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Mhuirism (Derogatory: Mhuire) is the religious belief of following MacGhille Mhuire, or "The Great One," and the teachings laid out by the first writings of His (MacGhille Mhuire's) word.

The faith goes way back to the time of the ancient Scottish Highlanders, mostly those coming from the Isle of Lewis. MacGhille Mhuire was a great King in Scotland at one point.

The Book of MacGhille Mhuire

The following is The Book of MacGhille Mhuire was written by Jewitt, a Jew which heard the voice of The Great One and outlined the practices of the new doctrine.

Working in the woods of Tennessee, I began to work on my third tree of the day when I heard a booming noise from above. Peering to the heavens, the birds became silent but dared not move, while I myself listened as an indescribable voice declared “The Great One has chosen thee. You are the rock on which this Church shall be erected.” Puzzled, I ignorantly questioned the voice as to whom it was. Declaring as if in irritation, He said, "I am The Great One, MacGhille Mhuire, the God of all that you see." After much conversation, it became clear that The Great One was the very God which I had worshiped in synagogue. However, the Jewish people were not his people, just his chosen people to be used as examples. "Persecution and occupation of their lands is evidence that they are not my chosen people, but the people which I have chosen to be an example to the people of the world." Stunned, I listened more.

His greatness gave way to much information, all which would be near impossible to recollect in one encounter. Amongst many of these, He stressed the importance of chivalry to women, and of pride in one's country above all but The Great One. He spoke fondly of USA, my home and country, and spoke of it with deep affection and passion. "This Holy Land was once walked on by the savages of yesteryear, and controlled by the demon-possessed English. As time progressed, the Holy People migrated to USA, making it the Holy Land, and like so sacred." I further questioned who the Holy People were. His answers, intelligent and straight-forward, never failed to solve my thirst of knowledge, but fueled more questions.

"The Holy People are a race known unto modernity as the Celts, but extend to all those which have such Scottish heritage. The purest of the Holy People migrated to the Holy Land following famine, brought on by the persecution of the English, and settled here to start a new life. Unfortunately, the misinformed beliefs of the English carried over into these migrants, and I was forgotten." How so, oh Great One, were you forgotten? I asked. "The English destroyed my people, the Holy People, and invaded the Holy Grounds which is Ire, Whales, and Northern Brittany. In invasion, they destroyed all records, called it pagan, and slaughtered many martyrs which stayed true to Me."

I then asked why he would allow the religion which has spread across all of the Western Hemisphere to become such a popular force. He informed me that "The people took the tales of heroism to heart, as I intended those lessons to be instructions for daily life; using the mistakes of the people I had chosen for example as fodder for their righteousness. They are not infidels, nor are they correct. They must still, however, be informed of their mistakes."

He then instructed me to go out, and not publicize the faith which has called onto me to revive, but to allow the followers to come, as they will, as their inner instinct will bring them back to what is right spiritually.

A month passed, and although I prayed, I heard no returning voice. Demoralized, I spoke openly to friends of my encounter. Their encouragement furthered my determination, and one night He answered.

"Jewitt, I have a commandment of you, and that is to write down six articles which must never be broken, for fear of damnation to a place I shall not speak unto you about." Before I could question him of this place, he called onto me a list, which I dutifully wrote with pen:

  1. Thou shall never lie or cheat
  2. Thou shall not create false images of The Great One
  3. Thou shall not seek the path of Zombiedom
  4. Thou shall keep holy the Sacred Word of The Great One
  5. Thou shall not betray
  6. Thou shall make ritual sacrifice daily

Amazed by his words and commandments, I questioned as to the meaning of each one. A booming sound, what I perceived as a laugh, answered me and was complimented with a fatherly tone, "Perceive it as you must, as you will be the rock, the Head priest, of this revived church. As for now until later days, you are the first I have spoken to on my behalf for nearly two hundred years."

A few more days passed, as I preached openly of this revived faith which has been endowed in me. In the middle of a class study group, He came to me once more, loud and omniscient as ever, but it seemed no one else could hear him. "Keep Holy, the site of Dun Eistean, as from there I will reveal myself unto the world. I am walking the Earth as I am talking to you, and I walk in the Holy Land even now. My identity shall be unknowing unto you or anyone else except I until a great day of peril comes to the Holy Land, and My leadership will be needed to save My people." I asked if this time of peril would be the End of Days, and He said affectionately "What father would allow his children's deaths? No such day or events exist."

I then inquired once I was back in the confines of my alleyway, which I resided, what the daily sacrifice ritual would be. With irritation, He told me, as if I should had known:

"The sacrifices and rituals which all those whom follow Me must strictly abide to are to pray once a day before sleep but not before sundown to Dun Eistean, pray of your quarrels and desires. Furthermore, once a week one must attend church of this faith, during the weekend, as both days of Sun and Saturday I have declared sacred. During attendance, one must provide sacrifice of tobacco products, liquid spirits, and any monetary possessions - As the formers will be used for church practices and rituals and the later to be used to aid the disadvantaged in the communities. These products should be burned or left for use of clergy, which I will have assigned by the use of the voice of the Head of the church." I knew he spoke of me, and I acknowledged the task which he had declared of myself and my successors.

I then asked if anything else was needed. "Yes, for the Earth was created in the same way as we all know, but the time scale and the glorification of the people I had chosen as moral examples is distorted." I then asked for details, but I heard no voice.