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21 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Hungary.jpg Hungarian
National rank 298
Date of birth 09 November 2008 - Day 355
Residence Central Transdanubia
Sex Male
Political party Corvin-Nemzeti Radikalis Part
Military rank Icon rank Field Marshal.png Field Marshal
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

DevilTeam is a citizen of Hungary.


He was born at 9. November 2008. in Hungary, in Western Transdanubia region.

Achievements and Skills

Icon skill strength.gif Icon skill manufacturing.gif Icon skill land.gif 45px 45px 45px Icon Colonel.jpg
Strength Manufacturing Land Construction Hard Worker Super Soldier Military rank
16.992 10.36 0.00 0.00 7x 3x Field Marshal

Icon-politics-mic-home.gif Politics


After he reached Level 7, he joined to the hungarian Magyar Hazafiak Pártja, also known as MHP. MHP is one of the greatest hungarian political forces, and the previous prime minister of Hungary (Hekkat) was their party's candidate. He was not totally satisfied with the party's decisions in the past times, so because of this, he joined to an other right wing party, to the Nemzeti Honvédő Párt - NHP.


DevilTeam currently have no political past, but he want to run for the congress in the immediate future.

Icon-military-mic-home.gif Military

With 502 fights, he won his General rank. He has 25118/75000 total military force now.

Icon-social-mic-home.gif Social

Working Carreer

DevilTeam has worked in many companies, but currently he works in the Patriotic Weapons, where he takes pains over the making of Weapons, and also he has 6 Hard Worker Medals.


His first media organ was eMEDIÁN. He tried to make opinion-poll's in Hungary, and publish them in his newspaper. Now he has an own plan, that he want to write, and update the articles in eRepublik Wiki about Hungary.

As the result of this, you can see now the following pages:

There are all designed and updated by DevilTeam (special thanks to Q J Lincoln) .