Mav10 DK

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Dead citizen.png
Dead citizen

Mav10 DK

38 Message

Nationality Flag-India.jpg Indian
Date of birth Nov 08, 2009
Date of death Year 2016 (est)
Residence West Bengal
Sex Male
Congress member of India
Prime Minister of India
November – Dec 09
President of India
Military rank Icon rank World Class Force*.png World Class Force*
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Mav10 DK (Full name: Maverick10 Dodge Knight), was a citizen of India, born on November 2009. He was in fact a reincarnation of Maverick10.


Birth in Iran & Move to India

Mav10 DK saw the light of Day in Iran-annexed West Bengal, and an untranslatable language package. His first employer, Pejmaaan (ex-Iran President) was also his first guide, uploading vital survival info. Mav was contacted by Robert Knotsworth & Ambrose Didymus.

Guided by Robert, Ambrose, and later Blazed Mav relocated to India's then only region, Orissa. Within days India regained 9 regions under President David Forde & soon after, shail.back took over the Presidency.

Vision 1000

Inspired by these recent developments, he formulated Vision 1000, a series of ideas for the Indian community, targeted at Day 1000. Requiring guidance on the feasibility of these ideas, he consulted President shail.back. Shail introduced Mav to the 3 Indians who would play the most definitive role in Mav's 'training': kansarasumit, Arya Bhatt and David Forde.

These four stalwarts constantly encouraged him & coached him in all aspects of the World, from politics to military tactics to Citizen mentoring.

Fully Engaged

Mav has been an active member of the Indian community since rebirth, be it through his role in Military, Politics, or Media. He is one of the highest users of the Indian Forums and a & Moderator.

Indian Military

Mav's military career was initiated with his recruitment into the Azad Hind Fauj, a private paramilitary, founded by Shail, during the liberation of Orissa.

Under the banner of AHF, Mav took part in the liberation efforts for the full restoration of India's original regions. He also went onto serve an illustrious term as Logistics Commander of AHF, and helped form the AHF Command, AHF Dispatch & AHF Fauiji Recruit, as well as the AHF website alongside then Commanders David, Shail, Sumit, Mayur, Ashwamedh & Shiv.

Besides his AHF duties, Mav has also fought as part of the Indian Army, under the banners of the Bengal Tigers & the Ladakh Scouts. He has played a part in the India-Iran Liberation War & the India-Pakistan Training Wars.

He was part of the Indian Navy.

Political Career

During President ArjaaAine's term at the end of 2009, Mav again took on his role as Prime Minister. However, shortly into the term, at the onset of the India-Iran Liberation War, there was a fallout with the administration over key aspects of the war effort and Mav resigned from his post along with other figureheads. He continued his efforts to guide newbies from outside the Govt. structure. It was also at this point that he took on the charge as Logistics Commander of AHF.

Mav has not stepped into political office since then.

Voice: Media

eRepublik Media has been at the core of Mav's existence. Writing articles, taking feedback, interacting with fellow Media-personnel has been Mav's forte.

The Dodge Chronicles

maverick10 Dodge Knight, Mav V2, found his voice on Day 725 (November 14, 2009), publishing the article Lead India! Lead The World!, published for the first time in both English and Hindi, India's national language. It also marked a standardized format for his articles with a Statutory Warning, Article Details, Content, Dedication & India Citizen Help Desk.

The prime focus of The Dodge Chronicle, has been a shift from the mission of India to the principles of DODGE. Essentially, the Philosophy of Respect as its basis, Mav's agenda was expanded to encompass not only India, but the whole World as the stage for the DODGE Order.

Some of the key articles of The Dodge Chronicles are:


Mav was never much of a businessman, and most of his financial efforts in the initial stages involved trading in the black market, i.e. acquiring goods for cheap, and reselling them in other markets for profit.

He operated the government companies under Internal Affairs India for a few months.

Under navincharles guidance, and as his partner, Mav later ventured into business, forming the Q1 weapons company Xplosion Inc in Argentina. Later, after the South American economy crashed, they shifted base to form Out of Business, another Q1 weapons company in Ireland. In spite of it being a profitable venture, due to Real Life engagements, Mav & Navin later sold the company in early 2010.



Indian IRC: maverick10 / silentobserver / PizzaBoy



Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif
Hard Worker (x18)
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif
Congress Member (x8)
Icon achievement Country President on.gif
Country President (x4)
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Battle Hero (x6)
Icon achievement Campaign Hero on.gif
Campaign Hero (x1)
Icon achievement Resistance Hero on.gif
Resistance Hero (x1)
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif
Super Soldier (x47)
Icon achievement Society Builder on.gif
Society Builder (x4)
Icon achievement Mercenary on.gif
Mercenary (x2)
Icon achievement True Patriot on.gif
True Patriot (x10)