User:Cormag Ceallach/Books of Draconism

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The following books, are the Holy Books of Draconism.

The Old Text

Not much of a scripture compared to other Religions, but it's existence is an important reminder of followers from whence this religion and it's gods come from. Draconism was finally realized in a land of the walking dead, called Fairview. One soul, named Lukas Kelly escaped from there to enter this world, carrying with him a few documents.

The Black Dragons

In the early days of the chaotic outbreak, there were few who could embrace or withstand the fears and terrors of the new world. The dead arose and claimed cities, then towns, then open wilderness. An army with no leader, they overtook everything which humanity owned, including order.

Amongst all of this chaos, one man stood tall. He called himself Vora X, and was embraced by the Dragon’s Spirit, which guided him throughout the darkened world. Through its guidance, he became disciplined, hardened, invulnerable. His travels gave him wisdom, his ideals empowered him, and his intelligence enabled him. As he was a charismatic man, many followed his guidance, his portrayal of the Dragon’s Spirit. Certain followers began to see and hear the Dragon’s Spirit, allowing it to guide them as well. They too, became prophets in the urban wasteland, causing more followers to arrive each day. As their numbers grew, they entitled themselves the Black Dragon Clan, those that were true followers becoming the Head Order.

When they arrived in Fairview, they quickly made a name for themselves. Their discipline came across as cold and heartless. Their power appeared to be corrupted. Wherever they went, they were regarded with fear and worry. It quickly became known that you must either respect them, or fear them…

The Black Dragon Clan adapted to life in Fairview. They became more structured, and became a powerful force. Their politics were impenetrable, their tactics insurmountable, their combat ability unconquerable. They truly became Fairview’s most dominant force, allowing no one to force their way with them.

However, the Black Dragon Clan slowly disappeared. One by one, core members of the Black Dragon Clan disappeared from Nastya’s Holdout, then Fairview altogether. Whether it be a conflict of interest, the corruption of the Dragon eating away at their heart and spirit, or falling victim to the endless crashing waves of undead, no one knows. Eventually, Vora X, the revolutionary leader, disappeared as well. The few that stayed, slowly drifted, becoming leaders of powerful clans, or talented mercenaries. Their past stuck with them, and to this day continue to be respected, or feared.

  • * *

Recently, members of the Black Dragon Clan have been returning and revealing themselves. Calling themselves Dusk, they took in newcomers, training them under the shelter and secrecy of the darkened skies. Slowly they began to increase their power once more, with no one aware of what was happening within the safety of the Holdout.

After months of training, the Head Order of the Black Dragon Clan is stepping forward to reclaim the city which they once controlled. Members of old, as well as new, have aligned themselves with the spirit of the Dragon. As well, it is rumoured that Vora X himself is sitting in the darkness, ruling from afar. Under Vora and the Dragon’s guidance, the Black Dragon Clan will once again prosper, and the Spirit of the Dragon will haunt the streets of Fairview, darkening humanity's last holdout once more...

The world has ended. All religions have a version of the Apocalypse, from Kali Yuga to Gehena, and its here, its already happened. It´s interesting at most to know the trigger, but not crucial, because the facts are extremely hard to look in any other direction. It is impossible to not see that Hell has broken loose. This is Hell now. But you are still alive... Why? Well, maybe you were prepared for the worst all of your life, maybe you already understood this was Hell all the time, now it´s just a more honest situation, nothing more. The Black Dragons are very conscious of the darkest aspects of this world and life, but don't cry at this contemplation, no, we became Demons, instead, we forge our feelings with the hammer of reality, as it is. We purge ourselves of every last trace of mercy, and the only love we feel is for our own achievements. We called ourselves Black Dragons because that´s what we are inside.

This is the Triumph of the Strong.

Black Dragons are very tough, wicked, cruel, evil people, who believe the only way to survive this hellish scenario is to became the strongest as possible, as much as in body, as in mind and heart. There´s no place for sensibilities, there´s no place for complaints. You have nothing to lose, except your dignity.

After the virus spread, humankind faced extinction.

The few scattered survivors realized they couldn’t survive the Apocalypse without gathering together. Differences in ideology, personality, background, all of these divided the survivors in clans, factions, guilds, squads, packs, and all sort of social parties.

As Technology crumbled to oblivion, the urban cityscapes were swallowed by the utter darkness of night, turning themselves into not much more than hostile concrete jungles.

The virus was conquering every form of life. It was taking the Earth itself.

By Day, the virus unconsciously commanded its hosts to retreat to any obscure corner they could find, fearful of the warmth of the Light. Fearful of the subtle yet shocking reminder of what life was when the glorious Sun nourished everything with raw vitality.

