Maine Coon

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Maine Coon

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Senior Game ModeratoreRepublik Elite Citizen
Nationality Flag-Greece.jpg Greek
National rank 52
Date of birth June 26, 2011
Sex Female
Political party Kings and Queens.
Married to Freiheitskaempfer
(January 1, 2012 – )
Newspaper Royal Danish News
President of Denmark
Dictator of Denmark
February 27, 2015 – December 23, 2015
Queen of Denmark
Congress member of Denmark
Congress member of Germany
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
Prime Minister of Denmark
Military unit MINOAN LEGIONS
Military rank Icon rank Titan***.png Titan***
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Maine Coon was born in Sweden. However not long after she was born she decided to move to Denmark where she served as Country President for 11 terms.


A very influential person in politics of Denmark. While Maine Coon had citizenship of Denmark she joined number one national ranked party called "Killers with spoons", and by the time she moved to Germany she joined "Die Steinmetze".

Later as Denmark got a region back, she of course joined a political party again. But changed party several times in order to help the Danes keep the control. This is a common way in Denmark to fight the different PTO attacks. People move where it is needed for the good of the Country, not for their own benefit or believes.

Maine Coon is known as "Queen of Denmark".

She works alongside the German Government to maintain the German/Danish Union. After moving back to Denmark she became Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs, and all-round person in the Government as member of Vanguard.

The Danish / German Union called Germark is a project that Maine Coon is fighting very hard for. The Union was founded on the 1. of January 2012, as a protection and cooperation to benefit both countries.

Maine Coon was the first democratic elected Dictator in Denmark. A position she held to the day a trusted citizen decided to go his own ways and started a liberation (23/12-2015) Libertas33 furthermore decided he wanted to be Dictator in January 2016, which resulted in him standing alone without any support from the Danish people. This step was taken even if the Danes very clearly showed their support to their own candidate as ruler in the President election jan-16, as Maine Coon took home a smashing victory.

11 February 2016 Maine Coon decided to move to Turkey in order to get away from the Danish mess with a hostile Dictator. She took with her Zacharia Raven, a faithfull friend and allied. Leaving Denmark meant leaving everything behind, even Den Danske Livgarde, the MU she was the creator of more than 4 years ago. The MU was left in safe hands with a friend.

After a short period of time those 2 once again moved, and this time to Greece (05 March 2016) Now she had the citizenship that fitted her new MU MINOAN LEGIONS (


Maine Coon is the press director of Royal Danish News. This newspaper has 889 subscribers.


Icon achievement Freedom Fighter on.gif
Freedom Fighter (x130)
Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif
Hard Worker (x57)
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif
Congress Member (x25)
Icon achievement Country President on.gif
Country President (x11)
Icon achievement Media Mogul on.gif
Media Mogul (x1)
Icon achievement Battle Hero on.gif
Battle Hero (x125)
Icon achievement Campaign Hero on.gif
Campaign Hero (x17)
Icon achievement Resistance Hero on.gif
Resistance Hero (x77)
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif
Super Soldier (x483)
Icon achievement Society Builder on.gif
Society Builder (x3)
Icon achievement Mercenary on.gif
Mercenary (x194)
Icon achievement True Patriot on.gif
True Patriot (x217)
Icon achievement Dictator Trainee on.gif
Dictator Trainee (x28)
Icon achievement True Dictator on.gif
True Dictator (x9)


'I got married <3'


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