamee", "subjectpagename", "subjectpagenamee",
				"numberofusers", "rawsuffix", "newsectionlink", "numberofpages", "currentversion",
				"basepagename", "basepagenamee", "urlencode", "currenttimestamp", "localtimestamp",
				"directionmark", "language", "contentlanguage", "pagesinnamespace", "numberofadmins",
				"currentday", "pagesinns:ns", "pagesinns:ns:r", "numberofarticles:r", "numberofpages:r",
				"numberoffiles:r", "numberofusers:r", "numberofadmins:r" };
			parserFunctions = new string[] { "ns:", "localurl:", "localurle:", "urlencode:",
				"anchorencode:", "fullurl:", "fullurle:",  "grammar:", "plural:", "lc:", "lcfirst:",
				"uc:", "ucfirst:", "formatnum:", "padleft:", "padright:", "#language:",
				"displaytitle:", "defaultsort:", "#if:", "#if:", "#switch:", "#ifexpr:" };
			templateModifiers = new string[] { ":", "int:", "msg:", "msgnw:", "raw:", "subst:" };
			iwikiLinksOrder1 = new string[] { "aa","af","ak","als","am","ang","ab","ar","an","arc",
				"cbk-zam","diq","zea","bat-smg","zh","zh-tw","zh-cn" };
			iwikiLinksOrder2 = new string[] { "aa","af","ak","als","am","ang","ab","ar","an","arc",
				"zh-tw","zh-cn" };

			botQueryLists.Add("allpages", "ap");			botQueryLists.Add("alllinks", "al");
			botQueryLists.Add("allusers", "au");			botQueryLists.Add("backlinks", "bl");
			botQueryLists.Add("categorymembers", "cm");		botQueryLists.Add("embeddedin", "ei");
			botQueryLists.Add("imageusage", "iu");			botQueryLists.Add("logevents", "le");
			botQueryLists.Add("recentchanges", "rc");		botQueryLists.Add("usercontribs", "uc");
			botQueryLists.Add("watchlist", "wl");			botQueryLists.Add("exturlusage", "eu");
			botQueryProps.Add("info", "in");				botQueryProps.Add("revisions", "rv");
			botQueryProps.Add("links", "pl");				botQueryProps.Add("langlinks", "ll");
			botQueryProps.Add("images", "im");				botQueryProps.Add("imageinfo", "ii");
			botQueryProps.Add("templates", "tl");			botQueryProps.Add("categories", "cl");
			botQueryProps.Add("extlinks", "el");

		/// <summary>Logs in and retrieves cookies.</summary>
		private void LogIn()
			HttpWebRequest webReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(site + indexPath +
			string postData = string.Format("wpName={0}&wpPassword={1}&wpRemember=1" +
				"&wpLoginattempt=Log+in", userName, userPass);
			webReq.Method = "POST";
			webReq.ContentType = Bot.webContentType;
			webReq.UserAgent = Bot.botVer;
			webReq.Proxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
			webReq.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
			webReq.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
			byte[] postBytes = encoding.GetBytes(postData);
			webReq.ContentLength = postBytes.Length;
			Stream reqStrm = webReq.GetRequestStream();
			reqStrm.Write(postBytes, 0, postBytes.Length);
			HttpWebResponse webResp;
			try {
				webResp = (HttpWebResponse)webReq.GetResponse();
			catch (WebException e) {
				if (e.Message.Contains(": (502) ") ||		// Bad Gateway
					e.Message.Contains(": (500) ")) {		// Internal Server Error
						Console.WriteLine(e.Message + " Retrying in 60 seconds.");
						webResp = (HttpWebResponse)webReq.GetResponse();
				else {
					Console.WriteLine("Login failed. " + e.Message + "\n");
			foreach (Cookie cookie in webResp.Cookies)
			StreamReader strmReader = new StreamReader(webResp.GetResponseStream());
			string respStr = strmReader.ReadToEnd();
			if (respStr.Contains("<div class=\"errorbox\">"))
				throw new WikiBotException("\n\nLogin failed. Check your username and password.\n");
			Console.WriteLine("Logged in as " + userName + ".");

		/// <summary>Gets the list of Wikimedia Foundation wiki sites and ISO 639-1:2002
		/// language codes, used as prefixes.</summary>
		public void GetWikimediaWikisList()
			Uri wikimediaMeta = new Uri("http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:SiteMatrix");
			string respStr = Bot.wc.DownloadString(wikimediaMeta);
			Regex langCodeRE = new Regex("<a id=\"([^\"]+?)\"");
			Regex siteCodeRE = new Regex("<li><a href=\"[^\"]+?\">([^\\s]+?)<");
			MatchCollection langMatches = langCodeRE.Matches(respStr);
			MatchCollection siteMatches = siteCodeRE.Matches(respStr);
			foreach(Match m in langMatches)
				WMLangsStr += Regex.Escape(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(m.Groups[1].ToString())) + "|";
			WMLangsStr = WMLangsStr.Remove(WMLangsStr.Length - 1);
			foreach(Match m in siteMatches)
				WMSitesStr += Regex.Escape(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(m.Groups[1].ToString())) + "|";
			WMSitesStr += "m";
			iwikiLinkRE = new Regex(@"(?i)\[\[((" + WMLangsStr + "):(.+?))]]\r?\n?");
			iwikiDispLinkRE = new Regex(@"(?i)\[\[:((" + WMLangsStr + "):(.+?))]]");
			sisterWikiLinkRE = new Regex(@"(?i)\[\[((" + WMSitesStr + "):(.+?))]]");

		/// <summary>This internal function gets the hypertext markup (HTM) of wiki-page.</summary>
		/// <param name="pageURL">Absolute or relative URL of � page to get.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns HTM source code.</returns>
		public string GetPageHTM(string pageURL)
			return PostDataAndGetResultHTM(pageURL, "");

		/// <summary>This internal function posts specified string to request and gets
		/// the result hypertext markup (HTM).</summary>
		/// <param name="pageURL">Absolute or relative URL of page to get.</param>
		/// <param name="postData">String to post to site with web request.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns HTM source code.</returns>
		public string PostDataAndGetResultHTM(string pageURL, string postData)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageURL))
				throw new WikiBotException("No URL specified.");
			if (!pageURL.StartsWith(site))
				pageURL = site + pageURL;
			HttpWebRequest webReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(pageURL);
			webReq.Proxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
			webReq.ContentType = Bot.webContentType;
			webReq.UserAgent = Bot.botVer;
			webReq.CookieContainer = cookies;
			webReq.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.AcceptEncoding, "gzip,deflate");
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(postData)) {
				webReq.Method = "POST";
				//webReq.Timeout = 180000;
				byte[] postBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData);
				webReq.ContentLength = postBytes.Length;
				Stream reqStrm = webReq.GetRequestStream();
				reqStrm.Write(postBytes, 0, postBytes.Length);
			HttpWebResponse webResp;
			try {
				webResp = (HttpWebResponse)webReq.GetResponse();
			catch (WebException e) {
				if (e.Message.Contains(": (502) ") ||		// Bad Gateway
					e.Message.Contains(": (500) ")) {		// Internal Server Error
						Console.WriteLine(e.Message + " Retrying in 60 seconds.");
						webResp = (HttpWebResponse)webReq.GetResponse();
			Stream respStream = webResp.GetResponseStream();
			if (webResp.ContentEncoding.ToLower().Contains("gzip"))
				respStream = new GZipStream(respStream, CompressionMode.Decompress);
			else if (webResp.ContentEncoding.ToLower().Contains("deflate"))
				respStream = new DeflateStream(respStream, CompressionMode.Decompress);
			StreamReader strmReader = new StreamReader(respStream, encoding);
			string respStr = strmReader.ReadToEnd();
			return respStr;

		/// <summary>This internal function removes the namespace prefix from page title.</summary>
		/// <param name="pageTitle">Page title to remove prefix from.</param>
		/// <param name="nsIndex">Index of namespace to remove. If this parameter is 0,
		/// any found namespace prefix will be removed.</param>
		/// <returns>Page title without prefix.</returns>
		public string RemoveNSPrefix(string pageTitle, int nsIndex)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageTitle))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("pageTitle");
			if (nsIndex != 0) {
				if (wikiNSpaces[nsIndex.ToString()] != null)
					pageTitle = Regex.Replace(pageTitle, "(?i)^" +
						Regex.Escape(wikiNSpaces[nsIndex.ToString()].ToString()) + ":", "");
				if (namespaces[nsIndex.ToString()] != null)
					pageTitle = Regex.Replace(pageTitle, "(?i)^" +
						Regex.Escape(namespaces[nsIndex.ToString()].ToString()) + ":", "");
				return pageTitle;
			foreach (DictionaryEntry ns in wikiNSpaces) {
				if (ns.Value == null)
				pageTitle = Regex.Replace(pageTitle, "(?i)^" +
					Regex.Escape(ns.Value.ToString()) + ":", "");
			foreach (DictionaryEntry ns in namespaces) {
				if (ns.Value == null)
				pageTitle = Regex.Replace(pageTitle, "(?i)^" +
					Regex.Escape(ns.Value.ToString()) + ":", "");
			return pageTitle;

		/// <summary>Function changes default English namespace prefixes to correct local prefixes
		/// (e.g. for German wiki-sites it changes "Category:..." to "Kategorie:...").</summary>
		/// <param name="pageTitle">Page title to correct prefix in.</param>
		/// <returns>Page title with corrected prefix.</returns>
		public string CorrectNSPrefix(string pageTitle)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageTitle))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("pageTitle");
			foreach (DictionaryEntry ns in wikiNSpaces) {
				if (ns.Value == null)
				if (Regex.IsMatch(pageTitle, "(?i)" + Regex.Escape(ns.Value.ToString()) + ":"))
					pageTitle = namespaces[ns.Key] + pageTitle.Substring(pageTitle.IndexOf(":"));
			return pageTitle;

		/// <summary>Shows names and integer keys of local and default namespaces.</summary>
		public void ShowNamespaces()
			foreach (DictionaryEntry ns in namespaces) {
				Console.WriteLine(ns.Key.ToString() + "\t" + ns.Value.ToString().PadRight(20) +
					"\t" + wikiNSpaces[ns.Key.ToString()]);

	/// <summary>Class defines wiki page object.</summary>
	public class Page
		/// <summary>Page title.</summary>
		public string title;
		/// <summary>Page text.</summary>
		public string text;
		/// <summary>Page ID in internal MediaWiki database.</summary>
		public string pageID;
		/// <summary>Username or IP-address of last page contributor.</summary>
		public string lastUser;
		/// <summary>Last contributor ID in internal MediaWiki database.</summary>
		public string lastUserID;
		/// <summary>Page revision ID in the internal MediaWiki database.</summary>
		public string lastRevisionID;
		/// <summary>True, if last edit was minor edit.</summary>
		public bool lastMinorEdit;
		/// <summary>Amount of bytes, modified during last edit.</summary>
		public int lastBytesModified;
		/// <summary>Last edit comment.</summary>
		public string comment;
		/// <summary>Date and time of last edit expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).</summary>
		public DateTime timestamp;
		/// <summary>True, if this page is in bot account's watchlist. Call GetEditSessionData
		/// function to get the actual state of this property.</summary>
		public bool watched;
		/// <summary>This edit session time attribute is used to edit pages.</summary>
		public string editSessionTime;
		/// <summary>This edit session token attribute is used to edit pages.</summary>
		public string editSessionToken;
		/// <summary>Site, on which the page is.</summary>
		public Site site;

		/// <summary>This constructor creates Page object with specified title and specified Site object.
		/// This is preferable constructor. When constructed, new Page object doesn't contain text.
		/// Use Load() method to get text from live wiki. Or use LoadEx() to get both text and metadata
		/// via XML export interface.</summary>
		/// <param name="site">Site object, it must be constructed beforehand.</param>
		/// <param name="title">Page title as string.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns Page object.</returns>
		public Page(Site site, string title)
			this.title = title;
			this.site = site;

		/// <summary>This constructor creates empty Page object with specified Site object, but without
		/// title. Avoid using this constructor needlessly.</summary>
		/// <param name="site">Site object, it must be constructed beforehand.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns Page object.</returns>
		public Page(Site site)
			this.site = site;

		/// <summary>This constructor creates Page object with specified title. Site object with default
		/// properties is created internally and logged in. Constructing new Site object is too slow, don't
		/// use this constructor needlessly.</summary>
		/// <param name="title">Page title as string.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns Page object.</returns>
		public Page(string title)
			this.site = new Site();
			this.title = title;

		/// <summary>This constructor creates empty Page object without title. Site object with default
		/// properties is created internally and logged in. Constructing new Site object is too slow, avoid
		/// using this constructor needlessly.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns Page object.</returns>
		public Page()
			this.site = new Site();

		public void Load(){Load(false);}
		public void Load(bool silent){Load(silent,"");}
		public void Load(string queryString){Load(false,queryString);}
		/// <summary>Loads actual page text for live wiki site via raw web interface.
		/// If Page.lastRevisionID is specified, the function gets that specified revision.</summary>
		public void Load(bool silent,string queryString){
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
				throw new WikiBotException("No title specified for page to load.");
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath + "index.php?title=" +
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title) + queryString +
				(string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastRevisionID) ? "" : "&oldid=" + lastRevisionID) +
			try {
				text = Bot.wc.DownloadString(res);
			catch (WebException e) {
				if (e.Message.Contains(": (404) ")) {		// Not Found
					Console.WriteLine("Page \"" + title + "\" doesn't exist.");
					text = "";
				else if (e.Message.Contains(": (502) ") ||		// Bad Gateway
					e.Message.Contains(": (500) ")) {		// Internal Server Error
						Console.WriteLine(e.Message + " Retrying in 60 seconds.");
						text = Bot.wc.DownloadString(res);
				Console.WriteLine("Page \"" + title + "\" loaded successfully.");

		/// <summary>Loads page text and metadata via XML export interface. It is slower,
		/// than Load(), don't use it if you don't need page metadata (page id, timestamp,
		/// comment, last contributor, minor edit mark).</summary>
		public void LoadEx()
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
				throw new WikiBotException("No title specified for page to load.");
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath + "index.php/Special:Export/" +
			string src = "";
			try {
				src = Bot.wc.DownloadString(res);
			catch (WebException e) {
				if (e.Message.Contains(": (502) ") ||		// Bad Gateway
					e.Message.Contains(": (500) ")) {		// Internal Server Error
						Console.WriteLine(e.Message + " Retrying in 60 seconds.");
						src = Bot.wc.DownloadString(res);

