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25 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Belgium.jpg Belgian
Date of birth July 13th,2009
Political party Belgium for Belgians
Faith Zamiatinism
Newspaper The Kingma Times
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman


Kylero was born on July 13th, 2009 (eRep Day 601)in Ohio, eUSA (where he is from in RL). He joined the game after following an ad on Facebook.

Early Political Life

Kylero desired to get involved in politics early in his eLife. At the time, the USWP was the most powerful party in the eUSA, and he joined their forums to get involved. After realizing how large it was, he decided to get involved with the US Green Party. At the time, the USGP was small and suffered from a lack of leadership. Kylero made it his mission early on to change that.

Green Party Years

In his very first article, he came out against the current leadership of the USGP. He set forth an agenda to transform the USGP into something greater and when he was able to, threw his hat in the ring to become the PP for the month of August. On the promise of new forums and a party Org, Kylero won the USGP August PP election overwhelmingly, and became a mentor for the young Astra Kat G (the most famous red head in the eUSA ever).

With a coherent organizational structure, the USGP thrived under Kylero's leadership and moved from the 11th most populous party to 7th. He was returned to the PP-ship again in the month of September because of his strong leadership during the North American War in which the eUS was reduced to the state of Florida. In September, party membership skyrocketed from 40 to over 100 because of his persistence and his patience with young players. By this time the USGP was full of young and energetic citizens and Kylero felt that stepping aside for a month or two would help party retention by giving other players the chance to lead the party.

In the month of October, Kylero did not run for PP and supported TimothyBeasely. This proved to be costly as the USGP was subject to an immature attack (recognized as a domestic PTO) by the infamous Jimmy Loomis. Loomis proceeded to delete the party forums and destroy the party altogether. Kylero later referred his show of generosity of giving Loomis the ownership of the forums as the "single biggest mistake of my eLife".

Following the Loomis PTO, the active USGP members went into exile by joining the Federalists and plotted their triumphant return. Kylero led this effort and created a new forum site seemingly over night. The next month, the party was regained by Sam Kraus. Kylero later won the PP again in the month of December.


In mid December, Kylero renounced his PP-ship of the USGP and left the eUSA for the tiny new republic of eBelgium. At the time, the eUSA had just invaded eJapan and Kylero took issue with the Emerick administration's unwillingness to respect opposing views. Kylero was ready for a change, and rather than moving to another country where he'd have to wait through the citizenship process, he moved to eBelgium, which at the time had open citizenship.

Upon arrival, Kylero and other non-RL Belgians were deemed as PTOs. Kylero only wanted what was best for eBelgium, and has proven it ever since. He has served in the eBelgian Congress for 9 terms and has proposed and enacted some of the largest pieces of legislation in modern eBelgian history. These include: -Proposing the 2/3 majority of all members needed to revise or amend the Constitution (protection from PTOs) -Proposed and passed revisions of the judicial system and the implementation of the Supreme Court to provide legitimacy to proposed laws.

Along with his legislative achievements, Kylero has served as the Minister of Culture and Education, was the first adherent to Zamiatinism (Aldous the Meek), and has been PP of the Free Belgium, Belgian Socialist, and Belgian Communist parties. He is one of the most active citizens in eBelgium, and works constantly to see that eBelgium works for its citizens, and not the other way around.

The Multi Alert System

In January 2011, Kylero created the first standardized system in eBelgium (and quite possibly all eRepublik) to address the multiple account (Multi) menace. His color-coded system, along with simple explanations on what citizens should do, is issued daily in his newspaper, "The Kingma Times". Kylero works tirelessly to investigate new citizens on a daily basis and follow leads that are provided to him by other concerned players. Citizens of eBelgium take comfort in knowing that someone is "slaying the Multis" before they become a problem.

In November 2011, Kylero set the Guinness eWorld Record for most multiple accounts killed:

Return to United States

In July 2011, Kylero, in a last ditch effort to enjoy the game, returned to the eUSA to bring the USGP back into existence. He found the party that once was the US Green Party, and ran for PP. On July 15th, he successfully became the PP of the Black Bloc party and refounded the USGP.

Also, Kylero became active in the US Armed Forces. He graduated Boot Camp within a half hour due to his previous experience, and was assigned to the 1st Division of the US Army. On July 18th, he was promoted to the rank of Captain and became the Platoon Executive Officer of the 1st Platoon of Boot Camp. Always interested in helping young players, Kylero was happy with his new lot in eLife.

Kylero also works for the Department of Defense, and is currently working on an Army/BC efficiency study for the Secretary of Defense.

Return to eBelgium

In September 2011, Kylero returned the eBelgium. To his dismay, the country had been experiencing a Civil War. Trying to sort out what had happened in the past, he believed that the immaturity of CP Monsieur Guilotine had been the culprit, and therefore called for his impeachment when he caught MG attempting to deceive the eBelgian Congress in the form of a Welcome Message edit. Kylero caught flack for what some considered an unnecessary provocation of an already stressful situation in eBelgium. Later, MG admitted to the deception, took a leave of absence and apologized. Kylero is still awaiting his congratulations for what he likes to call, "keeping them honest"...

Kylero in RL
