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18 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Australia.jpg Australian
National rank 763
Date of birth 17 Dec 2009 - (Day 758)
Date of death Unknown
Residence Western Australia
Sex Male
Military unit Australian Army Reserves
Military rank Icon rank Colonel.png Colonel
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

M0TT0M is a citizen of Australia, born on December 17, 2009. He has been Serving Australia as a loyal Australian Soldier. M0TT0M is also the official eGod of HELL FIRE!

Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif Employment

M0TT0M was employed by Aussie Food Inc.

M0TT0M works in the manufacturing industry and has a ManufacturingManufacturing level of 4.98 as of Day 851. M0TT0M has had a number of different jobs in eRepublik. He started his Employment working for Bochox Gifts a company owned by Cuzbah, M0TT0M left the company after he had started his own Q1 weapons company.

Supersoldier2.gif Military

M0TT0M is currently a Colonel, and is a member of Australian Army Reserves. He is currently the Platoon #2, Echo Squad XO

M0TT0M has earnt 1 of Super Soldier achievement Medals. As of Day 851, he had a Strength Lvl of 6.92.


M0TT0M is a member of the Australian New Ideas but ran the Congress election held in February 2010 as an AMP member.

M0TT0M has been a member of many parties from the Australian National Party to the Australian Communist Party, He finally settled on the Australian New Ideas party after reading an article published by the Australian New Ideas organisation Who is the ANI and how do I get involved? and sharing many of the same views and new ideas... Australian New Ideas. M0TT0M encourages everyone to join the ANI|Party and their forums: Australian New Ideas Forums.

On February, 26th, 2010, Day 829 of the new world, M0TT0M was voted into Congress.


M0TT0M owns a Weapons Q1 weapons company, which he runs through the organisation The M0TT0M Co of Aus which was Est. back in Day 779 of eRepublik. As of Day 811 all work stopped for the eAustralia's Weapons Supplier but with some hope it'll be up and running in the near future.

Icon achievement Media Mogul on.gif Media

50px M0TT0M owns a newspaper The Bugle, later renamed to The Omen. This newspaper is primarily used to put out new ideas for eAustralia, cause a little stir and to express his thoughts to other eAussiens.


Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif 1x Congress Member
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif 1x Super Soldier