		/// <summary>This internal function parses XML export source
		/// to get page text and metadata.</summary>
		/// <param name="xmlSrc">XML export source code.</param>
		public void ParsePageXML(string xmlSrc)
			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
			if (doc.GetElementsByTagName("page").Count == 0) {
				Console.WriteLine("Page \"" + title + "\" doesn't exist.");
			text = doc.GetElementsByTagName("text")[0].InnerText;
			pageID = doc.GetElementsByTagName("id")[0].InnerText;
			if (doc.GetElementsByTagName("username").Count != 0) {
				lastUser = doc.GetElementsByTagName("username")[0].InnerText;
				lastUserID = doc.GetElementsByTagName("id")[2].InnerText;
				lastUser = doc.GetElementsByTagName("ip")[0].InnerText;
			lastRevisionID = doc.GetElementsByTagName("id")[1].InnerText;
			if (doc.GetElementsByTagName("comment").Count != 0)
				comment = doc.GetElementsByTagName("comment")[0].InnerText;
			timestamp = DateTime.Parse(doc.GetElementsByTagName("timestamp")[0].InnerText);
			timestamp = timestamp.ToUniversalTime();
			lastMinorEdit = (doc.GetElementsByTagName("minor").Count != 0) ? true : false;
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
				title = doc.GetElementsByTagName("title")[0].InnerText;
				Console.WriteLine("Page \"" + title + "\" loaded successfully.");

		/// <summary>Loads page text from the specified UTF8-encoded file.</summary>
		/// <param name="filePathName">Path and name of the file.</param>
		public void LoadFromFile(string filePathName)
			StreamReader strmReader = new StreamReader(filePathName);
			text = strmReader.ReadToEnd();
			Console.WriteLine("Text for page \"" + title + "\" successfully loaded from \"" +
				filePathName + "\" file.");

		/// <summary>This function is used internally to gain rights to edit page on a live wiki
		/// site, using retrieved login cookies.</summary>
		public void GetEditSessionData()
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
				throw new WikiBotException("No title specified for page to get edit session data.");
			string src = site.GetPageHTM(site.indexPath + "index.php?title=" +
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title) + "&action=edit");
			editSessionTime = site.editSessionTimeRE.Match(src).Groups[1].ToString();
			editSessionToken = site.editSessionTokenRE1.Match(src).Groups[1].ToString();
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(editSessionToken))
				editSessionToken = site.editSessionTokenRE2.Match(src).Groups[1].ToString();
			watched = Regex.IsMatch(src, "<a href=\"[^\"]+&(amp;)?action=unwatch\"");

		/// <summary>Saves current contents of page.text on live wiki site. Uses default bot
		/// edit comment and default minor edit mark setting ("true" in most cases)/</summary>
		public void Save()
			Save(text, Bot.editComment, Bot.isMinorEdit);

		/// <summary>Saves specified text in page on live wiki. Uses default bot
		/// edit comment and default minor edit mark setting ("true" in most cases).</summary>
		/// <param name="newText">New text for this page.</param>
		public void Save(string newText)
			Save(newText, Bot.editComment, Bot.isMinorEdit);

		/// <summary>Saves current page.text contents on live wiki site.</summary>
		/// <param name="comment">Your edit comment.</param>
		/// <param name="isMinorEdit">Minor edit mark (true = minor edit).</param>
		public void Save(string comment, bool isMinorEdit)
			Save(text, comment, isMinorEdit);

		/// <summary>Saves specified text in page on live wiki.</summary>
		/// <param name="newText">New text for this page.</param>
		/// <param name="comment">Your edit comment.</param>
		/// <param name="isMinorEdit">Minor edit mark (true = minor edit).</param>
		public void Save(string newText, string comment, bool isMinorEdit)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
				throw new WikiBotException("No title specified for page to save text to.");
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newText) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
				throw new WikiBotException("No text specified for page to save.");
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(editSessionTime) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(editSessionToken))
				throw new WikiBotException("Insufficient rights to edit page \"" + title + "\".");
			string postData = string.Format("wpSection=&wpStarttime={0}&wpEdittime={1}&wpScrolltop=" +
				watched ? "&wpWatchthis=1" : "",
				isMinorEdit ? "&wpMinoredit=1" : "");
			if (Bot.askConfirm) {
				Console.Write("\n\nThe following text is going to be saved on page \"" +
					title + "\":\n\n" + text + "\n\n");
			string respStr = site.PostDataAndGetResultHTM(site.indexPath + "index.php?title=" +
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title) + "&action=submit", postData);
			if (respStr.Contains("id='wpTextbox2' name=\"wpTextbox2\""))
				throw new WikiBotException("Edit conflict occurred when saving page \"" + title + "\".");
			if (respStr.Contains("input name=\"wpCaptchaWord\" id=\"wpCaptchaWord\""))
				throw new WikiBotException("Error occurred when saving page \"" + title + "\": " +
					"Bot operation is not allowed for this account at \"" + site.site + "\" site.");
			if (site.editSessionTokenRE1.IsMatch(respStr)) {
				Save(newText, comment, isMinorEdit);
			else {
				Console.WriteLine("Page \"" + title + "\" saved successfully.");
				text = newText;

		/// <summary>Undoes the last edit, so page text reverts to previous contents.
		/// The function doesn't affect other operations like renaming.</summary>
		/// <param name="comment">Revert comment.</param>
		/// <param name="isMinorEdit">Minor edit mark (pass true for minor edit).</param>
		public void Revert(string comment, bool isMinorEdit)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
				throw new WikiBotException("No title specified for page to revert.");
			PageList pl = new PageList(site);
			pl.FillFromPageHistory(title, 2);
			if (pl.Count() != 2) {
				Console.WriteLine("Can't revert page \"" + title + "\".");
			Save(pl[1].text, comment, isMinorEdit);
			Console.WriteLine("Page \"" + title + "\" was reverted.");

		/// <summary>Undoes all last edits of last page contributor, so page text reverts to
		///  previous contents. The function doesn't affect other operations
		/// like renaming or protecting.</summary>
		/// <param name="comment">Revert comment.</param>
		/// <param name="isMinorEdit">Minor edit mark (pass true for minor edit).</param>
		public void UndoLastEdits(string comment, bool isMinorEdit)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
				throw new WikiBotException("No title specified for page to revert.");
			PageList pl = new PageList(site);
			string lastEditor = "";
			for (int i = 50; i <= 5000; i *= 10) {
				pl.FillFromPageHistory(title, i);
				lastEditor = pl[0].lastUser;
				foreach (Page p in pl)
					if (p.lastUser != lastEditor) {
						Save(p.text, comment, isMinorEdit);
						Console.WriteLine("Last edits of page \"{0}\" by user {1} were undone.",
							title, lastEditor);
			Console.WriteLine("Can't undo last edits of page \"{0}\" by user {1}.",
				title, lastEditor);

		/// <summary>Protects or unprotects the page, so only chosen category of users can edit or
		/// rename it. Changing page protection modes requires administrator (sysop) rights.</summary>
		/// <param name="editMode">Protection mode for editing this page (0 = everyone allowed to edit,
		/// 1 = only registered users are allowed, 2 = only administrators are allowed to edit).</param>
		/// <param name="renameMode">Protection mode for renaming this page (0 = everyone allowed to
		/// rename, 1 = only registered users are allowed, 2 = only administrators are allowed).</param>
		/// <param name="cascadeMode">In cascading mode, all the pages, included into this page
		/// (e.g., templates or images) are also fully automatically protected.</param>
		/// <param name="expiryDate">Date ant time, expressed in UTC, when the protection expires
		/// and page becomes fully unprotected. Use DateTime.ToUniversalTime() method to convert local
		/// time to UTC, if necessary. Pass DateTime.MinValue to make protection indefinite.</param>
		/// <param name="reason">Reason for protecting this page.</param>
		public void Protect(int editMode, int renameMode, bool cascadeMode,
			DateTime expiryDate, string reason)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
				throw new WikiBotException("No title specified for page to protect.");
			string errorMsg = "Only values 0, 1 and 2 are accepted. Please, consult documentation.";
			if (editMode > 2 || editMode < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("editMode", errorMsg);
			if (renameMode > 2 || renameMode < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("renameMode", errorMsg);
			if (expiryDate != DateTime.MinValue	&& expiryDate < DateTime.Now)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("expiryDate", "Protection expiry date " +
					"must be hereafter.");
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath +
				"index.php?title=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title) + "&action=protect");
			string src = site.GetPageHTM(res.ToString());
			editSessionToken = "";
			editSessionTime = site.editSessionTimeRE.Match(src).Groups[1].ToString();
			editSessionToken = site.editSessionTokenRE1.Match(src).Groups[1].ToString();
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(editSessionToken))
				editSessionToken = site.editSessionTokenRE2.Match(src).Groups[1].ToString();
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(editSessionToken)) {
				Console.WriteLine("Unable to change protection mode for page \"" + title + "\".");
			/*string postData = string.Format("mwProtect-level-edit={0}&mwProtect-level-move={1}" +
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(editMode == 2 ? "sysop" : editMode == 1 ? "autoconfirmed" : ""),
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(renameMode == 2 ? "sysop" : renameMode == 1 ? "autoconfirmed" : ""),
				expiryDate == DateTime.MinValue ? "" : expiryDate.ToString("u"),
				cascadeMode == true ? "&mwProtect-cascade=1" : "");*/
			/*string respStr = site.PostDataAndGetResultHTM(site.indexPath +
				"index.php?title=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title) + "&action=protect", postData);*/
			Console.WriteLine("Protection mode for page \"" + title + "\" changed successfully.");

		/// <summary>Adds page to bot account's watchlist.</summary>
		public void Watch()
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
				throw new WikiBotException("No title specified for page to watch.");
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath +
				"index.php?title=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title) + "&action=watch");
			watched = true;
			Console.WriteLine("Page \"" + title + "\" added to watchlist.");

		/// <summary>Removes page from bot account's watchlist.</summary>
		public void Unwatch()
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
				throw new WikiBotException("No title specified for page to unwatch.");
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath +
				"index.php?title=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title) + "&action=unwatch");
			watched = false;
			Console.WriteLine("Page \"" + title + "\" removed from watchlist.");

		/// <summary>Uploads local image to wiki site. Uploaded image title will be the
		/// the same as the title of this page, not the title of source file.</summary>
		/// <param name="filePathName">Path and name of image file.</param>
		/// <param name="description">Image description.</param>
		/// <param name="license">Image license type (may be template title). Used only in
		/// some wiki sites. Pass empty string, if the wiki site doesn't require it.</param>
		/// <param name="copyStatus">Image copy status. Used only on some wiki sites. Pass
		/// empty string, if the wiki site doesn't require it.</param>
		/// <param name="source">Image source. Used only on some wiki sites. Pass
		/// empty string, if the wiki site doesn't require it.</param>
		public void UploadImage(string filePathName, string description,
			string license, string copyStatus, string source)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
				throw new WikiBotException("No title specified for image to upload.");
			if (!File.Exists(filePathName))
				throw new WikiBotException("Image file \"" + filePathName + "\" doesn't exist.");
			if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePathName).Length < 3)
				throw new WikiBotException("Name of file \"" + filePathName + "\" must contain " +
					"at least 3 characters (excluding extension) for successful upload.");
			Console.WriteLine("Uploading image \"" + title + "\"...");
			/*string fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePathName).Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() +
			string targetName = site.RemoveNSPrefix(title, 6);
			targetName = targetName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + targetName.Substring(1);
			HttpWebRequest webReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(site.site +
				site.indexPath + "index.php?title=" + site.namespaces["-1"].ToString() + ":Upload");
			webReq.Proxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
			webReq.Method = "POST";
			string boundary = "----------" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString("x");
			webReq.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary;
			webReq.UserAgent = Bot.botVer;
			webReq.CookieContainer = site.cookies;
			webReq.CachePolicy = new System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCachePolicy(
			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
			string ph = "--" + boundary + "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"";
			sb.Append(ph + "wpIgnoreWarning\"\r\n\r\n1\r\n");
			sb.Append(ph + "wpDestFile\"\r\n\r\n" + targetName + "\r\n");
			sb.Append(ph + "wpUploadAffirm\"\r\n\r\n1\r\n");
			sb.Append(ph + "wpWatchthis\"\r\n\r\n0\r\n");
			sb.Append(ph + "wpUploadCopyStatus\"\r\n\r\n" + copyStatus + "\r\n");
			sb.Append(ph + "wpUploadSource\"\r\n\r\n" + source + "\r\n");
			sb.Append(ph + "wpUpload\"\r\n\r\n" + "upload bestand" + "\r\n");
			sb.Append(ph + "wpLicense\"\r\n\r\n" + license + "\r\n");
			sb.Append(ph + "wpUploadDescription\"\r\n\r\n" + description + "\r\n");
			sb.Append(ph + "wpUploadFile\"; filename=\"" +
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Path.GetFileName(filePathName)) + "\"\r\n" +
				"Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n");
			byte[] postHeaderBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString());
			byte[] fileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(filePathName);
			byte[] boundaryBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("\r\n--" + boundary + "\r\n");
			webReq.ContentLength = postHeaderBytes.Length + fileBytes.Length + boundaryBytes.Length;
			Stream reqStream = webReq.GetRequestStream();
			reqStream.Write(postHeaderBytes, 0, postHeaderBytes.Length);
			reqStream.Write(fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.Length);
			reqStream.Write(boundaryBytes, 0, boundaryBytes.Length);
			WebResponse webResp = webReq.GetResponse();
			StreamReader strmReader = new StreamReader(webResp.GetResponseStream());
			string respStr = strmReader.ReadToEnd();
			if (site.messages == null || !site.messages.Contains("uploadcorrupt"))
			if (!respStr.Contains(targetName) || respStr.Contains(site.messages["uploadcorrupt"].text))
				throw new WikiBotException("Error occurred when uploading image \"" + title + "\".");
			else {
				title = site.namespaces["6"] + ":" + targetName;
				text = description;
				Console.WriteLine("Image \"" + title + "\" uploaded successfully.");

		/// <summary>Uploads web image to wiki site.</summary>
		/// <param name="imageFileUrl">Full URL of image file on the web.</param>
		/// <param name="description">Image description.</param>
		/// <param name="license">Image license type. Used only in some wiki sites. Pass
		/// empty string, if the wiki site doesn't require it.</param>
		/// <param name="copyStatus">Image copy status. Used only in some wiki sites. Pass
		/// empty string, if the wiki site doesn't require it.</param>
		public void UploadImageFromWeb(string imageFileUrl, string description,
			string license, string copyStatus)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageFileUrl))
				throw new WikiBotException("No URL specified of image to upload.");
			Uri res = new Uri(imageFileUrl);
			string imageFileName = imageFileUrl.Substring(imageFileUrl.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
			try {
				Bot.wc.DownloadFile(res, "Cache" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + imageFileName);
			catch (System.Net.WebException) {
				throw new WikiBotException("Can't access image \"" + imageFileUrl + "\".");
			if (!File.Exists("Cache" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + imageFileName))
				throw new WikiBotException("Error occurred when downloading image \"" +
					imageFileUrl + "\".");
			UploadImage("Cache" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + imageFileName,
				description, license, copyStatus, imageFileUrl);
			File.Delete("Cache" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + imageFileName);

