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Revision as of 17:20, 17 November 2013 by Irule777 (Talk | contribs)

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The Honourable
Prime Minister of Australia
In Office
April 6th, 2013 - June 6th, 2013
Proceeded by DraimAlexander
Succeed by MollyJo
Deputy Prime Minister of Australia
In office
October 6th, 2012 - November 6th, 2012
Prime Minister PhoenixGreen
Proceeded By Scottty
Succeed By Venja
Vice President of South Africa
In office
June 26th, 2013 - July 6th, 2013
President CodyCaine
Citizenship USA
United States Secretary of the Interior
In office
July 6th, 2013 - September 17th, 2013
Proceeded by Othere
Succeeded by Rainysunday
President Paul Proteus, Oblige
Party President of the Liberty Advancement Party
In office
October 15th, 2013 - November 15th, 2013
Proceeded by Position Created
Succeeded by Aramec

Political party United States Workers Party
Citizenship USA
Education American Education Department

Canada Irule777 started out in Canada in September of 2011. He enjoyed his time there as a member of the CPP party and made it into congress one term in Manitoba. After six months of being a realitvely inactive player in Canada he moved to the United States.

USA Irule was a member of the united states for about three months. During his time there he served on the WHPR press staff and helped write the pony express and other american news articles. Due to his friend joining eRepublik in march he moved to Australia.

Australia Australia was by far Irule's favorite nation to date. Within a few weeks he was heavily active on IRC, forums, in game, and in the party. He occasionally would help out his party (APP) and loved doing it.

  • Arfman Administration

On the April 5th CP elections when Arfman won, Irule become Deputy Minister of Defense on Mudkip. Most of this job was posting daily orders and being active in the cabinet. Irule loved the whole thing to death and was instantly hooked. He was then elected to senate on the 25th of the month and by may was deputy speaker of the senate.

  • Majester Administration

On the May 5th CP elections Majester took the crown. Irule soon became his Minister of Information (something he was formally for Arfman for his re-election campaign) and look forward to doing the job well.

Majester would later be re-elected in June where Irule would take the position of Minister of information once more and deputy of foreign affairs. This became known as one of Irule's most inactive terms due to 1 week of no internet and various other IRL problems that pushed him around all term. He apologized to Majester at the end of the term for his lack of activity and information articles.

  • Marcos Arolia Administration

Marcos Arolia was elected CP of Australia on July 5th, 2012. Irule was, due to last terms inactivity, only Deputy of Finance and Deputy of Security. He however showed big boosts of activity this term and worked hard in both posts under Ministers Sheraz and Paul Keating. Irule picked the two departments because he knew the ministers well and wanted to give some new departments a go this term.

  • Binda33 Administration

On August 5th, 2012, Binda33 was elected CP of Australia. Binda appointed Irule as her Minister of Foreign Affairs for europe after knowing him for a very long time, since march. Irule worked hard throughout the term giving reports, sending out messages, and keeping in contact with allies. Mid term, around August 15th, Binda33 fired her Minister of Education. Irule quickly stepped up and volunteered to fill in. Irule spent the term working hard in both departments, writing a brand new cabinet guide for education and posting multiple articles. A replacement Minister of Education was appointed August 29th so Irule only had to focus on one department.

Binda received APP's nomination for the September 5th CP elections on August 29th, 2012. Binda then asked her entire cabinet if they would be willing to stay on, including Irule777. Her campaign for CP re-election is currently in the works.

  • PhoenixGreen Administration

PhoenixGreen is elected as CP of Australia on October 5th, 2012 after an insanely close election against Mr. Crocodile and Majester. Irule777 is PhoenixGreen's Vice President and Minister of Finance.

November Presidential Campaig

Irule777 announces his candidacy for President of Australia on 10/25/12, day 1801. Irule777 runs against RangerBob and Wingfield. Irule777's campaign focuses on Defence, the PTO of Australia, and information and education. His campaign gains him a lot of publicity and respect from fellow Australians. Due to the PTO Australia decides to select one Unity candidate to run for CP with a forum vote and IRule decides to abide by it's decision. The Unity vote selects RangerBob for Country President and ends Irule's Campaign.

December Presidential Campaign

Irule777 ran for President in December of 2012 and lost the election to GregMcGregor, coming in second place, exluding a PTO candidate.

Prime Minister of Australia

Irule777 was elected Prime Minister of Australia on April 5th, 2013 and took office on April 6th, 2013. He was re-elected in May, serving a full two terms as Prime Minister of Australia.

Irule's main pursuit during his Premiership was the small alliance Australia had founded, the Non-Aligned Nations of eRepublik. Irule worked on gaining members, which included Cyprus, Pakistan, Malaysia, and many more during his term, as well as setting up more to join later before the next Prime Minister had the nation leave the alliance. Irule spent a lot of his second term working on getting Iran and Portugal to join the alliance. Iran said yes, however, never ended up committing in time, while Portugal said yes to joining in the future. Neither ever ended up joining the alliance due to its decline.

Irule's deputy prime ministers included Aussie Bloke and Lancer450 (Former Prime Minister). He had many cabinet issues during his second term in office which significantly hurt his public image, internal workings and administration's progress. It ultimately lead to the wrongful firing of his Chief of Staff and his departure from the nation after his term ended.

More to come on this later.