British Expeditionary Force

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AK47.jpg This page has been saved as historical information

This military unit played an important role in creating military history, however today it is no longer active

British Expeditionary Force

British Army v2.png
Flag-British Army.png

Be The Best

General Information
Disbanded N/A
Country Flag-United Kingdom.jpg United Kingdom
Region London
Colors Red and Gold
Total Soldiers Classified
Commanded by Minister of Defence
Part of British Armed Forces

The British Expeditionary Force was the name of the last military unit remaining in the British Armed Forces. It was renamed from the United Kingdom Special Forces, after the membership of that unit was opened up to anybody wishing to join.

Organization of the British Expeditionary Force

Seal of the Minister of Defence.png
Minister of Defence
The Royal Welsh
British Army v2.png
Regiment Commander
The Grenadier Guard
Royal Guard.png
Regiment Commander
The Royal Dragoon Scots Guard
British Army v2.png
Regiment Commander
Regiment Second-in-Command Regiment Second-in-Command Regiment Second-in-Command
Regiment Soldiers Regiment Soldiers Regiment Soldiers

Rank Structure

NATO Code OR-1 OF-1 OF-5 OF-7 OF-10
Rank 20px
20px Insignia - British Armed Forces - Major General Decorative.png
Major General
20px Insignia - British Armed Forces - Field Marshal Decorative.png
Field Marshal
Abbreviation Pte Lt Col Maj Gen FM


Supply kits of a base 10 Q6 weapons (plus 2 extra for every type of weapon raw material a supplier's citizenship country possesses), were given out daily, provided that a soldier has worked the previous day for an approved British Expeditionary Force supplier.