		/// <summary>Downloads image, pointed by this page title, from wiki site.</summary>
		/// <param name="filePathName">Path and name of local file to save image to.</param>
		public void DownloadImage(string filePathName)
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath + "index.php?title=" +
			string src = "";
			try {
				src = Bot.wc.DownloadString(res);
			catch (System.Net.WebException) {
				Console.WriteLine("Page \"" + title + "\" doesn't exist.");
			Regex imageLinkRE = new Regex("(?:<a href=\"(?'1'[^\"]+?)\" class=\"internal\"|" +
				"<div class=\"fullImageLink\" id=\"file\"><a href=\"(?'1'[^\"]+?)\")");
			if (imageLinkRE.IsMatch(src) == false)
				throw new WikiBotException("Image \"" + title + "\" doesn't exist.");
			Console.WriteLine("Downloading image \"" + title + "\"...");
			Bot.wc.DownloadFile(imageLinkRE.Match(src).Groups[1].ToString(), filePathName);
			Console.WriteLine("Image \"" + title + "\" downloaded successfully.");
		/// <summary>This is the interface for XML import. Not implemented yet.</summary>
		public void SaveEx()
			SaveEx(text, Bot.editComment, Bot.isMinorEdit);

		/// <summary>This is the interface for XML import. Not implemented yet.</summary>
		public void SaveEx(string newText)
			SaveEx(newText, Bot.editComment, Bot.isMinorEdit);

		/// <summary>This is the interface for XML import. Not implemented yet.</summary>
		public void SaveEx(string comment, bool isMinorEdit)
			SaveEx(text, comment, isMinorEdit);

		/// <summary>This is the interface for XML import. Not implemented yet.</summary>
		public void SaveEx(string newText, string comment, bool isMinorEdit) {}

		/// <summary>Saves page text to the specified file. If the target file already exists,
		/// it is overwritten.</summary>
		/// <param name="filePathName">Path and name of the file.</param>
		public void SaveToFile(string filePathName)
			if (IsEmpty()) {
				Console.WriteLine("Page \"" + title + "\" contains no text to save.");
			File.WriteAllText(filePathName, text, Encoding.UTF8);
			Console.WriteLine("Text of \"" + title + "\" page successfully saved in \"" +
				filePathName + "\" file.");

		/// <summary>Saves page text to the ".txt" file in current directory.
		/// Use Directory.SetCurrentDirectory function to change the current directory (but don't
		/// forget to change it back after saving file). The name of the file is constructed
		/// from the title of the article. Forbidden characters in filenames are replaced
		/// with their Unicode numeric codes (also known as numeric character references
		/// or NCRs).</summary>
		public void SaveToFile()
			string fileTitle = title;
			fileTitle = fileTitle.Replace("\"", """);
			fileTitle = fileTitle.Replace("<", "<");
			fileTitle = fileTitle.Replace(">", ">");
			fileTitle = fileTitle.Replace("?", "?");
			fileTitle = fileTitle.Replace(":", ":");
			fileTitle = fileTitle.Replace("\\", "\");
			fileTitle = fileTitle.Replace("/", "/");
			fileTitle = fileTitle.Replace("*", "*");
			fileTitle = fileTitle.Replace("|", "|");
			SaveToFile(fileTitle + ".txt");

		/// <summary>Returns true, if page.text field is empty. Don't forget to call
		/// page.Load() before using this function.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns bool value.</returns>
		public bool IsEmpty()
			return string.IsNullOrEmpty(text);

		/// <summary>Returns true, if page.text field is not empty. Don't forget to call
		/// Load or before using this function.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns bool value.</returns>
		public bool Exists()
			return (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) == true) ? false : true;

		/// <summary>Returns true, if page redirects to another page. Don't forget to load
		/// actual page contents from live wiki "Page.Load()" before using this function.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns bool value.</returns>
		public bool IsRedirect()
			if (!Exists())
				return false;
			return site.redirectRE.IsMatch(text);

		/// <summary>Returns redirection target. Don't forget to load
		/// actual page contents from live wiki "Page.Load()" before using this function.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns redirection target page title as string. Or empty string, if this
		/// Page object does not redirect anywhere.</returns>
		public string RedirectsTo()
			if (IsRedirect())
				return site.redirectRE.Match(text).Groups[1].ToString();
				return string.Empty;

		/// <summary>If this page is a redirection, this function loads the title and text
		/// of redirected-to page into this Page object.</summary>
		public void ResolveRedirect()
			if (IsRedirect()) {
				title = RedirectsTo();

		/// <summary>Returns true, if this page is a disambiguation page. Don't forget to load
		/// actual page contents from live wiki  before using this function. Local redirect
		/// templates of Wikimedia sites are also recognized, but if this extended functionality
		/// is undesirable, then just set appropriate disambiguation template's title in
		/// "disambigStr" variable of Site object. Use "|" as a delimiter when enumerating
		/// several templates in "disambigStr" variable.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns bool value.</returns>
		public bool IsDisambig()
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(site.disambigStr))
				return Regex.IsMatch(text, @"(?i)\{\{(" + site.disambigStr + ")}}");
			Console.WriteLine("Initializing disambiguation template tags.");
			site.disambigStr = "disambiguation|disambig|dab";
			Uri res = new Uri("http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Template:Disambig/doc" +
			string buffer = text;
			text = Bot.wc.DownloadString(res);
			string[] iw = GetInterWikiLinks();
			foreach (string s in iw)
				if (s.StartsWith(site.language + ":")) {
					site.disambigStr += "|" + s.Substring(s.LastIndexOf(":") + 1,
						s.Length - s.LastIndexOf(":") - 1);
			text = buffer;
			return Regex.IsMatch(text, @"(?i)\{\{(" + site.disambigStr + ")}}");

		/// <summary>This internal function removes the namespace prefix from page title.</summary>
		public void RemoveNSPrefix()
			title = site.RemoveNSPrefix(title, 0);

		/// <summary>Function changes default English namespace prefixes to correct local prefixes
		/// (e.g. for German wiki-sites it changes "Category:..." to "Kategorie:...").</summary>
		public void CorrectNSPrefix()
			title = site.CorrectNSPrefix(title);

		/// <summary>Returns the array of strings, containing all wikilinks ([[...]])
		/// found in page text, excluding links in image descriptions, but including
		/// interwiki links, links to sister projects, categories, images, etc.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns raw links in strings array.</returns>
		public string[] GetAllLinks()
			MatchCollection matches = site.wikiLinkRE.Matches(text);
			string[] matchStrings = new string[matches.Count];
			for(int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)
				matchStrings[i] = matches[i].Groups[1].Value;
			return matchStrings;

		/// <summary>Finds all internal wikilinks in page text, excluding interwiki
		/// links, links to sister projects, categories, embedded images and links in
		/// image descriptions.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns the PageList object, where page titles are the wikilinks,
		/// found in text.</returns>
		public PageList GetLinks()
			MatchCollection matches = site.wikiLinkRE.Matches(text);
			StringCollection exclLinks = new StringCollection();
			StringCollection inclLinks = new StringCollection();
			string str;
			for(int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)
				if (exclLinks.Contains(matches[i].Groups[1].Value) == false &&
					exclLinks.Contains(matches[i].Groups[1].Value.TrimStart(':')) == false) {
					str = matches[i].Groups[1].Value;
					if (str.IndexOf("#") != -1)
						str = str.Substring(0, str.IndexOf("#"));
					inclLinks.Add(str); }
			PageList pl = new PageList(site, inclLinks);
			pl.RemoveNamespaces(new int[] {6,14});
			foreach (Page p in pl.pages)
				p.title = p.title.TrimStart(':');
			return pl;

		/// <summary>Returns the array of strings, containing external links,
		/// found in page text.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns the string[] array.</returns>
		public string[] GetExternalLinks()
			MatchCollection matches = site.webLinkRE.Matches(text);
			string[] matchStrings = new string[matches.Count];
			for(int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)
				matchStrings[i] = matches[i].Value;
			return matchStrings;

		/// <summary>Returns the array of strings, containing interwiki links,
		/// found in page text. But no displayed links are returned,
		/// like [[:de:Stern]] - these are returned by GetSisterWikiLinks(true)
		/// function. Interwiki links are returned without square brackets.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns the string[] array.</returns>
		public string[] GetInterWikiLinks()
			return GetInterWikiLinks(false);

		/// <summary>Returns the array of strings, containing interwiki links,
		/// found in page text. But no displayed links are returned,
		/// like [[:de:Stern]] - these are returned by GetSisterWikiLinks(true)
		/// function.</summary>
		/// <param name="inSquareBrackets">Pass "true" to get interwiki links
		///in square brackets, for example "[[de:Stern]]", otherwise the result
		/// will be like "de:Stern", without brackets.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns the string[] array.</returns>
		public string[] GetInterWikiLinks(bool inSquareBrackets)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Site.WMLangsStr))
			MatchCollection matches = site.iwikiLinkRE.Matches(text);
			string[] matchStrings = new string[matches.Count];
			for(int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++) {
				matchStrings[i] = matches[i].Groups[1].Value;
				if (inSquareBrackets)
					matchStrings[i] = "[[" + matchStrings[i] + "]]";
			return matchStrings;

		/// <summary>Adds interwiki links to the page. It doesn't remove or replace old
		/// interwiki links, this can be done by calling RemoveInterWikiLinks function
		/// or manually, if necessary.</summary>
		/// <param name="iwikiLinks">Interwiki links as an array of strings, with or
		/// without square brackets, for example: "de:Stern" or "[[de:Stern]]".</param>
		public void AddInterWikiLinks(string[] iwikiLinks)
			if (iwikiLinks.Length == 0)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("iwikiLinks");
			List<string> iwList = new List<string>(iwikiLinks);

		/// <summary>Adds interwiki links to the page. It doesn't remove or replace old
		/// interwiki links, this can be done by calling RemoveInterWikiLinks function
		/// or manually, if necessary.</summary>
		/// <param name="iwikiLinks">Interwiki links as List of strings, with or
		/// without square brackets, for example: "de:Stern" or "[[de:Stern]]".</param>
		public void AddInterWikiLinks(List<string> iwikiLinks)
			if (iwikiLinks.Count == 0)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("iwikiLinks");
			if (iwikiLinks.Count == 1 && iwikiLinks[0] == null)
			for(int i = 0; i < iwikiLinks.Count; i++)
				iwikiLinks[i] = iwikiLinks[i].Trim("[]\f\n\r\t\v ".ToCharArray());
			SortInterWikiLinks(ref iwikiLinks);
			text += "\r\n";
			foreach(string str in iwikiLinks)
				text += "\r\n[[" + str + "]]";

		/// <summary>Sorts interwiki links in page text according to site rules.
		/// Only rules for some Wikipedia projects are implemented so far.
		/// In other cases links are ordered alphabetically.</summary>
		public void SortInterWikiLinks()
			AddInterWikiLinks(new string[] { null });

		/// <summary>This internal function sorts interwiki links in page text according 
		/// to site rules. Only rules for some Wikipedia projects are implemented
		/// so far. In other cases links are ordered alphabetically.</summary>
		/// <param name="iwList">Interwiki links without square brackets in
		/// List object, either ordered or unordered.</param>
		public void SortInterWikiLinks(ref List<string> iwList)
			string[] iwikiLinksOrder = null;
			if (iwList.Count < 2)
			switch(site.site) {
				case "http://en.wikipedia.org":
				case "http://simple.wikipedia.org":
				case "http://no.wikipedia.org": iwikiLinksOrder = Site.iwikiLinksOrder1; break;
				case "http://ms.wikipedia.org":
				case "http://et.wikipedia.org":
				case "http://fi.wikipedia.org":
				case "http://vi.wikipedia.org": iwikiLinksOrder = Site.iwikiLinksOrder2; break;
				default: iwList.Sort(); break;
			if (iwikiLinksOrder == null)
			List<string> sortedIwikiList = new List<string>();
			string prefix;
			foreach (string iwikiLang in iwikiLinksOrder) {
				prefix = iwikiLang + ":";
				foreach (string iwikiLink in iwList)
					if (iwikiLink.StartsWith(prefix))
			foreach (string iwikiLink in iwList)
				if (!sortedIwikiList.Contains(iwikiLink))
			iwList = sortedIwikiList;

		/// <summary>Removes all interwiki links from text of page.</summary>
		public void RemoveInterWikiLinks()
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Site.WMLangsStr))
			text = site.iwikiLinkRE.Replace(text, "");
			text = text.TrimEnd("\r\n".ToCharArray());

		/// <summary>Returns the array of strings, containing links to sister Wikimedia
		/// Foundation Projects, found in page text.</summary>
		/// <param name="includeDisplayedInterWikiLinks">Include displayed interwiki
		/// links like "[[:de:Stern]]".</param>
		/// <returns>Returns the string[] array.</returns>
		public string[] GetSisterWikiLinks(bool includeDisplayedInterWikiLinks)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Site.WMLangsStr))
			MatchCollection sisterMatches = site.sisterWikiLinkRE.Matches(text);
			MatchCollection iwikiMatches = site.iwikiDispLinkRE.Matches(text);
			int size = (includeDisplayedInterWikiLinks == true) ?
				sisterMatches.Count + iwikiMatches.Count : sisterMatches.Count;
			string[] matchStrings = new string[size];
			int i = 0;
			for(; i < sisterMatches.Count; i++)
				matchStrings[i] = sisterMatches[i].Groups[1].Value;
			if (includeDisplayedInterWikiLinks == true)
				for(int j = 0; j < iwikiMatches.Count; i++, j++)
					matchStrings[i] = iwikiMatches[j].Groups[1].Value;
			return matchStrings;

		/// <summary>Function converts basic HTML markup in page text to wiki
		/// markup, except for tables markup, that is left unchanged. Use
		/// ConvertHtmlTablesToWikiTables function to convert HTML
		/// tables markup to wiki format.</summary>
		public void ConvertHtmlMarkupToWikiMarkup()
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "(?is)n?<(h1)( [^/>]+?)?>(.+?)</\\1>n?", "\n= $3 =\n");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "(?is)n?<(h2)( [^/>]+?)?>(.+?)</\\1>n?", "\n== $3 ==\n");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "(?is)n?<(h3)( [^/>]+?)?>(.+?)</\\1>n?", "\n=== $3 ===\n");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "(?is)n?<(h4)( [^/>]+?)?>(.+?)</\\1>n?", "\n==== $3 ====\n");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "(?is)n?<(h5)( [^/>]+?)?>(.+?)</\\1>n?", "\n===== $3 =====\n");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "(?is)n?<(h6)( [^/>]+?)?>(.+?)</\\1>n?", "\n====== $3 ======\n");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "(?is)\n?\n?<p( [^/>]+?)?>(.+?)</p>", "\n\n$2");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "(?is)<a href ?= ?[\"'](http:[^\"']+)[\"']>(.+?)</a>", "[$1 $2]");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "(?i)</?(b|strong)>", "'''");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "(?i)</?(i|em)>", "''");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "(?i)\n?<hr ?/?>\n?", "\n----\n");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "(?i)<(hr|br)( [^/>]+?)? ?/?>", "<$1$2 />");

