Umarizal Org

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Portugues BrasileiroIcon-Brazil.png

ERepublik history logo.gif

This page has been saved as historical information.

Organization accounts as private accounts owned by Citizens doesn't exist any more, but the article was left to see how did organizations look like.

Umarizal S.A.
Logo of Umarizal S.A.
Country Flag-Brazil.jpg Brazil
Headquarters Southeast of Brazil
Founded January 2010
Industries Raw materials
Products Iron, grain, stone, oil and titanium
Colours White, Blue and Green

All organization's assets have been transferred to its owner, UMARIZAL, after organizations were dissolved.

History of UMARIZAL S.A.

Umarizal Org (UMARIZAL S.A.) was a conglomerate of companies. It followed the basic principles for sustainable development with social responsibility to improvement of the New World.

Vision: Umarizal Org vision in the long term was to act in all New World countries taking their principles and values for everyone.

Mission: Meet and exceed the expectations of Umarizal Org customers by providing quality products and services at the best market prices. Always honor commitments to suppliers and employees. To employees, which may provide a means to work happy and satisfied while maintaining a high level of production and wellness.

Values: Quality, Integrity, Excellence, Competency, Accountability, Transparency, Efficiency and Innovation were some of the company's values.

Subsidiary Organisations

Subsidiary Companies

Below you can see a short list of companies that control and its features.

Name Segment Product Quality Region Market
UMA Iron Raw materials Icon - Iron.png Iron Quality1.jpg North of Brazil - Brazil Flag-Brazil.jpgFlag-Chile.jpgFlag-Peru.jpgFlag-Indonesia.jpg
UMA Iron 2 Raw materials Icon - Iron.png Iron Quality1.jpg North of Brazil - Brazil Flag-Brazil.jpgFlag-Indonesia.jpg
UMA Grains Raw materials Icon - Grain.png Grain Quality1.jpg Southeast of Brazil - Brazil Flag-Brazil.jpg
UMA Grains 2 Raw materials Icon - Grain.png Grain Quality1.jpg Southeast of Brazil - Brazil Flag-Brazil.jpg
UMA Stones Raw materials Icon - Stone.png Stone Quality1.jpg Eastern Siberia - Russia Flag-Russia.jpgFlag-Romania.pngFlag-Indonesia.jpgFlag-Croatia.jpg
UMA Stones 2 Raw materials Icon - Stone.png Stone Quality1.jpg North of Brazil - Brazil Flag-Brazil.jpgFlag-Indonesia.jpg
UMA Titanium Raw materials Icon - Titanium.jpg Titanium Quality1.jpg Eastern Siberia - Russia Flag-Russia.jpgFlag-Brazil.jpgFlag-Serbia.jpg
UMA Titanium 2 Raw materials Icon - Titanium.jpg Titanium Quality1.jpg Nunavut - Canada Flag-Canada.jpgFlag-Poland.jpgFlag-Spain.jpg
UMA Oil Raw materials Icon - Oil.png Oil Quality1.jpg Northeast of Brazil - Brazil Flag-Brazil.jpgFlag-Argentina.jpg

Important Notes

If you have not been clear, Umarizal Organização S/A is a virtual organization, does not exist in real life, therefore, does not involve any form of assets, property, transactions, or other in real life. This is just part of a computer game, online, called Erepublik.

To Contributors / Workers

Every employee had to meet the following requirements:

  1. Working with wellness above 90;
  2. Do not miss more than 4 days of work in a month.

The employees who did not work according to the requirements mentioned above, their salaries would be reduced or they would be fired without notice.

To Suppliers

Organization only allowed purchases in the legal market, not on the black market. As the product offerings, companies was buying in bulk and willing to negotiate the conditions.