Todor Jivkov Jivkov

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Todor Jivkov Jivkov

37 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Bulgaria.jpg Bulgarian
National rank 974
Date of birth Jan 08, 2011, 1145 Day of the New World
Residence Flag-Bulgaria.jpg Sofia, Bulgaria
Sex Male
Political party 35pxZVENO
Newspaper eLife in the eRepublik
Congressman of Switzerland
25 August 2011 – 25 Sptember 2011
Congressman of Bulgaria
25 May 2011 – 25 June 2011
25 October 2011 – 25 November 2011
25 December 2011 – 25 January 2012
25 June 2012 – 25 July 2012
Military unit Bulgaria|ВМРО Sturm
Position Commander
Military rank Icon rank World Class Force*.png World Class Force*
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Todor Jivkov Jivkov is Bulgarian citizen. He was born on Jan 08, 2011, 1145th Day of the New World. He was born during massive Bulgarian baby boom.

File:Icon position politics partymember.gif Politics and Todor Jivkov Jivkov

Todor Jivkov Jivkov was very active in the past - he was 4 time congress member in Bulgaria, 1 in Switzerland, Deputy MoFa in Bulgaria and Switzerland, Deputy minister and minister of Information in Bulgaria.

In Icon-Bulgaria.png Bulgaria:

Icon - Congress.jpg Icon-Bulgaria.png Congress member: 25 May 2011 - 25 June 2011
Party: 30pxBulgarian National Front
Icon peace.png Icon-Switzerland.png Deputy MoFA: 05 September 2011 - 05 October 2011
President: JNArno
Icon - Congress.jpg Icon-Switzerland.png Congress member: 25 Ausust 2011 - 25 September 2011
Party: SNP SO.jpg SNP
Icon - Congress.jpg Icon-Bulgaria.png Congress member: 25 October 2011 - 25 November 2011
Party: 30px ZVENO
Icon peace.png Icon-Bulgaria.png Deputy MoFA: 05 December 2011 - 05 January 2012
President: Roonex
Icon - Congress.jpg Icon-Bulgaria.png Congress member: 25 December 2011 - 25 January 2012
Party: 30px ZVENO
Icon - Congress.jpg Icon-Bulgaria.png Congress member: 25 June 2012 - 25 July 2012
Party: 30pxIndependent Bulgarians

He was not only interested in domestic politic and minister posts, but in foreign politic too. He was ambassador of Icon-Bulgaria.png Bulgaria in: Icon-Switzerland.png Switzerland, Icon-United Kingdom.png United Kingdom, Icon-Ireland.png Ireland, Icon-Greece.png Greece, Icon-Turkey.png Turkey and Icon-Cyprus.png Cyprus.

When he was in Icon-Switzerland.png Switzerland, he represented his second mother-land in: Icon-Bulgaria.png Bulgaria and Icon-Croatia.png Croatia.

Todor was also Deputy Party president of SNP SO.jpg SNP , member of the 30px ZVENO's administration and 30px Independent Bulgarians' administration. Also he used to be redactor of 30px ZVENO's newspaper.

Over all, the politic was the place, where Todor felt best, where he won his best victory and worst defeats.

Icon achievement Society Builder on.gif Todor Jivkov Jivkov, part of the community

As an active citizen, Todor Jivkov started lots of campaigns, donate actions, "sub for sub" actions, giveaways etc. Some his greatest campaigns was:
To continue the LpFiend's campaign for translating the wiki on Bulgarian
Shouting, writing and article and PMing about that the admins left Bulgarian National Bank as a privet org when Bulgaria was in critical war.
Teaching new players how to play with articles, PMs.
Lot's of giveaways during critical battles and moments for Bulgaria or Switzerland.

Icon - national goals set.jpg Achievements

Icon achievement Freedom Fighter off.gif
Freedom Fighter (x0)
Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif
Hard Worker (x18)
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif
Congress Member (x5)
Icon achievement Country President off.gif
Country President (x0)
Icon achievement Media Mogul on.gif
Media Mogul (x2)
Icon achievement Battle Hero on.gif
Battle Hero (x10)
Icon achievement Sky Hero off.gif
Sky Hero (x0)
Icon achievement Campaign Hero off.gif
Campaign Hero (x0)
Icon achievement Resistance Hero on.gif
Resistance Hero (x1)
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif
Super Soldier (x38)
Icon achievement Society Builder on.gif
Society Builder (x1)
Icon achievement Mercenary on.gif
Mercenary (x1)
Icon achievement Top Fighter off.gif
Top Fighter (x0)
Icon achievement Top Aviator off.gif
Top Aviator (x0)
Icon achievement True Patriot on.gif
True Patriot (x12)
Icon achievement Prestige Hunter off.gif
Prestige Hunter (x0)

Icon achievement Media Mogul on.gif eLife in the eRepublik

Todor Jivkov's best achievements would not, probably, be done without his newspaper - "eLife in eRepublik". It was made in 1185 Day of the New World. It contains more the 100 articles - political and warfare analyses, ambassador articles, troll articles, report for campaigns, domestic politic and party politic articles, guides for the babies, exclusive news for erepublik written in Icon-Bulgaria.png Bulgaria and Icon-Switzerland.png Switzerland.

eLife in eRepublik also used to be the official newspaper of 30px ZVENO party.

Military icon normal.png Todor Jivkov Jivkov - the warrior

Todor Jivkov Jivkov was a member of lot's of paramilitary squads, privet armies, national armies etc. from Icon-Bulgaria.png Bulgaria, Icon-Switzerland.png Switzerland and international too. Here is list of the squads where he was and his position there.
He was member and captain of paramilitary squad Icon-Bulgaria.png OSO.
He was captain and commander of Icon-Bulgaria.png Cadets corp 4 kk4.
He was member of paramilitary squad Icon-Switzerland.png Swiss Guards.
He was member and captain of privet army Icon-Bulgaria.png Special Forces 1.
He was member of paramilitary squad Icon-Bulgaria.png Tangra.
He was member of 5th Bulgaria's army squad Icon-Bulgaria.png Tsar Simeon.
He was member of international army CoT Mobile Forces.
He was member and captain of paramilitary squad Icon-Bulgaria.png Zahari Stoyanov.
He was member of international paramilitary squad Carebears.

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