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Just using this page to promote my candidacy for the senate. 5 reasons why you should vote 4 me:

- Firstly, eRepublik is a game and in all seriousness should stay that way. So i will look to keep things light hearted and fun for everyone without going over-board on serious issues about an online world that most people don't know about.

- Secondly, Obviously i will express the opinions of those in the peoples democracy to full extent and abide by 'The code/values' of the Peoples Democracy as well as considering opinions of other parties.

- Thirdly, I'm from South Australia so we need some South Aussie blood in the congress (this comment will probs lose me votes), so thirdly is that for all the younger people on eRepublik i wont go into the la-dee-da complicated language and I will keep my ideas brief and simple. (unlike Brenflakes sob story. (see his presentation) no disrespect though Brenny!)

- Almost Lastly, I can juggle (lol), really though im positive and would reflect a good attitude in the senate.

- Finally, I'm a youngin (Which means 17 or below) and therefore I will only grow with experience if elected and will produce fresh new ideas for congress.

As you can see by my avatar picture i really love my sports, soccer in-particular. I enjoy playing FIFA 10 on PS3 and will be entering my last year of schooling next year, but that's enough about me......

Im not really all that qualified for this position and won't ramble on about all my assets (haha) but hopefully that gave you an idea of what I'm about.

Thankyou for at least reading this much and hopefully you will vote 4 me. I won't put one of those 'A vote for me is a vote for you' catch phrases on the end of my speeches as it isn't necessary and severely corny..... (I really can juggle though!)

Thanks again :D