		/// <summary>Function converts HTML table markup in page text to wiki
		/// table markup.</summary>
		public void ConvertHtmlTablesToWikiTables()
			if (!text.Contains("</table>"))
			text = Regex.Replace(text, ">\\s+<", "><");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "<table( ?[^>]*)>", "\n{|$1\n");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "</table>", "|}\n");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "<caption( ?[^>]*)>", "|+$1 | ");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "</caption>", "\n");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "<tr( ?[^>]*)>", "|-$1\n");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "</tr>", "\n");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "<th([^>]*)>", "!$1 | ");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "</th>", "\n");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "<td([^>]*)>", "|$1 | ");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "</td>", "\n");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, "\n(\\||\\|\\+|!) \\| ", "\n$1 ");
			text = text.Replace("\n\n|", "\n|");

		/// <summary>Returns the array of strings, containing category names found in
		/// page text with namespace prefix, but without sorting keys. Use the result
		/// strings to call FillFromCategory(string) or FillFromCategoryTree(string)
		/// function. Categories, added by templates, are not returned. Use GetAllCategories
		/// function to get such categories too.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns the string[] array.</returns>
		public string[] GetCategories()
			return GetCategories(true, false);

		/// <summary>Returns the array of strings, containing category names found in
		/// page text. Categories, added by templates, are not returned. Use GetAllCategories
		/// function to get categories added by templates too.</summary>
		/// <param name="withNameSpacePrefix">If true, function will return strings with
		/// namespace prefix like "Category:Stars", not just "Stars".</param>
		/// <param name="withSortKey">If true, function will return strings with sort keys,
		/// if found. Like "Stars|D3" (in [[Category:Stars|D3]]), not just "Stars".</param>
		/// <returns>Returns the string[] array.</returns>
		public string[] GetCategories(bool withNameSpacePrefix, bool withSortKey)
			MatchCollection matches = site.wikiCategoryRE.Matches(text);
			string[] matchStrings = new string[matches.Count];
			for(int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++) {
				matchStrings[i] = matches[i].Groups[4].Value;
				if (withSortKey == true)
					matchStrings[i] += matches[i].Groups[5].Value;
				if (withNameSpacePrefix == true)
					matchStrings[i] = site.namespaces["14"] + ":" + matchStrings[i];
			return matchStrings;

		/// <summary>Returns the array of strings, containing category names found in
		/// page text and added by page's templates. Categories are returned  with
		/// namespace prefix, but without sorting keys. Use the result strings
		/// to call FillFromCategory(string) or FillFromCategoryTree(string).</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns the string[] array.</returns>
		public string[] GetAllCategories()
			return GetAllCategories(true);

		/// <summary>Returns the array of strings, containing category names found in
		/// page text and added by page's templates.</summary>
		/// <param name="withNameSpacePrefix">If true, function will return strings with
		/// namespace prefix like "Category:Stars", not just "Stars".</param>
		/// <returns>Returns the string[] array.</returns>
		public string[] GetAllCategories(bool withNameSpacePrefix)
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath + "index.php?title=" +
			string src = Bot.wc.DownloadString(res);
			Regex catLinksRE = new Regex("(?s)(?<=<p class=['\"]catlinks['\"]>.+?)>([^<]+?)</a>(?=.+?</p>)");
			MatchCollection matches = catLinksRE.Matches(src);
			string[] matchStrings = new string[matches.Count > 1 ? matches.Count - 1 : 0];
			for(int i = 0; i < matches.Count - 1; i++) {
				matchStrings[i] = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(matches[i+1].Groups[1].Value);
				if (withNameSpacePrefix == true)
					matchStrings[i] = site.namespaces["14"] + ":" + matchStrings[i];
			return matchStrings;

		/// <summary>Adds the page to the specified category by adding
		/// link to that category in page text. If the link to the specified category
		/// already exists, the function does nothing.</summary>
		/// <param name="categoryName">Category name, with or without prefix.</param>
		public void AddToCategory(string categoryName)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryName))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("categoryName");
			categoryName = site.RemoveNSPrefix(categoryName, 14).Trim();
			string regexCategoryName = Regex.Escape(categoryName); 
			regexCategoryName = regexCategoryName.Replace("_", "\\ ").Replace("\\ ", "[_\\ ]");
			int firstCharIndex = (regexCategoryName[0] == '\\') ? 1 : 0;
			regexCategoryName = "[" + char.ToLower(regexCategoryName[firstCharIndex]) + 
				char.ToUpper(regexCategoryName[firstCharIndex]) + "]" +
				regexCategoryName.Substring(firstCharIndex + 1);
			if (Regex.IsMatch(text, @"(?i)\[\[(" + site.namespaces["14"] +
				"|" + Site.wikiNSpaces["14"] + ") *: *" + regexCategoryName + @" *(]]|\|)"))
			if (site.wikiCategoryRE.IsMatch(text))
				text = site.wikiCategoryRE.Replace(text, "$&\r\n[[" +
					site.namespaces["14"] + ":" + categoryName + "]]", 1, 0);
			else {
				string[] iw = GetInterWikiLinks();
				text += "\r\n\r\n[[" + site.namespaces["14"] + ":" + categoryName + "]]\r\n";
				if (iw.Length != 0)
				text = text.TrimEnd("\r\n".ToCharArray());

		/// <summary>Removes the page from category by deleting link to that category in
		/// page text.</summary>
		/// <param name="categoryName">Category name, with or without prefix.</param>
		public void RemoveFromCategory(string categoryName)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryName))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("categoryName");
			categoryName = site.RemoveNSPrefix(categoryName, 14).Trim();
			string regexCategoryName = Regex.Escape(categoryName);
			regexCategoryName = regexCategoryName.Replace("_", "\\ ").Replace("\\ ", "[_\\ ]");
			int firstCharIndex = (regexCategoryName[0] == '\\') ? 1 : 0;
			regexCategoryName = "[" + char.ToLower(regexCategoryName[firstCharIndex]) + 
				char.ToUpper(regexCategoryName[firstCharIndex]) + "]" +
				regexCategoryName.Substring(firstCharIndex + 1);
			text = Regex.Replace(text, @"\[\[(" + site.namespaces["14"] + "|" +
				Site.wikiNSpaces["14"] + "):" + regexCategoryName + @"(\|.*?)?]]\r?\n?", "");
			text = text.TrimEnd("\r\n".ToCharArray());

		/// <summary>Returns the array of strings, containing names of templates, used on page
		/// (applied to page). The "msgnw:" template modifier is not returned.
		/// Links to templates (like [[:Template:...]]) are not returned. Templates,
		/// mentioned inside  tags are also not returned. The "magic words"
		/// (see http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Magic_words) are recognized and
		/// not returned by this function as templates. When using this function on text of the
		/// template, parameters names and numbers (like {{{link}}} and {{{1}}}) are not returned
		/// by this function as templates too.</summary>
		/// <param name="withNameSpacePrefix">If true, function will return strings with
		/// namespace prefix like "Template:SomeTemplate", not just "SomeTemplate".</param>
		/// <returns>Returns the string[] array. Duplicates are possible.</returns>
		public string[] GetTemplates(bool withNameSpacePrefix)
			string str = site.noWikiMarkupRE.Replace(text, "");
			if (GetNamespace() == 10)
				str = Regex.Replace(str, @"\{\{\{.*?}}}", "");
			MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(str, @"(?s)\{\{(.+?)(}}|\|)");
			string[] matchStrings = new string[matches.Count];
			string match = "";
			for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < matches.Count; i++) {
				match = matches[i].Groups[1].Value;
				foreach (string mediaWikiVar in Site.mediaWikiVars)
					if (match.ToLower() == mediaWikiVar) {
						match = "";
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(match))
				foreach (string parserFunction in Site.parserFunctions)
					if (match.ToLower().StartsWith(parserFunction)) {
						match = "";
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(match))
				if (match.StartsWith("msgnw:") && match.Length > 6)
					match = match.Substring(6);
				match = site.RemoveNSPrefix(match, 10).Trim();
				if (withNameSpacePrefix)
					matchStrings[j++] = site.namespaces["10"] + ":" + match;
					matchStrings[j++] = match;
			return matchStrings;

		/// <summary>Returns the array of strings, containing templates, used on page
		/// (applied to page). Everything inside braces is returned  with all parameters
		/// untouched. Links to templates (like [[:Template:...]]) are not returned. Templates,
		/// mentioned inside  tags are also not returned. The "magic words"
		/// (see http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Magic_words) are recognized and
		/// not returned by this function as templates. When using this function on text of the
		/// template, parameters names and numbers (like {{{link}}} and {{{1}}}) are not returned
		/// by this function as templates too.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns the string[] array.</returns>
		public string[] GetTemplatesWithParams()
			Dictionary<int, int> templPos = new Dictionary<int, int>();
			StringCollection templates = new StringCollection();
			int startPos, endPos, len = 0;
			string str = text;
			while ((startPos = str.LastIndexOf("{{")) != -1) {
				endPos = str.IndexOf("}}", startPos);
				len = (endPos != -1) ? endPos - startPos + 2 : 2;
				if (len != 2)
					templPos.Add(startPos, len);
				str = str.Remove(startPos, len);
				str = str.Insert(startPos, new String('_', len));
			string[] templTitles = GetTemplates(false);
			foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> pos in templPos)
				templates.Add(text.Substring(pos.Key + 2, pos.Value - 4));
			for (int i = 0; i < templTitles.Length; i++)
				while (i < templates.Count && !templates[i].StartsWith(templTitles[i]) &&
					!templates[i].StartsWith("msgnw:" + templTitles[i]))
			string[] arr = new string[templates.Count];
			templates.CopyTo(arr, 0);
			return arr;

		/// <summary>Adds a specified template to the end of the page text
		/// (right before categories).</summary>
		/// <param name="templateText">Template text, like "{{template_name|...|...}}".</param>
		public void AddTemplate(string templateText)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateText))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("templateText");
			Regex templateInsertion = new Regex("([^}]\n|}})\n*\\[\\[(" +
				Regex.Escape(site.namespaces["14"].ToString()) + "|" +
				Regex.Escape(Site.wikiNSpaces["14"].ToString()) + "):");
			if (templateInsertion.IsMatch(text))
				text = templateInsertion.Replace(text, "$1\n" + templateText + "\n\n[[" +
					site.namespaces["14"] + ":", 1);
			else {
				string[] iw = GetInterWikiLinks();
				text += "\n\n" + templateText;
				if (iw.Length != 0)
				text = text.TrimEnd("\r\n".ToCharArray());

		/// <summary>Removes a specified template from page text.</summary>
		/// <param name="templateTitle">Title of template to remove.</param>
		public void RemoveTemplate(string templateTitle)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateTitle))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("templateTitle");
			templateTitle = Regex.Escape(templateTitle);
			templateTitle = "(" + Char.ToUpper(templateTitle[0]) + "|" +
				Char.ToLower(templateTitle[0]) + ")" +
				(templateTitle.Length > 1 ? templateTitle.Substring(1) : "");
			text = Regex.Replace(text, @"(?s)\{\{\s*" + templateTitle +
				@"(.*?)}}\r?\n?", "");

		/// <summary>Returns the array of strings, containing names of images (image files),
		/// embedded in page, including images in galleries (inside "gallery" tag).
		/// But no links to images, like [[:Image:...]].</summary>
		/// <param name="withNameSpacePrefix">If true, function will return strings with
		/// namespace prefix like "Image:Example.jpg", not just "Example.jpg".</param>
		/// <returns>Returns the string[] array. The array can be empty (of size 0).</returns>
		public string[] GetImages(bool withNameSpacePrefix)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
				return new string[0];
			MatchCollection matches;
			if (Regex.IsMatch(text, "(?is)<gallery>.*</gallery>"))
				matches = Regex.Matches(text, "(?i)(?<!:)(" + Site.wikiNSpaces["6"] + "|" +
					site.namespaces["6"] + ")(:)(.*?)(\\||\r|\n|]])");
				matches = site.wikiImageRE.Matches(text);
			string[] matchStrings = new string[matches.Count];
			for(int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)
				if (withNameSpacePrefix == true)
					matchStrings[i] = site.namespaces["6"] + ":" + matches[i].Groups[3].Value;
					matchStrings[i] = matches[i].Groups[3].Value;
			return matchStrings;

		/// <summary>Identifies the namespace of the page.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns the integer key of the namespace.</returns>
		public int GetNamespace()
			title = title.TrimStart(new char[] {':'});
			foreach (DictionaryEntry ns in site.namespaces) {
				if (title.StartsWith(ns.Value + ":"))
					return int.Parse(ns.Key.ToString());
			foreach (DictionaryEntry ns in Site.wikiNSpaces) {
				if (title.StartsWith(ns.Value + ":"))
					return int.Parse(ns.Key.ToString());
			return 0;

		/// <summary>Sends page title to console.</summary>
		public void ShowTitle()
			Console.Write("\nThe title of this page is \"" + title + "\".\n");

		/// <summary>Sends page text to console.</summary>
		public void ShowText()
			Console.Write("\nThe text of \"" + title + "\" page:\n\n" + text + "\n\n");

		/// <summary>Renames the page.</summary>
		/// <param name="newTitle">New title of that page.</param>
		/// <param name="reason">Reason for renaming.</param>
		public void RenameTo(string newTitle, string reason)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newTitle))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("newTitle");
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
				throw new WikiBotException("No title specified for page to rename.");
			//Page mp = new Page(site, "Special:Movepage/" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title));
			Page mp = new Page(site, "Special:Movepage/" + title);
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mp.editSessionToken))
				throw new WikiBotException("Unable to rename page \"" + title + "\" to \"" +
					newTitle + "\".");
			string postData = string.Format("wpNewTitle={0}&wpOldTitle={1}&wpEditToken={2}" +
				"&wpReason={3}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(newTitle), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title),
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(mp.editSessionToken), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(reason));
			string respStr = site.PostDataAndGetResultHTM(site.indexPath +
				"index.php?title=Special:Movepage&action=submit", postData);
			if (site.editSessionTokenRE2.IsMatch(respStr))
				throw new WikiBotException("Failed to rename page \"" + title + "\" to \"" +
					newTitle + "\".");
			Console.WriteLine("Page \"" + title + "\" was successfully renamed to \"" +
				newTitle + "\".");
			title = newTitle;

