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Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Sweden.jpg Swedish
Date of birth Dec 27, 2007
Date of death 2010
Newspaper Arbetet
Congress member of Flashback Sweden
February 1st, 2008 – May 31st
President of Sweden
April 1st, 2008 – May 30st, 2008
Preceded by Carradine
Succeeded by Flammbar
Congress member of Flashback Sweden
June 1st, 2008 –
Military rank Icon rank Lieutenant*.png Lieutenant*
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman
Dead citizen.png
Dead citizen

Ziggyzag is a politician, businessman, and journalist from Sweden Umea with an expertise in economics. He has been a citizen since Dec 27, 2007. He is a former President of Sweden and also winner of the The Swedish Nobel Prize in the category politics.

The politician

Ziggyzag entered the Swedish congress in February and has been there since. His first contribution to Swedish politics was the 10-SEK campaign. It made the Swedish forum [1] rapidly grow in members. 10th of March, a few days after Carradine announced his retirement, Ziggyzag ran for Flashback Sweden party president. He won with big numbers and was later elected President of Sweden the 1st of April.

During his two mandates he reformed and created many things in Sweden. He introduced Riksbanken - (Central bank of Sweden) that works with controlling the gold and currency value. Nationalized the hospital sector that was near extinction, and started the state owned companies Svenska Sjukhus. Two social organisations were created during his mandates, Migrationsverket and Mentor Sverige, that work with increasing the population. Sweden adopted new economical methods and became more aware of the macro economics.

When Ziggyzag entered office Sweden was suffering from heavy deflation. All sectors were over-established, products were hard to sell and salaries were substantially lowered. The solution was raising the gold value with Riksbanken to make it harder to start companies, lowering the income and VAT tax to increase purchasing power. Mass-hiring from the Svenska Sjukhus and raising the company tax (to eliminate unnecessary presence on the market) was also carried out. These efforts worked, despite a lot of opposition from general managers, and the economy was relieved from excessive burdens.

The 1st of June Ziggyzag stepped down. But he still is a respected politician and is often seen debating. He has also won The Swedish Nobel Prize for his work within politics.

The businessman

In the beginning of January Ziggyzag bought a Q1 hospital production and named it Scrubs. Two hospitals were sold to Swedish regions, after that he sold the company foreseeing that the business wasn't suitable for private actors. With the earned money he and his close friend Lame then established themselves in the housing industry: by starting the company Akelius. The company was a great success, the innovative low-Q-high-Q method they used proved very efficient. During Ziggyzags presidency Lame alone handled the businesses and also started 3 more companies: Greatweapons (bought from the successful businessman Scymex), Pizza Hut and Ziggy´s Stardust. Akelius is the flagship and is one of the biggest companies in the world.

In July, when Nevugila and other Turkish businessmen hollowed-out and hurt the Swedish economy, Ziggyzag once again became a general manager. The companies together are big exporters and are also the biggest employers in Sweden. They provide cheap products and high salaries to the people of Sweden.

Due to eGlobal warming inflicted disasters Ziggyzag has been forced to fire all of his employees.

The soldier

In February Ziggyzag, with others, created "Högkvarteret" and Fallskärmsjägarna. Högkvarteret is now discontinued but Fallskärmsjägarna] lives on. He himself isn't a great warrior. He is forced to stay in Umea because of his companies and place in congress; thus incapable of joining the Fallskärmsjägarna. But he has still made the rank Lieutenant with 35 victories on the battlefield.

The journalist

The newspaper Arbetet was created in mid January. At first its purpose was to inform the workers on Akelius, but later on became a newspaper for all the Swedes. Arbetet made Ziggyzag a house-hold name and helped him in the running for President. Arbetet is today eRepubliks second biggest newspaper with the second largest number of subscribers.