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Dead citizen


15 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Venezuela.jpg Venezuelan
National rank 127
Date of birth August 4, 2009
Date of death Nov 2009
Residence North Eastern Venezuela
Party president of La libertad de Venezuela
16 August 2009 – 15 October 2009
Preceded by aldokrasuljak
Congress member of North Eastern Venezuela
26 August 2009 – 25 September 2009
Military rank Icon rank Sergeant.png Sergeant
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Starting out

Wilkommen is a lowly, guilable and stupid citizen of Venezuela. He joined during a mass increase of population in Venezuela that occured in the beginning of August 2009. This sudden rise in population meant that jobs were difficult to come by. Wilkommen was lucky enough to get employment, thanks to some influential friends. He worked and trained and lived in a luxury, while many poor and honest Venezuelans were unlucky and struggled as the government found it difficult to create skill 0 jobs for the people.

Getting political

The time came where he was able to join a political organisation. It was a time many will regret later. Wilkommen wanted to gain power more than anything else. He joined a small party, which was easier to handle, Venezuela Freedom, the smallest party in Venezuela at the time. He soon realised that the party was inactive, therefore it was very easy for him to become it's leader, so he took the gamble of running for party president. He eventually ran unopposed, obviously, becoming Party president of Venezuela Freedom on August 15, 2009. Some say he created many other accounts to vote himself. Many players related to him got banned for that. Leading up to the party president elections and soon after, Venezuela Freedom received a mysterious influx of support. Wilkommen acted quickly and started to reformat the ideals of this once minor party. The party became La Libertad de Venezuela, to appeal the guilable spanish residents.

Congressional elections fraud

The congressional elections dawned, and La libertad de Venezuela had become the biggest political party in Venezuela. Change was promised. But it has yet to come. LV won 36% of congressionsal seats. Wilkommen himself won a congress seat in North Eastern Venezuela. He might have used the same method he used to become President of La Libertad de Venezuela?

The Infamous Handshake

With the September presidential elections a week away, Wilkommen proposed Lucios Nava, the president of Primero Venezuela at the time. Lucios had run for presidency many times before, but had never won, losing many elections by a close margin. Lucios Nava and LV had partnered up to try and win the presidential elections. On the 5th of September, 2009, Lucios Nava was elected President of Venezuela. While appointing his cabinet, Lucios Nava appointed Wilkommen as the official advisor to the President of Venezuela, a title Wilkommen holds proudly, even thought he don't deserve it.

The fall of Lucios

Lucios Nava wasn't very liked by Venezuelans. Every mistake made by Lucios affected Venezuela in a bad way. His presidential term was barely days old, but the pressure was clearly getting to him. Lucios ignored the advice from his ministers and his adviser Wilkommen. Lucios began making hasty proposals and became very erratic. He gradually lost the few support from the people of Venezuela and eventually agreed to step down from the presidency. Wilkommen was quickly to side with the other Venezuelan political parties, as he felt that proposing Lucios was a bad thing, and might affect his ascending to power. Lucios was impeached on Wednesday the 16th of September. A governing board was set up to control Venezuela until the next presidential election. Wilkommen was appointed to be part of this governing board.

Other endeavours

During his early days, before becoming president of LV, Wilkommen was an entrepreneur. He saw citizens who needed jobs, so he thought he could get some profit from that. Wilkommen started up a grain company called Borlaug UltraWheat, and offered jobs exclusively to new players, who, oddly, were his friends. This meant that the company was unable to profit early, and he almost abandoned the company. With more funds available, Wilkommen started a gift company called GoombaGifts. He focused his job offers on both new players and recently joined players who had some skill advancement. It was a selfish act, profiting from the misfortune of the honorable people of Venezuela.