		/// <summary>Deletes the page. Sysop rights are needed to delete page.</summary>
		/// <param name="reason">Reason for deleting.</param>
		public void Delete(string reason)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
				throw new WikiBotException("No title specified for page to delete.");
			string respStr1 = site.GetPageHTM(site.indexPath + "index.php?title=" +
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title) + "&action=delete");
			editSessionToken = site.editSessionTokenRE1.Match(respStr1).Groups[1].ToString();
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(editSessionToken))
				editSessionToken = site.editSessionTokenRE2.Match(respStr1).Groups[1].ToString();
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(editSessionToken))
				throw new WikiBotException("Unable to delete page \"" + title + "\".");
			string postData = string.Format("wpReason={0}&wpEditToken={1}",
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(reason), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(editSessionToken));
			string respStr2 = site.PostDataAndGetResultHTM(site.indexPath + "index.php?title=" +
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title) + "&action=delete", postData);
			if (site.editSessionTokenRE2.IsMatch(respStr2))
				throw new WikiBotException("Failed to delete page \"" + title + "\".");
			Console.WriteLine("Page \"" + title + "\" was successfully deleted.");
			title = "";

	/// <summary>Class defines a set of wiki pages (constructed inside as List object).</summary>
	public class PageList
		/// <summary>Internal generic List, that contains collection of pages.</summary>
		public List<Page> pages = new List<Page>();
		/// <summary>Site, on which the pages are located.</summary>
		public Site site;

		/// <summary>This constructor creates PageList object with specified Site object and fills
		/// it with Page objects with specified titles. When constructed, new Page objects in PageList
		/// don't contain text. Use Load() method to get text from live wiki, or use LoadEx() to get both
		/// text and metadata via XML export interface.</summary>
		/// <param name="site">Site object, it must be constructed beforehand.</param>
		/// <param name="pageNames">Page titles as array of strings.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns the PageList object.</returns>
		public PageList(Site site, string[] pageNames)
			this.site = site;
			foreach (string pageName in pageNames)
				pages.Add(new Page(site, pageName));

		/// <summary>This constructor creates PageList object with specified Site object and fills
		/// it with Page objects with specified titles. When constructed, new Page objects in PageList
		/// don't contain text. Use Load() method to get text from live wiki, or use LoadEx() to get both
		/// text and metadata via XML export interface.</summary>
		/// <param name="site">Site object, it must be constructed beforehand.</param>
		/// <param name="pageNames">Page titles as StringCollection object.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns the PageList object.</returns>
		public PageList(Site site, StringCollection pageNames)
			this.site = site;
			foreach (string pageName in pageNames)
				pages.Add(new Page(site, pageName));

		/// <summary>This constructor creates empty PageList object with specified Site object.</summary>
		/// <param name="site">Site object, it must be constructed beforehand.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns the PageList object.</returns>
		public PageList(Site site)
			this.site = site;

		/// <summary>This constructor creates empty PageList object, Site object with default
		/// properties is created internally and logged in. Constructing new Site object is too slow,
		/// don't use this constructor needlessly.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns the PageList object.</returns>
		public PageList()
			site = new Site();

		/// <summary>This index allows to call pageList[i] instead of pageList.pages[i].</summary>
		/// <param name="index">Zero-based index.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns the Page object.</returns>
		public Page this[int index]
			get { return pages[index]; }
			set { pages[index] = value; }

		/// <summary>This function allows to access individual pages in this PageList.
		/// But it's better to use simple pageList[i] index, if it is possible.</summary>
		/// <param name="index">Zero-based index.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns the Page object.</returns>
		public Page GetPageAtIndex(int index)
			return pages[index];

		/// <summary>This function allows to set individual pages in this PageList.
		/// But it's better to use simple pageList[i] index, if it is possible.</summary>
		/// <param name="page">Page object to set in this PageList.</param>
		/// <param name="index">Zero-based index.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns the Page object.</returns>
		public void SetPageAtIndex(Page page, int index)
			pages[index] = page;

		/// <summary>This index allows to call pageList["title"]. Don't forget to use correct
		/// local namespace prefixes. Call CorrectNSPrefixes function to correct namespace
		/// prefixes in a whole PageList at once.</summary>
		/// <param name="index">Title of page to get.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns the Page object, or null if there is no page with the specified
		/// title in this PageList.</returns>
		public Page this[string index]
			get {
				foreach (Page p in pages)
					if (p.title == index)
						return p;
				return null;
			set {
				for (int i=0; i < pages.Count; i++)
					if (pages[i].title == index)
						pages[i] = value;

		/// <summary>This standard internal function allows to directly use PageList objects
		/// in "foreach" statements.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns IEnumerator object.</returns>
		public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
			return pages.GetEnumerator();

		/// <summary>This function adds specified page to the end of this PageList.</summary>
		/// <param name="page">Page object to add.</param>
		public void Add(Page page)

		/// <summary>Inserts an element into this PageList at the specified index.</summary>
		/// <param name="page">Page object to insert.</param>
		/// <param name="index">Zero-based index.</param>
		public void Insert(Page page, int index)
			pages.Insert(index, page);

		/// <summary>This function returns true, if in this PageList there exists a page with
		/// the same title, as a page specified as a parameter.</summary>
		/// <param name="page">.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns bool value.</returns>
		public bool Contains(Page page)
			foreach (Page p in pages)
				if (p.title == page.title)
					return true;
			return false;

		/// <summary>This function returns true, if a page with specified title exists
		/// in this PageList.</summary>
		/// <param name="title">Title of page to check.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns bool value.</returns>
		public bool Contains(string title)
			Page page = new Page(site, title);
			foreach (Page p in pages)
				if (p.title == page.title)
					return true;
			return false;

		/// <summary>This function returns the number of pages in PageList.</summary>
		/// <returns>Number of pages as positive integer value.</returns>
		public int Count()
			return pages.Count;

		/// <summary>Removes page at specified index from PageList.</summary>
		/// <param name="index">Zero-based index.</param>
		public void RemoveAt(int index)

		/// <summary>Removes a page with specified title from this PageList.</summary>
		/// <param name="title">Title of page to remove.</param>
		public void Remove(string title)
			for(int i = 0; i < Count(); i++)
				if (pages[i].title == title)

		/// <summary>Gets page titles for this PageList from "Special:Allpages" MediaWiki page.
		/// That means a list of site pages in alphabetical order.</summary>
		/// <param name="firstPageTitle">Title of page to to start enumerating from. The title
		/// must have no namespace prefix (like "Talk:"), just the page title itself. Or you can
		/// specify just a letter or two instead of full real title. Pass the empty string or null
		/// to start from the very beginning.</param>
		/// <param name="neededNSpace">Integer, presenting the key of namespace to get pages
		/// from. Only one key of one namespace can be specified (zero for default).</param>
		/// <param name="acceptRedirects">Set this to "false" to exclude redirects.</param>
		/// <param name="quantity">Maximum allowed quantity of pages in this PageList.</param>
		public void FillFromAllPages(string firstPageTitle, int neededNSpace, bool acceptRedirects,
			int quantity)
			if (quantity <= 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("quantity", "Quantity must be positive.");
			if (Bot.useBotQuery == true && site.botQuery == true) {
				FillFromCustomBotQueryList("allpages", "apnamespace=" + neededNSpace +
				(acceptRedirects ? "" : "&apfilterredir=nonredirects") +
				(string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstPageTitle) ? "" : "&apfrom=" +
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(firstPageTitle)), quantity);
			Console.WriteLine("Getting " + quantity + " page titles from " +
				"\"Special:Allpages\" MediaWiki page...");
			int count = pages.Count;
			quantity += pages.Count;
			Regex linkToPageRE;
			if (acceptRedirects)
				linkToPageRE = new Regex("<td[^>]*>(?:<div class=\"allpagesredirect\">)?" +
					"<a href=\"[^\"]*?\" title=\"([^\"]*?)\">");
				linkToPageRE = new Regex("<td[^>]*><a href=\"[^\"]*?\" title=\"([^\"]*?)\">");
			MatchCollection matches;
			do {
				Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath +
					"index.php?title=Special:Allpages&from=" +
					HttpUtility.UrlEncode(string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstPageTitle) ? "!" : firstPageTitle) +
					"&namespace=" + neededNSpace.ToString());
				matches = linkToPageRE.Matches(Bot.wc.DownloadString(res));
				if (matches.Count == 0)
				foreach (Match match in matches)
					pages.Add(new Page(site, HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups[1].Value)));
				firstPageTitle = site.RemoveNSPrefix(pages[pages.Count - 1].title, neededNSpace) + "!";
			while(pages.Count < quantity);
			if (pages.Count > quantity)
				pages.RemoveRange(quantity, pages.Count - quantity);
			Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with " + (pages.Count - count).ToString() +
				" page titles from \"Special:Allpages\" MediaWiki page.");

		/// <summary>Gets page titles for this PageList from specified special page,
		/// e.g. "Deadendpages". The function does not filter namespaces. And the function
		/// does not clear the existing PageList, so new titles will be added.</summary>
		/// <param name="pageTitle">Title of special page, e.g. "Deadendpages".</param>
		/// <param name="quantity">Maximum number of page titles to get. Usually
		/// MediaWiki provides not more than 1000 titles.</param>
		public void FillFromCustomSpecialPage(string pageTitle, int quantity)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageTitle))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("pageTitle");
			if (quantity <= 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("quantity", "Quantity must be positive.");
			Console.WriteLine("Getting " + quantity + " page titles from " +
				"\"Special:" + pageTitle + "\" page...");
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath + "index.php?title=Special:" +
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(pageTitle) + "&limit=" + quantity.ToString());
			string src = Bot.wc.DownloadString(res);
			MatchCollection matches;
			if (pageTitle == "Unusedimages")
				matches = site.linkToPageRE3.Matches(src);
				matches = site.linkToPageRE2.Matches(src);
			if (matches.Count == 0)
				throw new WikiBotException("Page \"Special:" +
					pageTitle + "\" does not contain page titles.");
			foreach (Match match in matches)
				pages.Add(new Page(site, HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups[1].Value)));
			Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with " + matches.Count + " page titles from " +
				"\"Special:" + pageTitle + "\" page...");

		/// <summary>Gets page titles for this PageList from specified special page,
		/// e.g. "Deadendpages". The function does not filter namespaces. And the function
		/// does not clear the existing PageList, so new titles will be added.
		/// The function uses XML (XHTML) parsing instead of regular expressions matching.
		/// This function is slower, than FillFromCustomSpecialPage.</summary>
		/// <param name="pageTitle">Title of special page, e.g. "Deadendpages".</param>
		/// <param name="quantity">Maximum number of page titles to get. Usually
		/// MediaWiki provides not more than 1000 titles.</param>
		public void FillFromCustomSpecialPageEx(string pageTitle, int quantity)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageTitle))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("pageTitle");
			if (quantity <= 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("quantity", "Quantity must be positive.");
			Console.WriteLine("Getting " + quantity + " page titles from " +
				"\"Special:" + pageTitle + "\" page...");
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath + "index.php?title=Special:" +
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(pageTitle) + "&limit=" + quantity.ToString());
			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
			XmlNodeList nl = doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//ns:ol/ns:li/ns:a[@title != '']", site.xmlNS);
			if (nl.Count == 0)
				throw new WikiBotException("Nothing was found on \"Special:" + pageTitle + "\" page...");
			foreach (XmlNode node in nl)
				pages.Add(new Page(site, HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(node.Attributes["title"].InnerXml)));
			Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with " + nl.Count + " page titles from " +
				"\"Special:" + pageTitle + "\" page...");

		/// <summary>Gets page titles for this PageList from specified MediaWiki events log.
		/// The function does not filter namespaces. And the function does not clear the
		/// existing PageList, so new titles will be added.</summary>
		/// <param name="logType">Type of log, it could be: "block" for blocked users log;
		/// "protect" for protected pages log; "rights" for users rights log; "delete" for
		/// deleted pages log; "upload" for uploaded files log; "move" for renamed pages log;
		/// "import" for transwiki import log; "renameuser" for renamed accounts log;
		/// "newusers" for new users log; "makebot" for bot status assignment log.</param>
		/// <param name="userName">Select log entries only for specified account. Pass empty
		/// string, if that restriction is not needed.</param>
		/// <param name="pageTitle">Select log entries only for specified page. Pass empty
		/// string, if that restriction is not needed.</param>
		/// <param name="quantity">Maximum number of page titles to get.</param>
		public void FillFromCustomLog(string logType, string userName, string pageTitle, int quantity)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(logType))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("logType");
			if (quantity <= 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("quantity", "Quantity must be positive.");
			Console.WriteLine("Getting " + quantity.ToString() + " page titles from \"" +
				logType + "\" log...");
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath + "index.php?title=Special:Log&type=" +
				 logType + "&user=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(userName) + "&page=" +
				 HttpUtility.UrlEncode(pageTitle) + "&limit=" + quantity.ToString());
			string src = Bot.wc.DownloadString(res);
			MatchCollection matches = site.linkToPageRE2.Matches(src);
			if (matches.Count == 0)
				throw new WikiBotException("Log \"" + logType + "\" does not contain page titles.");
			foreach (Match match in matches)
				pages.Add(new Page(site, HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups[1].Value)));
			Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with " + matches.Count + " page titles from \"" +
				logType + "\"log.");

		/// <summary>Gets page titles for this PageList from specified list, produced by
		/// bot query interface ("api.php" MediaWiki extension). The function
		/// does not clear the existing PageList, so new titles will be added.</summary>
		/// <param name="listType">Title of list, the following values are supported: 
		/// "allpages", "alllinks", "allusers", "backlinks", "categorymembers",
		/// "embeddedin", "imageusage", "logevents", "recentchanges", 
		/// "usercontribs", "watchlist", "exturlusage". Detailed documentation
		/// can be found at "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php".</param>
		/// <param name="queryParams">Additional query parameters, specific to the
		/// required list, e.g. "cmtitle=Category:Physical%20sciences&cmnamespace=0|2".
		/// Parameter values must be URL-encoded with HttpUtility.UrlEncode function
		/// before calling this function.</param>
		/// <param name="quantity">Maximum number of page titles to get.</param>
		/// <example><code>pageList.FillFromCustomBotQueryList("categorymembers",
		/// 	"cmcategory=Physical%20sciences&cmnamespace=0|14",
		/// 	int.MaxValue);</code></example>
		public void FillFromCustomBotQueryList(string listType, string queryParams, int quantity)
			if (!site.botQuery)
				throw new WikiBotException("The \"api.php\" MediaWiki extension is not available.");
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(listType))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("listType");
			if (!Site.botQueryLists.Contains(listType))
				throw new WikiBotException("The list \"" + listType + "\" is not supported.");
			if (quantity <= 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("quantity", "Quantity must be positive.");
			string pr = Site.botQueryLists[listType].ToString();
			string attrTag = (listType != "allusers") ? "title" : "name";
			string queryUri = site.indexPath + "api.php?action=query&list=" +  listType +
				"&format=xml&" + pr + "limit=" + ((quantity > 500) ? "500" : quantity.ToString());
			string src = "", next = "", queryFullUri = "";
			int count = pages.Count;
			if (quantity != int.MaxValue)
				quantity += pages.Count;
			do {
				queryFullUri = queryUri + ((next == "") ? "" : "&" + pr + "continue=" +
				src = site.PostDataAndGetResultHTM(queryFullUri, queryParams);
				using (XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(src))) {
					if (reader.HasAttributes) {
						next = reader[0];
						next = "";
					while (reader.Read())
						if (reader.HasAttributes)
							pages.Add(new Page(site,
			while (next != "" && pages.Count < quantity);
			if (pages.Count > quantity)
				pages.RemoveRange(quantity, pages.Count - quantity);
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.StackTrace) &&
					Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with " + (pages.Count - count).ToString() +
						" page titles from \"" + listType + "\" bot interface list.");

