Alucard Bloodlust

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Alucard Bloodlust

20 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Canada.jpg Canadian
National rank 17
Date of birth April 2008
Date of death July 2009
Residence Ontario, Canada
Military rank Icon rank Recruit.png [[Military rank|Icon rank Field Marshal.png Field Marshal]]
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Alucard Bloodlust was a famous soldier in eRepublik, who was the first one to reach a rank of General[1][2]. He lived in Canada and his death by permanent banning was discovered in July 2009.

From the official eRepublik History:

June 13, 2008 - Alucard Bloodlust becomes the new world's first general, fighting from the USA (using their MPP with South Africa) against Indonesia


The following text is an interview with Alucard Bloodlust published in newspaper All Out Attack. Written by Emerick.[3]

I'm about to start writing the full article that accompanies the interview. Here's the full interview for you to browse through if you have the time. It took place over the course of two days, yesterday and today, and it was really good. This is gonna be a good one. I apologize for the odd spacing and messages like [Private eating room #1]: Dishmcds has left at 2:35 pm, but really, do you expect me to spend an hour going through it and editing it to look nice? This is raw data, I'm writing a proper article about it

Day one, 189:

And day 2, 190:

An Interview with a Vampire (International)

An Interview with a Vampire (International) is another interview written and published by Emerick.[4]

Alucard Bloodlust is possibly the eWorld's biggest badass. I can contest to that.....he kicked my ass and then sent me a mocking pm(explaining how he lusts for my blood and his plans with my corpse.....) during the battle of Manitoba. The guy's a freak, no doubt. But more importantly, at least to many people at war, he's a freaking beast. The good kind. Right now, he has 106 wins under his belt(28 draws and 35 losses!), and has attained the rank of Colonial as decided by admin. He's also recieved two honors from Germany and Switzerland; Iron Cross 2nd class from Chancellor Sulla of Germany and Order of Swiss Knighthood-First Class from President Antonio of Fonti(as well as Joe Aitken and John Wilkmot, corrected Joe Aitken in the comments here) of the former Switzerland. All this with only 4.69 strength as of today.

So how did he get such a high win-loss ratio so quickly? Well, the first major conflict he fought in was the US-Canadian war. That means that he was fighting augmented with a defense bonus coupled with Q4 weapons......He also has a few businesses who sponser him, giving him Gold every now and again to raise his wellness back up, so he was able to make quite an impression from the beginning of his career, and the beginning of his eLife(he was born April 1st, and the war began April 11th).

Since that first war, he's been involved in almost every single war in the eWorld, besides some mergers and the Romanian-Ukraine war and the two Paki wars.....I think there are only five wars that he hasn't fought in(I didn't ask him that, so don't quote me on it). And don't take him for a person who jumps into wars because he believes in the cause or wants to help defend a country- he's a pure mercinary; he goes where the money is, and works for the highest bidder.

And man, does he work. Like I said earlier, he pm'd a few of us in the battle of Manitoba, mocking us. He says that's his way of engaging in psychological warfare. He attempts to aggrivate his opponents into attacking again, perhaps foolishly.....but perhaps not. He told me that he feels connections to certain people he's fought against....and with. He told me that he feels a certain connection with Nave, and would like to fight him again because of their high ranks. He likes to test his strength against others of similiar ranks, which is also why he chose to become a mercenary in the first place. He saw the roles of politicians and company owners to not only be confining, but also to have an unbreakable ceiling...."the presidency is the pinacle of advancement, leaving nothing to look forward to. Why else do you think former Presidents often become professional soldiers?.....With the military system, you have the next fight, upgrade, the next skill level to look forward to, and each advancement makes you stronger. Even once the pinacle is reached in rank, you can seek out other mercenaries at your level, and test your mettle against them."

He also moves to his opponents' country and buys their goods from them, depleting their markets. When you hire Alucard Bloodlust, you buy the most dedicated man in eRepublik.

Back to his strange love for his opponents....he looks forward to fighting against the Swedish again, calling them the "Ultra-Rare Filet Mignon of soldiers"......referring to their usually high strength...?......maybe? He had the complete opposite to say about the Norse: "I battled them in Russia alongside a Mercenary named Fallen Angel, one of Patton's boys I think. You might as well view the battle while listening to Benny Hill music. Naturally we lost some wellness, but these Norse just didn't have the will, or the weapons to contend with us. It is there that I gained some 30-40 kills." It goes without saying that a conversation with him about war is war story after war story....but I'm not saying it's a bad thing. He's a man who's been in many battles and has a lot to say...and a bit of advice for other mercinaries:

  1. Quality 4 is your friend. Never buy any weapon lower than Q3 unless you have no other choice. Q4 food keeps a mobile mercenary's wellness up better than any gift.
  2. Always have at least 2 Moving tickets in your inventory. A mercenary is useless without an exit strategy, otherwise you get stuck in a conquered territory and unable to participate in the next mission.
  3. No loss is a failure. Even the lowly meatshield absorbs his enemies weaponry, and through it his strength, making him a prime target for the next round.
  4. Avoid mercenary groups. These are the most inefficent form of fighters. Let me give you a real life example. In the US Canada war I was a member of the Black Hand. After three days of war, I still had no orders, so I took it on myself to defend the Canadians. The Black Hand finally arrived some 2 weeks later, too late for the war. In that time I had acquired more kills than all of their members combined. They are nothing but glorified nannies.
  5. Don't rely on just one customer, you can maximize your profit and theirs by seeking multiple sponsors. Business leaders are quite prone to this, what with war profiteering and all.

Template:VideoHe spoke about his experience with his fifth bit of advice extensively. He has made friends in all sorts of places(high...low......mostly high) in many countries who are willing to give him Gold to raise his wellness as well as pay for his services separately. He's very well taken care of. He always finds some way to get his health back up so he can fight again. Without this determination, he wouldn't be the warrior, and international badass that he is today.

  • [Alucard] 7:00 pm: I didn't realize Jesus was listening in, but I suppose I should not be suprised
  • [Alucard] 7:00 pm: but he only came back to life once.
  • [Alucard] 7:01 pm: BA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!