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51 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-UK.jpg British
Date of birth November 10, 2009 - Day 721
Political party The Unity Party
18th President of Ireland
6th of July, 2010 – 5th of August 2010
Preceded by Moomoohead
Succeeded by 5n4keyes
Congressman of Ireland
Party President
Military unit UK|TUP Family
Military rank Icon rank God of War*.png God of War*
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman
 “Well, he is this really regular, t-shirt wearing kinda guy, with blue eyes and loads of teeth and hair and all that modern stuff. He always looks like he’s just won a bare knuckled boxing match at a handicap in a boat off the coast of Donegal and that he gave up his job in North Korea’s uranium enrichment facility to go plant trees in some fucking war torn country. He has long lashes and a rusty, soothing tone of voice and can quote chunks of Wilde and Joyce as he stirs his Baileys in a rural café in Southern France. He wrote a load of books but never told anyone which makes you doubly impressed when you find them in an airport and he has a facial inventory of a thousand smiles but there‘s always that certain one reserved for you. He is mysterious, impossible to trace and he never answers phone calls during the winter as he is too busy smuggling orphaned children over the Sudan border using his substantial inheritance and knowledge of land to air missile tactics. He is more than likely involved in some underground documentary film group that will result in him being killed in some tragic way for sedition. His final breath of heroics will paint him as a heretic. You know that usual kind of guy.” 
(CelticTiger211 answering "who is Irishbhoy?")

Irishbhoy1967 is citizen of UK

Icon achievement Freedom Fighter off.gif
Freedom Fighter (x0)
Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif
Hard Worker (x31)
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif
Congress Member (x11)
Icon achievement Country President on.gif
Country President (x2)
Icon achievement Media Mogul on.gif
Media Mogul (x1)
Icon achievement Battle Hero on.gif
Battle Hero (x92)
Icon achievement Sky Hero off.gif
Sky Hero (x0)
Icon achievement Campaign Hero on.gif
Campaign Hero (x23)
Icon achievement Resistance Hero on.gif
Resistance Hero (x8)
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif
Super Soldier (x130)
Icon achievement Society Builder on.gif
Society Builder (x1)
Icon achievement Mercenary on.gif
Mercenary (x1)
Icon achievement Top Fighter off.gif
Top Fighter (x0)
Icon achievement Top Aviator off.gif
Top Aviator (x0)
Icon achievement True Patriot on.gif
True Patriot (x15)
Icon achievement Prestige Hunter off.gif
Prestige Hunter (x0)
Icon achievement Party President on.gif
Party President* (x3)

Personal History

Born on November 10, 2009.

Political History

Irishbhoy has been the President of Ireland, a Party President, and a member of Congress.


This is My Newspaper is Irishbhoy's newspaper.