		/// <summary>Gets page titles for this PageList from recent changes page,
		/// "Special:Recentchanges". Image uploads, page deletions and page renamings are
		/// not included, use FillFromCustomLog function instead to fill from respective logs.
		/// The function does not clear the existing PageList, so new titles will be added.
		/// Use FilterNamespaces() or RemoveNamespaces() functions to remove
		/// pages from unwanted namespaces.</summary>
		/// <param name="hideMinor">Ignore minor edits.</param>
		/// <param name="hideBots">Ignore bot edits.</param>
		/// <param name="hideAnons">Ignore anonymous users edits.</param>
		/// <param name="hideLogged">Ignore logged-in users edits.</param>
		/// <param name="hideSelf">Ignore edits of this bot account.</param>
		/// <param name="limit">Maximum number of changes to get.</param>
		/// <param name="days">Get changes for this number of recent days.</param>
		public void FillFromRecentChanges(bool hideMinor, bool hideBots, bool hideAnons,
			bool hideLogged, bool hideSelf, int limit, int days)
			if (limit <= 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("limit", "Limit must be positive.");
			if (days <= 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("days", "Number of days must be positive.");
			Console.WriteLine("Getting " + limit + " page titles from " +
				"\"Special:Recentchanges\" page...");
			string uri = string.Format("{0}{1}index.php?title=Special:Recentchanges&" +
				"hideminor={2}&hideBots={3}&hideAnons={4}&hideliu={5}&hidemyself={6}&" +
				"limit={7}&days={8}", site.site, site.indexPath,
				hideMinor ? "1" : "0", hideBots ? "1" : "0", hideAnons ? "1" : "0",
				hideLogged ? "1" : "0", hideSelf ? "1" : "0",
				limit.ToString(), days.ToString());
			string respStr = site.GetPageHTM(uri);
			MatchCollection matches = site.linkToPageRE2.Matches(respStr);
			foreach (Match match in matches)
				pages.Add(new Page(site, HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups[1].Value)));
			Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with " + matches.Count + " page titles from " +
				"\"Special:Recentchanges\" page...");

		/// <summary>Gets page titles for this PageList from specified wiki category page, excluding
		/// subcategories. Use FillSubsFromCategory function to get subcategories.</summary>
		/// <param name="categoryName">Category name, with or without prefix.</param>
		public void FillFromCategory(string categoryName)
			int count = pages.Count;
			PageList pl = new PageList(site);
			pl.RemoveNamespaces(new int[] {14});
			if (pages.Count != count)
				Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with " + (pages.Count - count).ToString() +
					" page titles, found in \"" + categoryName + "\" category.");
				Console.WriteLine("Nothing was found in \"" + categoryName + "\" category.");

		/// <summary>Gets subcategories titles for this PageList from specified wiki category page,
		/// excluding other pages. Use FillFromCategory function to get other pages.</summary>
		/// <param name="categoryName">Category name, with or without prefix.</param>
		public void FillSubsFromCategory(string categoryName)
			int count = pages.Count;
			PageList pl = new PageList(site);
			pl.FilterNamespaces(new int[] {14});
			if (pages.Count != count)
				Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with " + (pages.Count - count).ToString() +
					" subcategory page titles, found in \"" + categoryName + "\" category.");
				Console.WriteLine("Nothing was found in \"" + categoryName + "\" category.");

		/// <summary>This internal function gets all page titles for this PageList from specified
		/// category page, including subcategories.</summary>
		/// <param name="categoryName">Category name, with or without prefix.</param>
		public void FillAllFromCategory(string categoryName)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryName))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("categoryName");
			categoryName = categoryName.Trim("[]\f\n\r\t\v ".ToCharArray());
			categoryName = site.RemoveNSPrefix(categoryName, 14);
			categoryName = site.namespaces["14"] + ":" + categoryName;
			Console.WriteLine("Getting category \"" + categoryName + "\" contents...");
			if (Bot.useBotQuery == true && site.botQuery == true) {
			string src = "";
			MatchCollection matches;
			Regex nextPortionRE = new Regex("&from=([^\"=]+)\" title=\"");
			do {
				Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath + "index.php?title=" +
					HttpUtility.UrlEncode(categoryName) +
					"&from=" + nextPortionRE.Match(src).Groups[1].Value);
				src = Bot.wc.DownloadString(res);
				src = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(src);
				matches = site.linkToPageRE1.Matches(src);
				foreach (Match match in matches)
					pages.Add(new Page(site, match.Groups[1].Value));
				if (src.Contains("<div class=\"gallerytext\">\n")) {
					matches = site.linkToImageRE.Matches(src);
					foreach (Match match in matches)
						pages.Add(new Page(site, match.Groups[1].Value));
				if (src.Contains("<div class=\"CategoryTreeChildren\"")) {
					matches = site.linkToSubCategoryRE.Matches(src);
					foreach (Match match in matches)
						pages.Add(new Page(site, site.namespaces["14"] + ":" + match.Groups[1].Value));

		/// <summary>This internal function gets all page titles for this PageList from specified
		/// category using "api.php" MediaWiki extension (bot interface), if it is available.
		/// It gets subcategories too.</summary>
		/// <param name="categoryName">Category name, with or without prefix.</param>
		public void FillAllFromCategoryEx(string categoryName)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryName))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("categoryName");
			categoryName = categoryName.Trim("[]\f\n\r\t\v ".ToCharArray());
			categoryName = site.RemoveNSPrefix(categoryName, 14);
			if (site.botQueryVersions.ContainsKey("ApiQueryCategoryMembers.php")) {
				if (int.Parse(site.botQueryVersions["ApiQueryCategoryMembers.php"].ToString()) >= 30533)
					FillFromCustomBotQueryList("categorymembers", "cmtitle=" + 
						HttpUtility.UrlEncode(site.namespaces["14"].ToString() + ":" +
						categoryName), int.MaxValue);
					FillFromCustomBotQueryList("categorymembers", "cmcategory=" +  
						HttpUtility.UrlEncode(categoryName), int.MaxValue);
			else if (site.botQueryVersions.ContainsKey("query.php"))
			else {
				Console.WriteLine("Can't get category members using bot interface.\nSwitching to " +
					"common user interface (\"site.botQuery\" is set to \"false\").");
				site.botQuery = false;

		/// <summary>This internal function is kept for backwards compatibility only. It gets all pages
		/// and subcategories in specified category using old obsolete "query.php" bot interface and
		/// adds all found pages and subcategories to PageList object. It gets titles portion by portion.
		/// The "query.php" interface was superseded by "api.php" in MediaWiki 1.8.</summary>
		/// <param name="categoryName">Category name, with or without prefix.</param>
		public void FillAllFromCategoryExOld(string categoryName)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryName))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("categoryName");
			string src = "";
			MatchCollection matches;
			Regex nextPortionRE = new Regex("<category next=\"(.+?)\" />");
			do {
				Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath + "query.php?what=category&cptitle=" +
					HttpUtility.UrlEncode(categoryName) + "&cpfrom=" +
					nextPortionRE.Match(src).Groups[1].Value + "&cplimit=500&format=xml");
				src = Bot.wc.DownloadString(res);
				matches = site.pageTitleTagRE.Matches(src);
				foreach (Match match in matches)
					pages.Add(new Page(site, HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups[1].Value)));

		/// <summary>Gets all levels of subcategories of some wiki category (that means subcategories,
		/// sub-subcategories, and so on) and fills this PageList with titles of all pages, found in
		/// all levels of subcategories. The multiplicates of recurring pages are removed.
		/// Use FillSubsFromCategoryTree function instead to get titles of subcategories.
		/// The operation may be very time-consuming and traffic-consuming.
		/// The function clears the PageList before filling.</summary>
		/// <param name="categoryName">Category name, with or without prefix.</param>
		public void FillFromCategoryTree(string categoryName)
			RemoveNamespaces(new int[] {14});
			if (pages.Count != 0)
				Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with " + Count().ToString() +
					" page titles, found in \"" + categoryName + "\" category.");
				Console.WriteLine("Nothing was found in \"" + categoryName + "\" category.");

		/// <summary>Gets all levels of subcategories of some wiki category (that means subcategories,
		/// sub-subcategories, and so on) and fills this PageList with found subcategory titles.
		/// Use FillFromCategoryTree function instead to get pages of other namespaces.
		/// The multiplicates of recurring categories are removed. The operation may be very
		/// time-consuming and traffic-consuming. The function clears the PageList
		/// before filling.</summary>
		/// <param name="categoryName">Category name, with or without prefix.</param>
		public void FillSubsFromCategoryTree(string categoryName)
			FilterNamespaces(new int[] {14});
			if (pages.Count != 0)
				Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with " + Count().ToString() +
					" subcategory page titles, found in \"" + categoryName + "\" category.");
				Console.WriteLine("Nothing was found in \"" + categoryName + "\" category.");

		/// <summary>Gets all levels of subcategories of some wiki category (that means subcategories,
		/// sub-subcategories, and so on) and fills this PageList with titles of all pages, found in
		/// all levels of subcategories, including the titles of subcategories. The multiplicates of
		/// recurring pages and subcategories are removed. The operation may be very time-consuming
		/// and traffic-consuming. The function clears the PageList before filling.</summary>
		/// <param name="categoryName">Category name, with or without prefix.</param>
		public void FillAllFromCategoryTree(string categoryName)
			categoryName = site.CorrectNSPrefix(categoryName);
			StringCollection doneCats = new StringCollection();
			for (int i = 0; i < Count(); i++)
				if (pages[i].GetNamespace() == 14 && !doneCats.Contains(pages[i].title)) {

		/// <summary>Gets page history and fills this PageList with specified number of last page
		/// revisions. But only revision identifiers, user names, timestamps and comments are loaded,
		/// not the texts. Call Load() (but not LoadEx) to load the texts of page revisions.
		/// The function combines XML (XHTML) parsing and regular expressions matching.</summary>
		/// <param name="pageTitle">Page to get history of.</param>
		/// <param name="lastRevisions">Number of last page revisions to get.</param>
		public void FillFromPageHistory(string pageTitle, int lastRevisions)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageTitle))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("pageTitle");
			if (lastRevisions <= 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("quantity", "Quantity must be positive.");
			Console.WriteLine("Getting " + lastRevisions + " last revisons of \"" +
				pageTitle + "\" page...");
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath + "index.php?title=" +
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(pageTitle) + "&limit=" + lastRevisions.ToString() + "&action=history");
			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
			XmlNodeList nl = doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//ns:ul[@id='pagehistory']/ns:li", site.xmlNS);
			Regex revisionLinkRE = new Regex(@"(?<!diff=\d+&)oldid=(\d+).+?>(.+?)<");
			XmlNode subn;
			foreach (XmlNode n in nl) {
				Page p = new Page(site, pageTitle);
				p.lastRevisionID = revisionLinkRE.Match(n.InnerXml).Groups[1].Value;
				DateTime.TryParse(revisionLinkRE.Match(n.InnerXml).Groups[2].Value, out p.timestamp);
				p.lastUser = n.SelectSingleNode("ns:span[@class='history-user']/ns:a", site.xmlNS).InnerText;
				if ((subn = n.SelectSingleNode("ns:span[@class='history-size']", site.xmlNS)) != null)
					int.TryParse(Regex.Replace(subn.InnerText, @"[^-+\d]", ""), out p.lastBytesModified);
				p.lastMinorEdit = (n.SelectSingleNode("ns:span[@class='minor']", site.xmlNS) != null) ?
					true : false;
				p.comment = (n.SelectSingleNode("ns:span[@class='comment']", site.xmlNS) != null) ?
					n.SelectSingleNode("ns:span[@class='comment']", site.xmlNS).InnerText : "";
			Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with " + nl.Count + " last revisons of \"" +
				pageTitle + "\" page...");

		/// <summary>Gets page history using  bot query interface ("api.php" MediaWiki extension)
		/// and fills this PageList with specified number of last page revisions, optionally loading
		/// revision texts as well. On most sites not more than 50 last revisions can be obtained.
		/// Thanks to Jutiphan Mongkolsuthree for idea and outline of this function.</summary>
		/// <param name="pageTitle">Page to get history of.</param>
		/// <param name="lastRevisions">Number of last page revisions to obtain.</param>
		/// <param name="loadTexts">Load revision texts right away.</param>
		public void FillFromPageHistoryEx(string pageTitle, int lastRevisions, bool loadTexts)
			if (!site.botQuery)
				throw new WikiBotException("The \"api.php\" MediaWiki extension is not available.");
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageTitle))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("pageTitle");
			if (lastRevisions <= 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("lastRevisions", "Quantity must be positive.");
			Console.WriteLine("Getting " + lastRevisions + " last revisons of \"" +
				pageTitle + "\" page...");
			string queryUri = site.site + site.indexPath + "api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&titles=" +
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(pageTitle) + "&rvprop=ids|user|comment|timestamp" +
				(loadTexts ? "|content" : "") + "&format=xml&rvlimit=" + lastRevisions.ToString();
			Page p;
			using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(queryUri)) {
				if (reader.Name == "error")
					Console.WriteLine("Error: " + reader.GetAttribute("info"));
				while (reader.ReadToFollowing("rev")) {
					p = new Page(site, pageTitle);
					p.lastRevisionID = reader.GetAttribute("revid");
					p.lastUser = reader.GetAttribute("user");
					p.comment = reader.GetAttribute("comment");
					p.timestamp = DateTime.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("timestamp")).ToUniversalTime();
					if (loadTexts)
						p.text = reader.ReadString();
			Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with " + pages.Count + " last revisons of \"" +
				pageTitle + "\" page...");

		/// <summary>Gets page titles for this PageList from links in some wiki page. But only
		/// links to articles and pages from Project, Template and Help namespaces will be
		/// retrieved. And no interwiki links. Use FillFromAllPageLinks function instead
		/// to filter namespaces manually.</summary>
		/// <param name="pageTitle">Page name to get links from.</param>
		public void FillFromPageLinks(string pageTitle)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageTitle))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("pageTitle");
			FilterNamespaces(new int[] {0,4,10,12});

