Vojaški vodič

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Osnovne informacije o bojevanju

1. Preveri svoje zdravje: V bitki se lahko boriš, samo če imaš vsaj 10 ali več energije.Če nimaš dovolj energije si jo lahko zvišaš na dva načina: ali z uživanjem hrane in čokoladic , ali pa z uporabo paketa prve pomoči.

  • Poleg tega bi bilo pametno da si naredite čim večjo zalogo hrane, da izkoristite kar se da čim več energije katere 10 pod privzeto dobite vsakih 6 min (100/uro). Če ste v vojaški enoti, naj bi ponavadi redno dobivali dovolj hrane s strani enote. Če ste nov igralec, se splača sodelovati z državnimi mentorji in boste dobili dnevne zaloge hrane in orožja.

2. Kupi orožje: Pojdi na tržnico in si izberi orožje.Lahko se boriš brez orožja vendar bo to znižalo tvojo škodo in pa vpliv na bitko. Dnevni trening ti bo povečal moč. Večjo moč boš imel in z boljšim orožjem ko se boš boril več boš zadal škode.

3. Pridruži se bitki: Klikni na gumb "Bojuj se" da se pridružiš bitki. V primeru uporniške bitke moraš izbrati stran( "pridruži se uporu" ali "pridruži se [Državi]" ).

4. Izberi orožje: Orožje je izbrano avtomatsko po kvaliteti. Če želiš spremeniti orožje lahko klikneš na gumb "zamenjaj orožje".

5. Bori se za svojo stran: Na zaslonu bitke klikni gumb "Bojuj se". Napadel boš nasprotnika in zgubil od 10-50 energije odvisno kako "močan" bo tvoj nasprotnik, nato se ti bo prištela škoda katero si naredil za tvojo stran in pa dobil boš uvrstitvene točke. Če slučajno ne vidiš gumba bojuj se je to ali zato ker tvoja država ni vpletena v bitko ali pa imaš manj kot 20 energije.

Nekaj dejstev


User interface


As opposed to older versions of eRepublik, every time an attack or resistance war is started, a campaign begins. Each campaign contains individual battles which last from from 1.5 to 2 hours. To win an individual battle, one side must reach 1800 points before the other. If 2 hours pass and no side has reached 1800 points the side with most points wins the round. To win an entire campaign, one side must win eight battles before the other. Consequently, campaigns may be as short as twelve hours or stretch out for as long as thirty hours. When each battle ends, battle heroes will be determined for each side, who will be awarded with Battle Hero medals and five gold each.

Your Enemy and Gaining Points

You can view your enemy's status, including their dominance (in percent compared to your side's domination), and who fights for them. Your enemy's influence bar will always be red, and located on the right portion of the bar regardless of their position (as an attacker/defender). Every while or so, the game awards points to the dominant side, i.e. the side with more influence. If one side is dominant, but the other side is extremely close behind, e.g. within one percent, then the game may award both sides with points.

Weapon attributes

  • Firepower: The weapon's firepower, multiplied by your strength, will determine how much damage you are able to deal.
  • Durability: The weapon's durability is how many times you are able to use a weapon before it breaks. Each fight reduces a weapon's durability by one.

How the Hospital works

Hospitals can only be used by the defenders of the region. A hospital will need to have been deployed beforehand in the specific region being attacked. It can only be used if it has been placed in the construction slot number that corresponds to the current battle number (this information can be found on the region page). E.g. if a hospital has been placed in the 2nd construction slot for a particular region, then the defenders of the region will only be able to use the hospital in the second battle.

If both of the above conditions are fulfilled, a defender can use the hospital in the battle up to the maximum amount of use/player for that hospital. E.g. if the maximum use for the hospital is 8, they will only be able to use it 8 times.

N.B. each hospital has a durability, and will be destroyed once the durability is exhausted. E.g. if the durability of a hospital is 25000, it can only provide a total of 25000 health to defenders in the battle before it is destroyed.

Battle stats

Clicking "Battle Stats" will display the top five citizens that have provided the most war influence for your side, for each specific battle completed and overall results.

See also

For more specific instructions, please read Fight and Battlefield pages.

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