By Night, the virus frenetically provoked its hosts to search for the last traces of life with a hunger unknown to mortals, with a blind pain constantly obliging the empty puppets to move forward towards the smell of warm flesh.

The Moon was the only ally of those scarce brave survivors, allowing them to see at night when all man-made forms of light failed. The remnants of humankind were forced to quickly adapt to the most hostile scenarios imaginable.

Ever since the prehistoric ages the first humans feared the night, for they were vulnerable to predators.

The first tribes of Man on earth traveled in nomadic packs, always moving, always searching for the unknown sensation of home, always in danger.

It is believed that humans still retain in their genes that inherent fear of nature. They came to resent it and thus, they hurt Mother Nature with their technology.

Some survivors felt a new level of courage they had not ever felt before. They thrived in this new reality. They came alive.

Fighting to survive.

Always unsure about what each day brought.

Deciding whether or not to attract the predatory hostages of the virus to them by lighting a fire, or simply freezing to death.

This was the ultimate trial of deciding who was fit for life. Who deserved it and who didn’t. These survivors called themselves the Black Dragons.

They used fear as a tool, always remembering to improve themselves. Black Dragons do not fear pain, nor adversity, nor death.

The greatest dishonor would be to cede to the inner demons that attempt to grip our spirit in their trembling claws.

Respect or Fear.

Dea Draconum Spiritum Obscuritas

The Fenrir's Fangs

The followers of the Great Wolf Fenrir have been around for centuries, lurking in the shadows and waiting for a time in which they could come forth to claim their glory. You wouldn't have known a member in the former world, where they hid amongst the crowds of the unworthy. If you knew what to look for however, you would find that his followers had infiltrated every aspect of life. From the CIA, KGB, and MI6 to the smaller roles such as the Teachers, Lawyers, Farmers, and Police Men, the Wolf's Fangs were there waiting.

When the N-4 outbreak overtook the earth the chosen found their time and came into the light, ready to accept what the Spirit of Fenrir had in store for them. Those whose faith wavered were expelled from the great clan with nor remorse, but the faithful were protected by Fenrir's power and seemed to be granted a greater understanding of the world. With this they grew stronger, able to withstand almost any hardship and trial.

Shortly after Nastya's Outpost formed, the Fangs were found there as well, thriving and growing. Coming together for the first time the worshipers of the Great Wolf, Fenrir, formed a close family and became known amongst the other clans as the Fenrirs Fangs. Soon after officially forming the clan that would birth some of the greatest members of the Outpost, the founders were confronted by a man whom had followed many aspects similar to their own for many years and worshiped the Dragon Spirit. After but a brief meeting, Fenrirs Fangs became a great ally to VoraX and the Black Dragon Clan, building up it's members and supplying them to the Dragon Spirit at the will of The Great Wolf.

After a great many years of power and reverence, the two clans and their great members all but disappeared.

Now, nearing a year later, the great Black Dragon Clan has re-surfaced. Those who remember the days of old had been expecting the return of Fenrirs Fangs and attributed the sightings of wolf-like creatures roaming Fairview to them, rather than a new strain of the virus like many of the newer generation had.

Fenrirs Fangs have reformed, and have once again opened their doors. Formerly headed by the great Reznorock and producing great members such as Gregg Stevens, greatness is to be expected from the returning clan.

We seek one thing, and all we do is for that one thing. Why must we do what we do? For the Glory.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Again, not as much of a Scripture, as it is an important foundation of the Philosophy of the Black Dragons. A full text can be found at this location. Thus Spoke Zarathustra

The Books

The Beginning

Note, that there are pieces missing from some parts, and they will be marked with "..."

By the will of Draconis, I speak unto you.

The ancient spirits stood in a shadowy room around a table, conversing amongst themselves. At that time, the creator of things walked in, and set a clay figure on the table, with an unusual shape. It stood erect on it's hind legs. The creator then said "This creation is new and better, and you must all give gifts to make this special. The spirits conversed, and the Fenrir stepped forward and put his claw into it's chest, "I give it a need for glory, and a wont to seek it". ... Le Harceleur Sombre walked forward and cast a shadow over it "It has my protection when it hides in the shadows and nights and I shall give it guile". Vi stepped forward and breathed onto it "It now has an unceasing motion in its heart. It will enjoy violence, chaos, and will continue to move its spirit". ... Finally, they looked upon the Draconis, "Why have you not given it anything, when you are among the great?". The Draconis stood still, yet unmoved. "I have given it my law". Thus, humanity is who we are today, and bound by a cosmic law and the Will of the Draconis.


In principio, erat draconis. Ea regem erat, et regem est, et semper regem erit. Cum haec, erat alia, et ea fecirunt mundum. Animo vivimus et morimur. Et id officium nostrum est, delere homines qui eea disobbediscono.