History of Singapore

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STAR SILVER.JPG This article was originally published in a Newspaper.

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Flag of Singapore   Coat of Arms of Singapore

On the map

This page is about the history of the eRepublik state Singapore.

January and February of 2009

January 8, 2009 - February 10, 2009

  • Woshiempire creates the Official eSingapore Forum after an announcement by the eRepublik administration that eSingapore will be added on Feb 11th, 2009.
  • Woshiempire begins to encourage people to move to the territory of eSingapore on eRepublik forums and gathers donations to help start the state.

February 11, 2009

  • Singapore is created in eRepublik.
  • Woshiempire, Arbryn, William Shafer, Dean22, AresTalli, Czeckmaster, Glade, ExoM7, bolodewo, Masila, toomuch, darkyojimbo, FrogSage and many others move to the territory of eSingapore to help start the new state.
  • Woshiempire creates the first Political Party for eSingapre, the Singapore Republican Party.
  • Dean22 creates the first company based in eSingaporean territory, Singapore Foods. Singapore Foods is the only company in the territory of eSingapore for approximately the first 36 hours of its existence. Dann22 imports his own grain via Black Market trade so that the employees of the company can work. This company employs 50-100 workers for the first week of the existence of eSingapore.
  • Dean22 creates the official eSingapore IRC chat room. This is located on Rizon. If you click where it says "LAUNCH Rizon IRC" and then after chosing your eRepublik name type /join #singapore anyone can come and speak. It is a good place for all eSingaporeans to get to know each other.

February 12, 2009 - February 14, 2009

  • Many citizens publicly debate in many articles. Most having never met each other before moving to the territory of eSingapore, they use this time to test the interests of each other and find out who wishes to help and who wishes to harm eSingapore. At times, tempers flare, and at other times level heads prevail. It is a fairly chaotic time, but this article from bolodewo sums it up well.

February 15, 2009

  • Dean22, AresTalli, Dogfather Returns & reni attempt to become the President of the Singapore Republican Party Elections which Woshiempire has created only 4 days before.

February 16, 2009

  • Ice_Freeze comes to the territory of eSingapore from that of eJapan after encouragement from eSingapore needing a second party formed. He creates the Inner Power of Singapore Party with the help of several donating citizens including Arbryn, Glade & Johny Gomez.

February 17 - February 22, 2009

  • After some public backlash from the Singapore Republican Party Elections and accusations of trying to control the food industry by employing everyone, Dean22 decides to leave eSingapore and closes down his company Singapore Foods, firing everyone and putting it up on the market for sale. He also transfers control of the #singapore IRC channel to William Shafer.
  • AresTalli moves back to the territory of eTurkey.
  • Dogfather Returns moves back to the territory of eIndonesia.
  • reni gets Permanently banned. The reasons for this are not clear.

February 23, 2009

  • RupeTot creates the Singapore Freedom Party.
  • ashkan_hg creates the Singapore Green Party.
  • toomuch creates the Singapore Kingdom Party.
  • badenov creates the Singapore Democratic Party.

February 24, 2009

  • Singaporeans cry out in horror as the many new foreign parties from the hours before sign many members up for Congress.

February 25, 2009

  • Congressional elections commence. Many voters are flown into the territory of eSingapore from other territories to vote for their friends.
  • The Romanian 6-member Singapore Freedom Party receives 86 votes.
  • The Irainain 8-member Singapore Green Party receives 45 votes.
  • The eSingaporean 32-member Singapore Republican Party receives 34 votes.
  • The Singaporean 21-member Inner Power of Singapore Party receives 26 votes.
  • The Polish 8-member Singapore Democratic Party receives 36 votes.
  • The Indonesian Singapore Kingdom Party did not make the top 5 parties.
  • The final tally for Congress ends at 6 Romanians from the Singapore Freedom Party, 2 Iranians from the Singapore Green Party and 2 eSingaporeans from the Singapore Republican Party.

February 26, 2009

  • The Singapore Kingdom Party changes its name to the Zouk Out Party.
  • The Singapore Democratic Party changes its name to the Jayalah Singapore Party.
  • Congressman ashkan_hg proposes to donate 1000 GOLD from the treasury of eSingapore to mkwb. The law is rejected by a vote of 7 to 2.

February 27, 2009

  • RupeTot posts an article on the Romanian Congress takeover and on the subsequent theft of eSingapore's National Treasury. He states that he will return 200 Gold and 35,000 SGD under terms.
  • Congressman elveon proposes to donate 1000 GOLD from the country accounts to SVGR. The law is approved by a vote of 5 to 4.

February 28, 2009

  • Congressman elveon proposes to donate 60000 SGD from the treasury of eSingapore to mkwb. The law is approved by a vote of 6 to 4.

March of 2009

Mar 1, 2009

  • The Singapore Green Party nominates ashkan_hg as its Presidental Candidate.
  • Congressman RupeTot proposes to donate 20000 SGD from the treasury of eSingapore to SVGR. The law is approved by a vote of 5 to 4.
  • RupeTot follows through with part of what he promised previously, returning 200 Gold & 10,000 SGD to eSingapore. This money is sent to Arbryn who eventually places it in the Singapura Organization Treasury after becoming president 4 days later.

March 2, 2009 - March 4, 2009

  • 4 major parties comprised of local citizens agree to work together for the betterment of eSingapore to prevent any presidental takeover attempt and all choose to nominate Arbryn as their presidental candidate.

March 5, 2009

  • Arbryn wins the Presidental elections with 100% of the local citizens' support, although the margin for victory is very narrow with the election results showing a vote of 46 to 40. The other candidate is Singapore Green Party President ashkan_hg who somehow with 8 party members garners 40 votes.
  • The Singapore Freedom Party changes its name to the Communist Party as the last of the Romanians leave the territory of eSingapore and give the Party to ExoM7

March 6, 2009

  • The eSingapore Green Party changes its name to the THIRD GROUP OF MAFIA party, finally publicly admiting that it indeed consists of Iranian Mafia members.
  • RupeTot follows through with another part of what he previously promised, returning another 10,000 SGD to eSingapore. This money is sent to the Singapura Organization Treasury.
  • RupeTot states that he will send the final 15,000 SGD of his agreement sometime next week to Singapura Organization Treasury.

March 7, 2009

  • The administration of eRepublik gives control of the remaining 50,000 SGD of the eSingaporean Treasury via the Singapura Organization to President Arbryn.

March 8, 2009

  • The Zouk Out Party is "suspended" due to all its members returning to Indonesia to fight in the military conflict against Romania.

March 9, 2009 - March 10, 2009

  • The THIRD GROUP OF MAFIA party attempts to impeach President Arbryn. After public outcry, it says it did it for the lulz and not for real in this article that Ban-Ki wrote.

This article is a copy of the Original which can be seen here


  • Singapore held two wars against the Malaysian attackers, with a break of a few months of peace between them.
  • After the first Malaysia-Singapore War and the second malaysia-singapore war there were some months of peace before a Romanian military unit Semper Pro Patria took over the country in December 2011.