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Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Finland.jpg Finnish
National rank 17
Date of birth 27 August 2008 - Day 281
Date of death 31 January 2009 - Day 772
Residence Western Finland
Sex Male
Political party Punainen Yhteisrintama
President of Singapore
November 2009 – December 2009
Preceded by Arbryn
Succeeded by Flaco Jimenez
Chairman of Sol
December 2009 – January 2009
Preceded by Akki
Succeeded by Albert Neurath
President of Finland
5.7.2009 – 5.8.2009
Preceded by Jorma Ollila
Succeeded by Gabriel Lavanche
Military unit SolDiers
Military rank Icon rank Field Marshal.png Field Marshal
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Erius, also known as the Iron Chancellor, Anarchist and Prophet of Tewio is a former Finnish and Singaporean politician. He is currently holding the office of Chairman in Sol alliance and so he has left the internal politics of Singapore and focused on the global and Asia-Pasific policy. He has acted as a president of Finland and Singapore and he has been minister in many cabinets.


Once upon a time, when gods had forsaked the Nordic lands and when Norwegian warlords had created their empire, the dark matter gathered and created The Corpse. It was an empty and lifeless form of human, although unholy and corrupted, without meaning and strenght. The dark gods competed for it – they wanted to use fill it with their own desire and power – but they didn`t succeed to take it under their own control.

The god of Anarchy and Chaos found the secret of The Corpse – no one could not use it as a tool or weapon of his own power, but to join it. God of Anarchy merged with The Corpse, but he lost his own will and mind. The Corpse came alive, flames of anarchy blazing in it`s eyes and fire inside. It wake and first it was confused, like a child might feel after it is born. Somehow it knew what to do – it took name, Erius, and used it`s human form to live in their community.

Early Days

Erius started his life in UK, but moved after couple months to his real life home – Finland. There is no records from his pre-history in UK, but it is obvious he took his first steps in politics there. Erius was one of those finns, in the times Great Finnish Rush, who joined the game in order to free Finland, which was under the rule of Norwey. Erius helped his countrymen, but left the game because many bugs after release of V1.

After couple months Erius rose from the dead. Some say this was because of his friend, Okkius Pyromanius, who was running for presidency. Erius came to wholy new world – Finland was free and the Finnish community had established a foothold in world. Erius joined Red Jihad, the anarchist party of Finland, and joined media and politics soon. He came to the knowledge of Finnish citizens by writing actively articles to Finnish media.

Erius made his way to congress time after time and was soon quite popular politician in Finland. When nanton, the pioneer of Red Jihad and former president of Finland, left to Japan with Okkius and many other players it was Erius, who became the leader of Red Jihad. As a old anarchist he guided party towards more radical anarchist view.


When Simppa, president, become inactive and Gabriel Lavanche formed an emergency goverment to keep things running till te next presidential elections, Erius was asked to become Representative of Ambassadors.

On May 2009 Erius was elected as a candidate of Red Jihad to presidential elections. This was first time when he even thought about running and many person, like Gabriel Lavanche, encouraged him with it. Some say it was mistake. Erius lost only a eleven votes to Engram, candidate of LEP (Liberal Advancement Party). He continued in his office of Representative of Ambassador in Engrams term.

Erius runned again in next month and loose again. On July he runned again – and declared it was his last time – and won. The votes were guided to him because of PEACEs PTO attempt – samotron, hungarian goon, got 279 votes while Erius got 358 votes.


Erius did his best in office, but he was not the right person to lead Finland in those hard times. It was the term after conquest of Zemgale and Latgale – Finland had invaded some Latvian regions and angry Latvian community wanted revenge. The treasury of Finland had suffered losses in times of war and because lack of economical experience Erius couldn`t guide Finland to economical upswing.

The term was soon over and Erius gained lot critic from the active players of Finland – some of them were pointless and overkilling and some were appropriate. It was these times when the relations with Gabriel Lavanche broke up – they argued with each other a long time. These two didn`t spoke with each other in next four months and when they did, they argued again.

White Lion Order

When his term was over, Erius didn`t know what he should do next. Because Gabriel Lavanche was elected as a new presidet of Finland he did not wanted to stay there - neather he was ready to quit the game. Then he was gifted with the vision from Tewio, The Great White One. He was guided to form a order and move to Singapore, where he should help singaporeans to build their country. With his loyal friend and battle brother Tuukka_Almighty, Erius formed this group - later it was known as a White Lion Order.

WLO moved to Singapore and they were soon hailed as the "white knight`s of Singapore". They helped Singapores military in their operations and Erius and some other members of Tewionist Party of Singapore (WLOs own party in Singapore) joined the politics and so were able to be part of decicion making.

Erius served Singapore as a Minister of Information and Advisory Representative in Sol before Arbryn, the current president of Singapore adviced him to run for presidency. After other tewionist`s gave their support Erius decided to run. The elections were boring, because other candidates retreated from the race because they didn`t wanted to race with Erius and almost every party in Singapore gave their support to Erius. And so there was soon Finnish player as a president in Singapore.

Presidency and Chairmanship of Sol

Erius was known as the Iron Chancellor because of his strong leadership. Because he had been president before he knew everything vital about the job and the coordination with his cabinet and goverment was good. He succeed to get Singapore in to new wargames and he and his officers reorganized the military. The term went well and citizens were thankful when it ended. He was not maybe the best president ever in Singapore, but he was obviously in the top 3.

Erius had worked in Sol alliance since it was founded and he had served Singapore as a Representative and Advisory Representative in the alliances council. When his term as a CP if Singapore ended he joined the race for Chairmanship of Sol. He was convinced that he had good new ideas and enough experience for the office. He won the elections and was chosen as the Chairman of Sol.

During his term there was many conflicts which needed his attention. Brazil used her good relations with South Africa to get one region bordering Australia and they attack Australia. Some members of Sol demanded South Africa to be expelled from alliance - they declared SA as a traitor nation. Erius defended South Africa and convinced other members of Sols Security Council about SAs innocence. Erius also organized Australias defense with Australias CP and EDEN.

Unfortunately Erius was forced to resign from his office, because he came near of burn out. He dediced to have some vacation and after the resignation he moved back to Finland - his second home in North. And that is where he faced his end.