		/// <summary>Gets page titles for this PageList from all links in some wiki page. All links
		/// will be retrieved, from all standard namespaces, except interwiki links to other
		/// sites. Use FillFromPageLinks function instead to filter namespaces automatically.</summary>
		/// <param name="pageTitle">Page title as string.</param>
		/// <example><code>pageList.FillFromAllPageLinks("Art");</code></example>
		public void FillFromAllPageLinks(string pageTitle)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageTitle))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("pageTitle");
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Site.WMLangsStr))
			Regex wikiLinkRE = new Regex(@"\[\[:*(.+?)(]]|\|)");
			Page page = new Page(site, pageTitle);
			MatchCollection matches = wikiLinkRE.Matches(page.text);
			Regex outWikiLink = new Regex("^(" + Site.WMLangsStr + /*"|" + Site.WMSitesStr + */ "):");
			foreach (Match match in matches)
				if (!outWikiLink.IsMatch(match.Groups[1].Value))
					pages.Add(new Page(site, match.Groups[1].Value));
			Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with links, found in \"" +
				pageTitle + "\".");

		/// <summary>Gets page titles for this PageList from "Special:Whatlinkshere" Mediawiki page
		/// of specified page. That means the titles of pages, referring to the specified page.
		/// But not more than 5000 titles. The function does not internally remove redirecting
		///	pages from the results. Call RemoveRedirects() manually, if you need it. And the
		/// function does not clears the existing PageList, so new titles will be added.</summary>
		/// <param name="pageTitle">Page title as string.</param>
		public void FillFromLinksToPage(string pageTitle)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageTitle))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("pageTitle");
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath + "index.php?title=Special:Whatlinkshere/" +
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(pageTitle) + "&limit=5000");
			string src = Bot.wc.DownloadString(res);
			MatchCollection matches = site.linkToPageRE1.Matches(src);
			foreach (Match match in matches)
				pages.Add(new Page(site, HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups[1].Value)));
			Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with titles of pages, referring to \"" +
				pageTitle + "\".");

		/// <summary>Gets page titles of pages, in which the specified image is included.</summary>
		/// <param name="imageFileTitle">Image file title. With or without "Image:" prefix.</param>
		public void FillFromPagesUsingImage(string imageFileTitle)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageFileTitle))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("imageFileTitle");
			imageFileTitle = site.RemoveNSPrefix(imageFileTitle, 6);
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath + "index.php?title=Image:" +
			string src = Bot.wc.DownloadString(res);
			if (site.messages == null || !site.messages.Contains("linkstoimage"))
			int pos = src.IndexOf(site.messages["linkstoimage"].text);
			if (pos <= 0) {
				Console.WriteLine("No pages contain \"" + imageFileTitle + "\" image.");
			src = src.Substring(pos, src.IndexOf("<div class=\"printfooter\">") - pos);
			MatchCollection matches = site.linkToPageRE1.Matches(src);
			foreach (Match match in matches)
				pages.Add(new Page(site, HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups[1].Value)));
			Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with titles of pages, containing \"" +
				imageFileTitle + "\" image.");

		/// <summary>Gets page titles for this PageList from user contributions
		/// of specified user. The function does not internally remove redirecting
		/// pages from the results. Call RemoveRedirects() manually, if you need it. And the
		/// function does not clears the existing PageList, so new titles will be added.</summary>
		/// <param name="userName">User's name.</param>
		/// <param name="limit">Maximum number of page titles to get.</param>
		public void FillFromUserContributions(string userName, int limit)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("userName");
			if (limit <= 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("limit", "Limit must be positive.");
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath +
				"index.php?title=Special:Contributions&target=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(userName) +
				"&limit=" + limit.ToString());
			string src = Bot.wc.DownloadString(res);
			MatchCollection matches = site.linkToPageRE2.Matches(src);
			foreach (Match match in matches)
				pages.Add(new Page(site, HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups[1].Value)));
			Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with user " + userName + " contributions.");

		/// <summary>Gets page titles for this PageList from watchlist
		/// of bot account. The function does not internally remove redirecting
		/// pages from the results. Call RemoveRedirects() manually, if you need it. And the
		/// function neither filters namespaces, nor clears the existing PageList,
		/// so new titles will be added to the existing in PageList.</summary>
		public void FillFromWatchList()
			string src = site.GetPageHTM(site.indexPath + "index.php?title=Special:Watchlist/edit");
			MatchCollection matches = site.linkToPageRE2.Matches(src);
			foreach (Match match in matches)
				pages.Add(new Page(site, HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups[1].Value)));
			Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with bot account watchlist.");

		/// <summary>Gets page titles for this PageList from list of recently changed
		/// watched articles (watched by bot account). The function does not internally
		/// remove redirecting pages from the results. Call RemoveRedirects() manually,
		/// if you need it. And the function neither filters namespaces, nor clears
		/// the existing PageList, so new titles will be added to the existing
		/// in PageList.</summary>
		public void FillFromChangedWatchedPages()
			string src = site.GetPageHTM(site.indexPath + "index.php?title=Special:Watchlist/edit");
			MatchCollection matches = site.linkToPageRE2.Matches(src);
			foreach (Match match in matches)
				pages.Add(new Page(site, HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups[1].Value)));
			Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with bot account watchlist.");

		/// <summary>Gets page titles for this PageList from wiki site internal search results.
		/// The function does not filter namespaces. And the function does not clear
		/// the existing PageList, so new titles will be added.</summary>
		/// <param name="searchStr">String to search.</param>
		/// <param name="limit">Maximum number of page titles to get.</param>
		public void FillFromSearchResults(string searchStr, int limit)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchStr))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("searchStr");
			if (limit <= 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("limit", "Limit must be positive.");
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath +
				"index.php?title=Special:Search&fulltext=Search&search=" +
				HttpUtility.UrlEncode(searchStr) + "&limit=" + limit.ToString());
			string src = Bot.wc.DownloadString(res);
			src = src.Substring(src.IndexOf("<div id='results'>"));
			MatchCollection matches = site.linkToPageRE2.Matches(src);
			foreach (Match match in matches)
				pages.Add(new Page(site, HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups[1].Value)));
			Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with search results.");

		/// <summary>Gets page titles for this PageList from www.google.com search results.
		/// The function does not filter namespaces. And the function does not clear
		/// the existing PageList, so new titles will be added.</summary>
		/// <param name="searchStr">String to search.</param>
		/// <param name="limit">Maximum number of page titles to get.</param>
		public void FillFromGoogleSearchResults(string searchStr, int limit)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchStr))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("searchStr");
			if (limit <= 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("limit", "Limit must be positive.");
			Uri res = new Uri("http://www.google.com/search?q=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(searchStr) +
				"+site:" + site.site.Substring(site.site.IndexOf("://") + 3) + "&num=" + limit.ToString());
			string src = Bot.wc.DownloadString(res);
			Regex GoogleLinkToPageRE = new Regex("<a href=\"" + Regex.Escape(site.site) + "(" +
				(string.IsNullOrEmpty(site.wikiPath) == false ? Regex.Escape(site.wikiPath) + "|" : "") +
				Regex.Escape(site.indexPath) + @"index\.php\?title=)" + "([^\"]+?)\" class=\"?l\"?>");
			MatchCollection matches = GoogleLinkToPageRE.Matches(src);
			foreach (Match match in matches)
				pages.Add(new Page(site,
					HttpUtility.UrlDecode(match.Groups[2].Value).Replace("_", " ")));
			Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with www.google.com search results.");

		/// <summary>Gets page titles from UTF8-encoded file. Each title must be on new line.
		/// The function does not clear the existing PageList, so new pages will be added.</summary>
		public void FillFromFile(string filePathName)
			StreamReader strmReader = new StreamReader(filePathName);
			string input;
			while ((input = strmReader.ReadLine()) != null) {
				input = input.Trim(" []".ToCharArray());
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input) != true)
					pages.Add(new Page(site, input));
			Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with titles, found in \"" + filePathName + "\" file.");

		/// <summary>Protects or unprotects all pages in this PageList, so only chosen category of users
		/// can edit or rename it. Changing page protection modes requires administrator (sysop) rights
		/// on target wiki.</summary>
		/// <param name="editMode">Protection mode for editing this page (0 = everyone allowed to edit,
		/// 1 = only registered users are allowed, 2 = only administrators are allowed to edit).</param>
		/// <param name="renameMode">Protection mode for renaming this page (0 = everyone allowed to
		/// rename, 1 = only registered users are allowed, 2 = only administrators are allowed).</param>
		/// <param name="cascadeMode">In cascading mode, all the pages, included into this page
		/// (e.g., templates or images) are also fully automatically protected.</param>
		/// <param name="expiryDate">Date ant time, expressed in UTC, when the protection expires
		/// and page becomes fully unprotected. Use DateTime.ToUniversalTime() method to convert local
		/// time to UTC, if necessary. Pass DateTime.MinValue to make protection indefinite.</param>
		/// <param name="reason">Reason for protecting this page.</param>
		public void Protect(int editMode, int renameMode, bool cascadeMode,
			DateTime expiryDate, string reason)
			if (IsEmpty())
				throw new WikiBotException("The PageList is empty. Nothing to protect.");
			foreach (Page p in pages)
				p.Protect(editMode, renameMode, cascadeMode, expiryDate, reason);

		/// <summary>Adds all pages in this PageList to bot account's watchlist.</summary>
		public void Watch()
			if (IsEmpty())
				throw new WikiBotException("The PageList is empty. Nothing to watch.");
			foreach (Page p in pages)

		/// <summary>Removes all pages in this PageList from bot account's watchlist.</summary>
		public void Unwatch()
			if (IsEmpty())
				throw new WikiBotException("The PageList is empty. Nothing to unwatch.");
			foreach (Page p in pages)

		/// <summary>Removes the pages, that are not in given namespaces.</summary>
		/// <param name="neededNSs">Array of integers, presenting keys of namespaces to retain.</param>
		/// <example><code>pageList.FilterNamespaces(new int[] {0,3});</code></example>
		public void FilterNamespaces(int[] neededNSs)
			for (int i=pages.Count-1; i >= 0; i--) {
				if (Array.IndexOf(neededNSs, pages[i].GetNamespace()) == -1)
					pages.RemoveAt(i); }

		/// <summary>Removes the pages, that are in given namespaces.</summary>
		/// <param name="needlessNSs">Array of integers, presenting keys of namespaces to remove.</param>
		/// <example><code>pageList.RemoveNamespaces(new int[] {2,4});</code></example>
		public void RemoveNamespaces(int[] needlessNSs)
			for (int i=pages.Count-1; i >= 0; i--) {
				if (Array.IndexOf(needlessNSs, pages[i].GetNamespace()) != -1)
					pages.RemoveAt(i); }

		/// <summary>This function sorts all pages in PageList by titles.</summary>
		public void Sort()
			if (IsEmpty())
				throw new WikiBotException("The PageList is empty. Nothing to sort.");

		/// <summary>This internal function compares pages by titles (alphabetically).</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns 1 if x is greater, -1 if y is greater, 0 if equal.</returns>
		public static int ComparePagesByTitles(Page x, Page y)
			int r = string.CompareOrdinal(x.title, y.title);
			return (r != 0) ? r/Math.Abs(r) : 0;

		/// <summary>Removes all pages in PageList from specified category by deleting
		/// links to that category in pages texts.</summary>
		/// <param name="categoryName">Category name, with or without prefix.</param>
		public void RemoveFromCategory(string categoryName)
			foreach (Page p in pages)

		/// <summary>Adds all pages in PageList to the specified category by adding
		/// links to that category in pages texts.</summary>
		/// <param name="categoryName">Category name, with or without prefix.</param>
		public void AddToCategory(string categoryName)
			foreach (Page p in pages)

		/// <summary>Adds a specified template to the end of all pages in PageList.</summary>
		/// <param name="templateText">Template text, like "{{template_name|...|...}}".</param>
		public void AddTemplate(string templateText)
			foreach (Page p in pages)

		/// <summary>Removes a specified template from all pages in PageList.</summary>
		/// <param name="templateTitle">Title of template  to remove.</param>
		public void RemoveTemplate(string templateTitle)
			foreach (Page p in pages)

		/// <summary>Loads text for pages in PageList from site via common web interface.
		/// Please, don't use this function when going to edit big amounts of pages on
		/// popular public wikis, as it compromises edit confilct detection. In that case,
		/// each page's text should be loaded individually right before its processing
		/// and saving.</summary>
		public void Load()
			if (IsEmpty())
				throw new WikiBotException("The PageList is empty. Nothing to load.");
			foreach (Page page in pages)

		/// <summary>Loads text and metadata for pages in PageList via XML export interface.
		/// Non-existent pages will be automatically removed from the PageList.
		/// Please, don't use this function when going to edit big amounts of pages on
		/// popular public wikis, as it compromises edit confilct detection. In that case,
		/// each page's text should be loaded individually right before its processing
		/// and saving.</summary>
		public void LoadEx()
			if (IsEmpty())
				throw new WikiBotException("The PageList is empty. Nothing to load.");
			Console.WriteLine("Loading " + pages.Count + " pages...");
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath +
			string postData = "curonly=True&pages=";
			foreach (Page page in pages)
				postData += HttpUtility.UrlEncode(page.title) + "\r\n";
			XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(Bot.wc.UploadString(res, postData)));
			while (reader.ReadToFollowing("page")) {
				Page p = new Page(site, "");

		/// <summary>Loads text and metadata for pages in PageList via XML export interface.
		/// The function uses XPathNavigator and is less efficient than LoadEx().</summary>
		public void LoadEx2()
			if (IsEmpty())
				throw new WikiBotException("The PageList is empty. Nothing to load.");
			Console.WriteLine("Loading " + pages.Count + " pages...");
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath +
			string postData = "curonly=True&pages=";
			foreach (Page page in pages)
				postData += page.title + "\r\n";
			StringReader strReader = new StringReader(Bot.wc.UploadString(res, postData));
			XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument(strReader);
			XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator();
			foreach (Page page in pages)
				if (page.title.Contains("'")) {
				string query = "//ns:page[ns:title='" + page.title + "']/";
				try {
					page.text = nav.SelectSingleNode(query + "ns:revision/ns:text", site.xmlNS).InnerXml;
				catch (System.NullReferenceException) {
				page.text = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(page.text);
				page.pageID = nav.SelectSingleNode(query + "ns:id", site.xmlNS).InnerXml;
				try {
					page.lastUser = nav.SelectSingleNode(query +
						"ns:revision/ns:contributor/ns:username", site.xmlNS).InnerXml;
					page.lastUserID = nav.SelectSingleNode(query +
						"ns:revision/ns:contributor/ns:id", site.xmlNS).InnerXml;
				catch (System.NullReferenceException) {
					page.lastUser = nav.SelectSingleNode(query +
						"ns:revision/ns:contributor/ns:ip", site.xmlNS).InnerXml;
				page.lastUser = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(page.lastUser);
				page.lastRevisionID = nav.SelectSingleNode(query +
					"ns:revision/ns:id", site.xmlNS).InnerXml;
				page.lastMinorEdit = (nav.SelectSingleNode(query +
					"ns:revision/ns:minor", site.xmlNS) == null) ? false : true;
				try {
					page.comment = nav.SelectSingleNode(query +
						"ns:revision/ns:comment", site.xmlNS).InnerXml;
					page.comment = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(page.comment);
				catch (System.NullReferenceException) {;}
				page.timestamp = nav.SelectSingleNode(query +
					"ns:revision/ns:timestamp", site.xmlNS).ValueAsDateTime;
			Console.WriteLine("Pages download completed.");

