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[[File:UKRPstag.png|30px]] Be present at each and every vote taken, unless posted for a vacation no longer than 5 days in Commons, for your term. We realise this is a bit harsh, but remember we're facing a team of parties against us, not just one. We need each and every vote we get on every single item.
[[File:UKRPstag.png|30px]] Be present at each and every vote taken, unless posted for a vacation no longer than 5 days in Commons, for your term. We realise this is a bit harsh, but remember we're facing a team of parties against us, not just one. We need each and every vote we get on every single item.
[[File:UKRPstag.png|30px]] Release your voting record to your public at end of term, and if running for re-election, send it in a PM to your citizens so they can judge it. We're representatives, not dictators, and it's about time we earn our right to Commons, not just expect it from being the Second placed party.
[[File:UKRPstag.png|30px]] Release your voting record to your public at end of term, and if running for re-election, send it in a PM to your citizens so they can judge it. We're representatives, not dictators, and it's about time we earn our right to Commons, not just expect it from being a Top Five party.
=='''Foreign Affairs Policy'''==
=='''Foreign Affairs Policy'''==

Revision as of 08:15, 23 February 2012

Party-United Kingdom Reform Party.png
 Our goal in the United Kingdom is to constantly look for ways to improve country and community, in every aspect of Erepublik. We will never be satisfied with being the best, we will never stop looking for ways to reform. We shall push on, tirelessly, relentlessly, to ensure that the citizens of the United Kingdom are cared for, and have the ability to do as they choose. Today, Tomorrow, Together, the UKRP. 
(UK Reform Party)

Parliamentary Policy

In this party, we want dedicated MP's who do what they say they will do. We don't want those who promise the World, or ignore their citizenry just because it gets them elected.

As a member of the United Kingdom Reform Party, you will be expected in Commons to do the following:

UKRPstag.png Appoint Deputy MPs to help you in contacting your citizens. While we realise that you'll have a lot of work on your plate, you should try to pick one member of your region to help you. PM them every week, asking if there's anything you can do. If they need advise, give it to them. If they need direction or a job, give them that also. Be helpful, and positive.

UKRPstag.png Be present at each and every vote taken, unless posted for a vacation no longer than 5 days in Commons, for your term. We realise this is a bit harsh, but remember we're facing a team of parties against us, not just one. We need each and every vote we get on every single item.

UKRPstag.png Release your voting record to your public at end of term, and if running for re-election, send it in a PM to your citizens so they can judge it. We're representatives, not dictators, and it's about time we earn our right to Commons, not just expect it from being a Top Five party.

Foreign Affairs Policy


UKRPstag.png The United Kingdom is a proud member of ONE, and will support all our brothers in arms at all times.

Neutral Countries

UKRPstag.png All neutral countries we welcome with a warm heart. We will treat them with respect and expect the same in return. We would like to keep in close contact with every neutral nation as we respect them all and hope they would respond to us. We as a party and nation believe that the enemies of your enemy is your best friend. We class all the other alliances that aren't hostile to us that we're not in their alliance as neutral in intent, however we will react should they choose to act against us or any of our allies in a poor manner.


UKRPstag.png With the recent shift of alliances over the past six months to a year, and the UK's brief involvement in Terra, the Reform Party supports countries on both sides of the Alliance divide. In Terra we have France and Germany, who are long time allies dating back to the days when the UK was in PEACE GC. While we do not agree with most EDENnations, and have our differences with others in Terra, we will not support the invasion or occupation of France or Germany regardless of their Alliance status in Terra.

We do hope, however, they see that the Terra alliance is of little benefit, and that they come around to joining us outside of the required conflict.

Domestic Affairs Policy

Acceptance is the First Path to Enlightenment

UKRPstag.png We at the United Kingdom Reform Party wholeheartedly recognise that we do not all think alike. Everyone is free to have their own opinion, considering our first belief is that of our Freedom of Choice. We choose to be free of regulation, and choose our own path within this game. In this, we respect the rights of all citizens to have an equal voice, to be heard, and to take their ideas into consideration.

UKRPstag.png We believe in a strong Domestic presence, constant advertisement for ways to get involved, as well as constant communication to the Citizens of this country. We'll represent each member's wishes to the fullest of our abilities, and move towards a path of cooperation amongst all citizens. Democracy, regardless of how jaded it may seem, is still the most trusted way of representation. We'll push for more of this, through checks and balances of the Government, as well as updates on how your own tax money is spent.

