Tim Young

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Dead citizen.png
Dead citizen

Tim Young

20 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Canada.jpg Canadian
National rank 224
Date of birth 25 February 2009 - Day 463
Residence Quebec, Canada
Sex Male
Political party Democratic Action League
Military rank Icon rank General.png General
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Tim Young is a citizen of Canada.

Early Life

25th Feb 2009 - Tim Young was born on Day 483 of the New World and took up residence in London, UK. For much of his early life, Tim Young was an inactive "two clicker" and did not participate much in politics or social life.

17th June 2009 - Tim Young decided to move from UK as the wages he was making barely covered the cost of living due to the high taxes and the failing NHS at the time. After a little thinking, he decided to look for better opportunites abroad and moved to Spain to start a new life.

12th August 2009 - France invaded Spain and the occupation disrupted his fabulous lifestyle in Spain and so began his global wage chasing; moving to and living in various countries for a better wage.

4th of October 2009 - Tim Young returned to Britain having saved up enough money to participate in politics for the first time and became 'active'. He started to participated on the eUK forums to find out about politics and issues of the day.

Business Career

Political Career

He is an active member of Democratic Action League, political party in Canada and was voted in as DAL congressman for Quebec on the 25th Feb '00 with 21 votes.

He got to work on the first day of term and proposed three policies; a policy to increase the accessibility of open door congress to the public, a policy concerning closing the spread of CAD and a policy to increase the likelihood for Canada to achieve the biggest monuments. More importantly, he contributed in congressional debates on import taxes and pushed hard for all import tax to increase to 99% and closure of all markets.

Military Career

Media Career

He has got a newspaper called Zen Economist

Other Information