		/// <summary>Loads text and metadata for pages in PageList via XML export interface.
		/// The function loads pages one by one, it is slightly less efficient than LoadEx().</summary>
		public void LoadEx3()
			if (IsEmpty())
				throw new WikiBotException("The PageList is empty. Nothing to load.");
			foreach (Page p in pages)

		/// <summary>Gets page titles and page text from local XML dump.
		/// This function consumes much resources.</summary>
		/// <param name="filePathName">The path to and name of the XML dump file as string.</param>
		public void FillAndLoadFromXMLDump(string filePathName)
			Console.WriteLine("Loading pages from XML dump...");
			XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(filePathName);
			while (reader.ReadToFollowing("page")) {
				Page p = new Page(site, "");
			Console.WriteLine("XML dump loaded successfully.");

		/// <summary>Gets page titles and page texts from all ".txt" files in the specified
		/// directory (folder). Each file becomes a page. Page titles are constructed from file names.
		/// Page text is read from file contents. If any Unicode numeric codes (also known as numeric
		/// character references or NCRs) of the forbidden characters (forbidden in filenames)
		/// are recognized in filenames, those codes are converted to characters
		/// (e.g. "|" is converted to "|").</summary>
		/// <param name="dirPath">The path and name of a directory (folder) to load files from.</param>
		public void FillAndLoadFromFiles(string dirPath)
			foreach (string fileName in Directory.GetFiles(dirPath, "*.txt")) {
				Page p = new Page(site, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName));
				p.title = p.title.Replace(""", "\"");
				p.title = p.title.Replace("<", "<");
				p.title = p.title.Replace(">", ">");
				p.title = p.title.Replace("?", "?");
				p.title = p.title.Replace(":", ":");
				p.title = p.title.Replace("\", "\\");
				p.title = p.title.Replace("/", "/");
				p.title = p.title.Replace("*", "*");
				p.title = p.title.Replace("|", "|");

		/// <summary>Saves all pages in PageList to live wiki site. Uses default bot
		/// edit comment and default minor edit mark setting ("true" by default). This function
		/// doesn't limit the saving speed, so in case of working on public wiki, it's better
		/// to use SaveSmoothly function in order not to overload public server (HTTP errors or
		/// framework errors may arise in case of overloading).</summary>
		public void Save()
			Save(Bot.editComment, Bot.isMinorEdit);

		/// <summary>Saves all pages in PageList to live wiki site. This function
		/// doesn't limit the saving speed, so in case of working on public wiki, it's better
		/// to use SaveSmoothly function in order not to overload public server (HTTP errors or
		/// framework errors may arise in case of overloading).</summary>
		/// <param name="comment">Your edit comment.</param>
		/// <param name="isMinorEdit">Minor edit mark (true = minor edit).</param>
		public void Save(string comment, bool isMinorEdit)
			foreach (Page page in pages)
				page.Save(page.text, comment, isMinorEdit);

		/// <summary>Saves all pages in PageList to live wiki site. The function waits for 5 seconds
		/// between each page save operation in order not to overload server. Uses default bot
		/// edit comment and default minor edit mark setting ("true" by default). This function
		/// doesn't limit the saving speed, so in case of working on public wiki, it's better
		/// to use SaveSmoothly function in order not to overload public server (HTTP errors or
		/// framework errors may arise in case of overloading).</summary>
		public void SaveSmoothly()
			SaveSmoothly(5, Bot.editComment, Bot.isMinorEdit);

		/// <summary>Saves all pages in PageList to live wiki site. The function waits for specified
		/// number of seconds between each page save operation in order not to overload server.
		/// Uses default bot edit comment and default minor edit mark setting
		/// ("true" by default).</summary>
		/// <param name="intervalSeconds">Number of seconds to wait between each save operation.</param>
		public void SaveSmoothly(int intervalSeconds)
			SaveSmoothly(intervalSeconds, Bot.editComment, Bot.isMinorEdit);

		/// <summary>Saves all pages in PageList to live wiki site. The function waits for specified
		/// number of seconds between each page save operation in order not to overload server.</summary>
		/// <param name="intervalSeconds">Number of seconds to wait between each save operation.</param>
		/// <param name="comment">Your edit comment.</param>
		/// <param name="isMinorEdit">Minor edit mark (true = minor edit).</param>
		public void SaveSmoothly(int intervalSeconds, string comment, bool isMinorEdit)
			if (intervalSeconds == 0)
				intervalSeconds = 1;
			foreach (Page page in pages) {
				Thread.Sleep(intervalSeconds * 1000);
				page.Save(page.text, comment, isMinorEdit);

		/// <summary>This is the interface for XML import. Not implemented yet.</summary>
		public void SaveEx()
			SaveEx(Bot.editComment, Bot.isMinorEdit);

		/// <summary>This is the interface for XML import. Not implemented yet.</summary>
		public void SaveEx(string comment, bool isMinorEdit) {}

		/// <summary>Undoes the last edit of every page in this PageList, so every page text reverts
		/// to previous contents. The function doesn't affect other operations like renaming.</summary>
		/// <param name="comment">Your edit comment.</param>
		/// <param name="isMinorEdit">Minor edit mark (true = minor edit).</param>
		public void Revert(string comment, bool isMinorEdit)
			foreach (Page page in pages)
				page.Revert(comment, isMinorEdit);

		/// <summary>Saves titles of all pages in PageList to the specified file. Each title
		/// on a new line. If the target file already exists, it is overwritten.</summary>
		/// <param name="filePathName">The path to and name of the target file as string.</param>
		public void SaveTitlesToFile(string filePathName)
			SaveTitlesToFile(filePathName, false);

		/// <summary>Saves titles of all pages in PageList to the specified file. Each title
		/// on a separate line. If the target file already exists, it is overwritten.</summary>
		/// <param name="filePathName">The path to and name of the target file as string.</param>
		/// <param name="useSquareBrackets">If true, each page title will be enclosed in square brackets.</param>
		public void SaveTitlesToFile(string filePathName, bool useSquareBrackets)
			StringBuilder titles = new StringBuilder();
			foreach (Page page in pages)
				titles.Append(useSquareBrackets ? "[[" + page.title + "]]\r\n" : page.title + "\r\n");
			File.WriteAllText(filePathName, titles.ToString().Trim(), Encoding.UTF8);
			Console.WriteLine("Titles in PageList saved to \"" + filePathName + "\" file.");

		/// <summary>Saves the contents of all pages in pageList to ".txt" files in specified directory.
		/// Each page is saved to separate file, the name of that file is constructed from page title.
		/// Forbidden characters in filenames are replaced with their Unicode numeric codes
		/// (also known as numeric character references or NCRs). If the target file already exists,
		/// it is overwritten.</summary>
		/// <param name="dirPath">The path and name of a directory (folder) to save files to.</param>
		public void SaveToFiles(string dirPath)
			string curDirPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
			foreach (Page page in pages)

		/// <summary>Loads the contents of all pages in pageList from live site via XML export
		/// and saves the retrieved XML content to the specified file. The functions just dumps
		/// data, it does not load pages in PageList itself, call LoadEx() or FillAndLoadFromXMLDump()
		/// to do that. Note, that on some sites, MediaWiki messages from standard namespace 8 are
		/// not availbale for export.</summary>
		/// <param name="filePathName">The path to and name of the target file as string.</param>
		public void SaveXMLDumpToFile(string filePathName)
			Console.WriteLine("Loading " + this.pages.Count + " pages for XML dump...");
			Uri res = new Uri(site.site + site.indexPath +
			string postData = "catname=&curonly=true&action=submit&pages=";
			foreach (Page page in pages)
				postData += HttpUtility.UrlEncode(page.title + "\r\n");
			string rawXML = Bot.wc.UploadString(res, postData);
			rawXML = rawXML.Replace("\n", "\r\n");
			if (File.Exists(filePathName))
			FileStream fs = File.Create(filePathName);
			byte[] XMLBytes = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes(rawXML);
			fs.Write(XMLBytes, 0, XMLBytes.Length);
			Console.WriteLine("XML dump successfully saved in \"" + filePathName + "\" file.");

		/// <summary>Removes all empty pages from PageList. But firstly don't forget to load
		/// the pages from site using pageList.LoadEx().</summary>
		public void RemoveEmpty()
			for (int i=pages.Count-1; i >= 0; i--)
				if (pages[i].IsEmpty())

		/// <summary>Removes all recurring pages from PageList. Only one page with some title will
		/// remain in PageList. This makes all page elements in PageList unique.</summary>
		public void RemoveRecurring()
			for (int i=pages.Count-1; i >= 0; i--)
				for (int j=i-1; j >= 0; j--)
					if (pages[i].title == pages[j].title) {

		/// <summary>Removes all redirecting pages from PageList. But firstly don't forget to load
		/// the pages from site using pageList.LoadEx().</summary>
		public void RemoveRedirects()
			for (int i=pages.Count-1; i >= 0; i--)
				if (pages[i].IsRedirect())

		/// <summary>For all redirecting pages in this PageList, this function loads the titles and
		/// texts of redirected-to pages.</summary>
		public void ResolveRedirects()
			foreach (Page page in pages) {
				if (page.IsRedirect() == false)
				page.title = page.RedirectsTo();

		/// <summary>Removes all disambiguation pages from PageList. But firstly don't forget to load
		/// the pages from site using pageList.LoadEx().</summary>
		public void RemoveDisambigs()
			for (int i=pages.Count-1; i >= 0; i--)
				if (pages[i].IsDisambig())

		/// <summary>Removes all pages from PageList.</summary>
		public void RemoveAll()

		/// <summary>Removes all pages from PageList.</summary>
		public void Clear()

		/// <summary>Function changes default English namespace prefixes to correct local prefixes
		/// (e.g. for German wiki-sites it changes "Category:..." to "Kategorie:...").</summary>
		public void CorrectNSPrefixes()
			foreach (Page p in pages)

		/// <summary>Shows if there are any Page objects in this PageList.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns bool value.</returns>
		public bool IsEmpty()
			return (pages.Count == 0) ? true : false;

		/// <summary>Sends titles of all contained pages to console.</summary>
		public void ShowTitles()
			Console.WriteLine("\nPages in this PageList:");
			foreach (Page p in pages)

		/// <summary>Sends texts of all contained pages to console.</summary>
		public void ShowTexts()
			Console.WriteLine("\nPages in this PageList:");
			foreach (Page p in pages) {

	/// <summary>Class establishes custom application exceptions.</summary>
	public class WikiBotException : System.Exception
		/// <summary>Just overriding default constructor.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns Exception object.</returns>
		public WikiBotException() {}
		/// <summary>Just overriding constructor.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns Exception object.</returns>
		public WikiBotException(string message)
			: base (message) { Console.Beep(); /*Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;*/ }
		/// <summary>Just overriding constructor.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns Exception object.</returns>
		public WikiBotException(string message, System.Exception inner)
			: base (message, inner) {}
		/// <summary>Just overriding constructor.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns Exception object.</returns>
		protected WikiBotException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info,
			System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context)
			: base (info, context) {}
		/// <summary>Destructor is invoked automatically when exception object becomes inaccessible.</summary>
		~WikiBotException() {}

	/// <summary>Class defines a Bot instance and some utilitary function.</summary>
	public class Bot
		/// <summary>Short description of this web agent.</summary>
		public static string botVer = "DotNetWikiBot/2.3";
		/// <summary>Content type for HTTP header of web client.</summary>
		public static string webContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
		/// <summary>Default edit comment.</summary>
		/// <example><code>Bot.editComment = "My default edit comment";</code></example>
		public static string editComment = "Automatic page editing";
		/// <summary>If true, the bot edits will be marked as minor by default.</summary>
		public static bool isMinorEdit = true;
		/// <summary>If true, the bot will use "MediaWiki API" extension
		/// (special MediaWiki bot interface, "api.php"), if it is available.
		/// If false, the bot will use common user interface. True by default.
		/// Set to false manually, if some problem with bot interface arises.</summary>
		/// <example><code>Bot.useBotQuery = false;</code></example>
		public static bool useBotQuery = true;
		/// <summary>If true, the bot will ask user to confirm next Save operation.
		/// False by default. Set to true manually, if necessary.</summary>
		/// <example><code>Bot.askConfirm = true;</code></example>
		public static bool askConfirm;
		/// <summary>Internal web client, that is used to access the site.</summary>
		public static WebClient wc = new WebClient();

		/// <summary>This function asks user to confirm next action. Make sure
		/// to set "askConfirm" variable to "true" before calling this function.</summary>
		/// <returns>Returns true, if user has confirmed the action.</returns>
		public static bool UserConfirms()
			if (!askConfirm)
				return true;
			ConsoleKeyInfo k;
			Console.Write("Would you like to proceed (y/n/a)? ");
			k = Console.ReadKey();
			if (k.KeyChar == 'y')
				return true;
			else if (k.KeyChar == 'a') {
				askConfirm = false;
				return true;
				return false;

		/// <summary>This auxiliary function counts the occurences of specified string in specified text.
		/// This count is often needed, but strangely there is no such function in .NET Framework's
		/// String class.</summary>
		/// <param name="text">String to look in.</param>
		/// <param name="str">String to look for.</param>
		/// <param name="ignoreCase">Pass "true" if you need case-insensitive search.
		/// But remember that case-sensitive search is faster.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns the number of found occurences.</returns>
		/// <example><code>int m = CountMatches("Bot Bot bot", "Bot", false);  // returns 2</code></example>
		public static int CountMatches(string text, string str, bool ignoreCase)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("text");
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("str");
			int matches = 0;
			int position = 0;
			StringComparison rule = ignoreCase ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal;
			while ((position = text.IndexOf(str, position, rule)) != -1) {
			return matches;

		/// <summary>Suspends execution for specified number of seconds.</summary>
		/// <param name="seconds">Number of seconds to wait.</param>
		public static void Wait(int seconds)
			Thread.Sleep(seconds * 1000);

		/// <summary>This internal function initializes web client to get resources from web.</summary>
		public static void InitWebClient()
			if (botVer[botVer.Length - 1] != ')')
				botVer += " (" + Environment.OSVersion.VersionString + "; " + 
					".NET CLR " + Environment.Version.ToString() + ")";
			wc.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
			wc.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
			wc.Headers.Add("Content-Type", webContentType);
			wc.Headers.Add("User-agent", botVer);