Small State, Big Society, One Nation

UKRPstag.png It is crucial to keep the Government efficient and effective, yet encourage independent entity to grow and prosper. While we will always respect the job the Government it there to do, we must remember that their jobs are NOT to live our lives for us. Their jobs are to maintain an open door to anything we wish to accomplish or achieve in our time in Erepublik. Otherwise, should it grow too large, the State generally interferes in the gaming experience of our citizens, which is against its purpose.

UKRPstag.png We need to remain small enough to be efficient, yet large enough to be effective, and finding the line between the two is crucial to our successes as a Nation.

Easing the transition as well as the Workload

UKRPstag.png The Prime Minister position already has a lot on his or her plate, in dealing with the constant communication required for our Foreign Affairs team, our Alliance, and our military capabilities. Because of this, it often leaves the Ministry of Home Affairs, tasked with the caretaking of most of our domestic affairs, doing a lot of what some perceive the PM should do. In reflection, upon the many terms occupying No. 10 Downing St., we feel that the Minister of Home Affairs would be better served to be Deputy Prime Minister in all cabinets, simply because it gives them the leeway to manage their departments without occupying the Prime Minister when his time is duly needed elsewhere.

Parliamentary Presence

UKRPstag.png We have always felt, and will continue to feel that the House of Commons is, and should be the most powerful body in our Government. It has always had their say on legislative affairs, monetary transfers, and citizenships. They hold the true power of voting in game, which is what we should be focusing on.

UKRPstag.png We expect our MPs to lead by example, to be mature, and to remain present on all debates and votes. We also recommend they join a Ministry should they want to, however, we will not force them to. The open application process of the Ministries often fills them with people who want to contribute, which is always more productive than attempting to force anyone to do so.

At the core of this Party, there are several main beliefs that we all cherish:

UKRPstag.png We may make mistakes, but it is our right to choose to do so, and our responsibility to accept the challenges they represent. No one is allowed to make mistakes for us.

UKRPstag.png We choose how we spend the money we earn, and will not be forced to buy any certain product, or trade our labour for goods.

UKRPstag.png We choose to allow each citizen the opportunity to move from Worker to Owner, rather than trying to control economic markets through product dumping.

UKRPstag.png We choose to speak strongly against any form of disrespect against the citizen, and expect that each citizen has the right to voice their opinions within our community.

UKRPstag.png We believe that any citizen, regardless of origin should be allowed the opportunity to live in the United Kingdom so long as their intentions are pure. Thus, we will not support strict Immigration controls, unless an obvious security risk is shown.

Armed with these beliefs, we'll represent ourselves both in Congress and any other place, to ensure these beliefs are met.

Military Policy

As a Party, the UKRP believes in three values that lie at the base of the Military:

UKRPstag.png Respect and Loyalty to the United Kingdom: All soldiers and citizens of this country should respect our Nation, and what it stands for. In doing so, we believe in fighting together, as a Unit, in our National Army to represent our country well. The more damage we can do as a Nation, the more we'll be able to accomplish on the World Stage (as we sometimes forget that this game is largely based on military maneuvers).

UKRPstag.png Accountability goes both ways: Congress and the Prime Minister must respect the military for the dedication and job that it does enough to keep the Military apolitical, however, the military must also respect them in return for the jobs they do in running the country and organising their own ranks. There can be no divide on the respect that each shows to the other, nor the positions they carry. The minute there is, there is always a lack of dedication and follow through to get the job done.

UKRPstag.png We do not believe in politicising or changing the military based on political views, nor will we try. Those things are better left to Commanders and Tacticians.

Economic Policy

The UKRP Economic Plan for Recovery and Retention


Tax Reform

UKRPstag.png We've used blanket Income Taxes as the basis to the informed for our "daily income" for too long, when in reality our income has little to do with our tax income. Our tax income is much like a savings deposit, which is then used to create money through print or Monetary Exchange. You'll find that the majority of most country's income is generated in this manner, and our current tax structure was implemented as a reduced version of our invasion taxes set almost 6 months ago. This needs updating as much as any policy we have. We need to move forward to a current tax system with the recent changes, and the Reform Party will support all such tax reductions.

UKRPstag.png We believe in lower taxes. We're not going to lie about that part of our platform. It will reduce our initial tax income, but long term relieving the income tax will allow people to spend their money into the market, creating more revenue. It will reduce the burden from the Government to continually cycle money through the economy, and increase the money cycled to companies themselves. Instead of constant griping about the need to babysit the market, why don't we instead do something to help it? What we've tried obviously isn't working, and we need to try something new.

UKRPstag.png We'll work on lowering taxes, reforming them to focus our income taxes on high yield, high skill industries which will produce the most tax income, while lowering them in industries that we need to increase production in (such as Constructions).