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Verloren Konig

14 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Germany.jpg German
National rank 191
Date of birth February 17
Date of death unknown 2009
Residence Venezuela
Party President & Founder of Militaerische Expansionspartei
14 April 2009 –
Military unit Alarmsreserve
Military rank Icon rank Corporal.png Corporal
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Verloren Konig is an eGerman citizen who is just beginning his eLife in the politics of the Union. He is a 2 month old citizen who is already the editor of eWahrheit, a very up-to-date and un-biased paper that's sole goal is to provide you with the truth and nothing but the truth as well as President & Founder of the Militarisches Expansionspartei. He lives in Schleswig-Holstein and had a brief stint in Saarland. Verloren is working very hard to keep active in the eWorld and does his best to ensure that everything runs smoothly. He is a member of the Alarmsreserve's. He is a very forward person who takes offense if anyone so much as mentions his party as "not serious" or "un-prepared." His party & newspaper are his babies, and he is the father. He WILL kill you. Don't talk about his babies.

Verloren's Motto's

 "You can't skip something that you never started." 
  - Meine Mutter.
 "A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and 
  fails, and then asks you not to kill him." 
  - Winston Churchill
 "The more you sweat in peacetime, the less you bleed in wartime." 
  - Chinese Proverb

"Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." - Herman Goering

Verloren's face after discovering that only the top five parties can hold seats in Congress. He then went into one of the biggest and most profane verbal rampages in eGerman history. He then declared this law, "The most useless P.O.S. law to ever be inacted and that because of this Germany's Congress is FUBAR. He hopes to someday change this admin enstated law.

News Editor

Verloren's Newspaper, eWahrheit, is a critcially-acclaimed top provider of easy news. The newspaper, typically everyday although sometimes missed whether due to his not being present or a lack of news, features a brief synopsis of the days top articles. The paper's motto, "eWahrheit. Your Region. Your Paper." is a modern day house-hold phrase. The paper has recently underwent some minor reconstruction and Verloren has high plans for the newspaper. He will use it as a building block of transparency and truth throughout eGermany. He plans on creating the most RL realistic looking paper in the New World. His paper features political, social, economic, militaristic, international and spotlight sections; It will soon feature a classified section & Opinion Section.


Verloren Konig has high hopes for his political future in the New World. He hopes his upcoming Congress bid in Schleswig Holstein will turn out victorious. He plans on growing the Militaerische Expansionspartei significantly and hopefully nominating a presidential candidate out of this party within the next three terms. He, hisself, does not have any aspirations of becoming the president of eGermany at this time, but perhaps he will change his mind later on down the road. Although hesitant at first, he has grown into a very Pro-ATLANTIS supporter and believes it is the right choice for a better future in eGermany.


Verloren fought for the AGU in the Austrian Resistance wars started by PEACE GC and recieved his first promotions up to Corporal. He still has strong hopes of one day avenging the defeat of his people in the region and like the United States General Douglass MacArthur once said, "We Shall Return."
Verloren Konig snipes an Italian Super-Soldier during the Resistance War in Upper Austria.

Militaerische Expansionspartei

His party the Militaerische Expansionspartei is currently actively recruiting new members to the party and looks forward to a strong turnout within the next election year. Three members of the party are running for Congress this term. Militaerische Expansionsparteiis based on a goal of increased support of the military and its functions, as well as a very transparent campaign politically at home with the economy and social aspects. The Militaerische Expansionspartei was founded on 14 April 2009 and it is currently the second smallest party in Germany but has high hopes to grow and turn into a key player in the German political scene. Profile Link
