Georgi A Nedelchev

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Revision as of 00:10, 22 August 2012 by Georgi A Nedelchev (Talk | contribs) (Woah, left my level out-of-date for quite some time xD)

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Georgi A Nedelchev

25 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Bulgaria.jpg Bulgarian
National rank 4201
Date of birth Jul 24, 2012
Residence Sofia, Bulgaria
Sex Male
Political party Nova Bulgaria
Newspaper 48 Chasa
Leader of the Economics Division of Nova Bulgaria
August 2012 – Incubent
Member of the Administrative Council of Nova Bulgaria
August 2012 – Incubent
Squadron BRAVO
Position Member
Military rank Icon rank Colonel**.png Colonel**
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman


Georgi A Nedelchev is a Bulgarian, member of the Nova Bulgaria political party, member of the BRAVO squad and press director of the "48 Chasa" newspaper. He promots new ideas in the government and uses his newspapers both informing and entertaining the populace. He is involved in all modules of the game and promotes welfare programs for new players.


Nedelchev's political career started out with him joining the Nova Bulgaria party, in which he took an active role. He was soon designated as a part of Presidential Candidate Tablov's government and this continued, when Tablov decided to switch himself with Sando Griffin as President, however, since Sando did not win the election, Nedelechev did not take up his post within the Cabinet, however, as Sando won 2nd place, he remained on alert, should the incubent president decide to resign or is impeached. His program involved an Army reform, that would create a new barracks for just-registered players, a suggestion which he is still waiting to implement.

He was later elected Leader of the Economics Division of Nova Bulgaria, which was responsible for economic discussion within the party, however he also was an active member of the Foreign Affairs division, while at the same time discussing Internal Affairs & Politics, with his compatriots in the Party's General Chats.

Nedelchev became a member of the Administrative Council of Nova Bulgaria, being the leader of the economics division.


Georgi joined the BRAVO squad early on in the game and prosceeded to build up gold which he used to upgrade his training grounds, which allowed him to quickly grow stronger. He also started taking regular Battle Hero medals and supplies himself with the newest weaponry, to ensure he is never behind the enemy in battle.

He has recieved offers to join The Guardians and Red Demons paramilitary units, but he decided to wait until he hit Division 2, before he made any serious military commitments. Until then, he remained a D1 civillian dealing very heavy damage for his division and snatching battle hero medals, so he can afford to train with all centers per day.

He is also an army reformist, with ideas how to improve the country's military and at the same time keep newly-registered players in the game, by creating a military barracks for the youngest of players, on a light regime, in which they would be invited to by the President's letters to new players. He is still waiting to implement this reform.

On August 18th, Nedelchev entered into Division 2, catching the rocket upgrade promotion discount by just 10 hours.


Nedelchev is also known for his newspaper, "48 Chasa", meaning 48 hours, in English. The newspaper earned lots of votes and subs within the first few days of its existance, prompting it's press director to write articles daily. The articles aim to both entertain and inform the people and range from simple "did you know" articles, to complex political analasys and everything in between. He is proud of his newspaper's progress and the reaction from the people. His articles are aimed at appealing to new and old users alike.


Georgi A Nedelchev has earned the following honors:

Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif Hard Worker (x1) Icon achievement Congress Member off.gif Congress member (0x) Icon achievement Country President off.gif Country President (0x) Icon achievement Media Mogul off.gif Media Mogul (0x) Icon achievement Battle Hero on.gif Battle Hero (10x)
Icon achievement Campaign Hero off.gif Campaign Hero(0x) Icon achievement Resistance Hero off.gif Resistance Hero (0x) Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif Super Soldier (x6) Icon achievement Society Builder off.gif Society Builder (x0) Icon achievement True Patriot on.gif True Patriot (x5)