User:Taira-Pama/The Flow of Mana

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by Hitoshi Makoto

Rough History of the World

In the beginning, all we know as the New World was nothing but a gaping morass. Then, the Black mana in the Morass shifted, allowing a gentle White Mana form. Soon, the two forces swirled, and mana gave way to form. This was to be known as the Betaverse. Slowly, planets and countries formed. Allowing creation of several countries on New World.

Soon enough, Red and Blue Mana was forged, causing odd figures to form. They were to be called Humans. These humans wandered around the vast countries. They dug for gold. They made trading companies. They ate. Soon, thousands of these "Citizens" were around.

Some spoke Spanish, others English. Some Mandarin, Swedish, Urdu, etc. Interesting figures popped up. One was the mysterious Dio Brando. A Pakistani vampire who claimed his godliness.

Much later on, on the day 347 of the new world, our prophet, Hitoshi Makoto came from the Morass of Nonexistence into the now holy site of Fukuoka.

On day 397, he began Manaism, the faith we all take in our hearts today.

On Dio Brando

Dio Brando, Haruhi, and others have their own versions of Dioist creation. In reality, Dio Brando was one of the first of those created by merging Red and Blue Mana. An unusually high-powered figure, Dio was still an ordinary human. A good, kind man who loved the world.

However, one day, he found a pocket of White Mana. he soon took it into his being. However, the very power of Dio Brando was to turn White Mana into BLACK...

The overflow of Black mana consumed Dio. Shortly afterwards, it ate him on the inside. He became a vampire. This wasn't the only thing he could do. He could manipulate sand. The Black and Blue energies could incite new things to be created from SAND.

Soon, he forged worshippers, and a harem. The Blue and Black mana had taken over his body. The man inside had gone. That spirit rose into The Aetherium. Today, the Dio Brando we know is the very corrupted shadow of Black and Blue mana.

Of course, it would be too simple to have Dio's worshippers be all in agreement. No, soon denominations sprouted. Some Otaku even claimed one of their figureheads as goddess (Haruhiism). Others, chose a "Path".

Dio ruled over the land. Soon, his magic had become airborne. Slowly, his fetid likeness spread across Pakistan, turning its citizens into mindless zombies. And now, half the world lies in a comatose state. Their loyalties belong to Dio. No longer their own.

However, a miracle occurred. As Dio's body rotted away, the soulless black energies left his body. His winged spirit rose above the Pakistanis who attended his funeral. He spoke 3 words to all those who knew him "Pride, Power, Pakistan!".

With that, he left the world for Aetherium. All citizens of eEarth watched in amazement as Mana's darkest foe became its brightest light.

Inspired, his name became known as "St. Dio of Pakistan".

The Aetherium

After the conception of the Betaverse, a second form swirled out of pure White Mana. There, all White Mana headed towards it, flying into what would be known as Aetherium.

Humanity's White Mana was bound to their bodies. It could not escape to Aetherium. However, death's grip pushed out the White Mana. This allows all of those who are filled with White Mana to become a part of the greatest perfection in time.

The Tenets

Manaists are strictly bound to these Tenets. Obedience allows your regneration of White Mana. However, noncompliance fills your brain with Black and Blue Mana.

These Tenets are:

  1. Do not kill another. Doing so removes essential Red Mana. You must pay the exact ammount of Red Mana yourself for doing so.
  2. Vampirism and Necromancy is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. Doing so twists Black Mana. This causes death, decay, and sadness.
  3. Keep Blue Mana, but don't have it own you. Blue Mana keeps us sharp like beasts. It gives us enjoyment. However, too much of it creates confusion and stupidity.
  4. THERE IS NO GOD. A deity is a false delusion. It creates false hope and belief. It messes up your intentions.
  5. Worshipping White Mage's does nothing, but respect them. Hitoshi, the first White Mage was not a God or even a Prophet. He was a man who realisied Mana's potential. So too does every White Mage.
  6. Only White Mages may write Holy Works. All others do not know the flows and ties of mana. Only the White Mage does.
  7. There is only ONE White Mage. All others are fakes.

Follow these, and your life will be whole.