Ramon Mendoza

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Ramon Mendoza

21 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Switzerland.jpg Swiss
Date of birth March 2008
Date of death July 2010 (discovered)
Residence Svizzera italiana
Sex Male
Faith Dioism
Supervisor of the National Welfare 6 of Italy
April 2008 – May 2008
Succeeded by UgoRaffaele
Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy
May 2008 – June 2008
Succeeded by Skia88
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy
June 2008 – October 2008
Succeeded by KingKamran
Commander of the 1st Italian Army of Italy
November 2008 – January 2009
Preceded by Irian
Military rank Icon rank General.png General
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Ramon Mendoza is an Italian citizen. He retired from politics and on his last days he spend much of his time fighting in wars. At the end he died sometime in July 2009 (est) with Switzerland passport in his pocket.

The Past

Ramon began the game as foreign news journalist. While he was learning the basics of the game, he entered the party Alleanza Democratica Italiana (ADI, center-left).

In this party he began to be known for his wisdom and his good humor. His loyalty gave him the honor to be congressman, then Secretary of the Welfare System, and then Vice Foreign Minister.

Then ADI merged with Vox Populi, and from their ashes was born the Partito Progressista Riformista (PPR, center-left). He continued his work in the foreign relations, becoming the Foreign Minister. He occupied this charge for 5 months.

During the Swiss War he tasted blood. Since that time he continued his fighting career too. He travelled a lot, and he likes to do some currency trading to mantain his lifestyle.

He is one of the founding fathers of MA (Mediterranean Alliance) and PEACE (People of Earth Associated under Common Excellence).

He led the 1st Italian Army for 3 months. After that, period he resigned, sick of all venoms between politics and military forces.

He left for Turkey, built an Iron Industry and got richer. Then after some time, disappeared.

Fought Wars

Here there's a list of the wars where Ramon served as a loyal soldier. Ramon fought for the side where there is an X.

Attacker Defender
Icon-USA.png USA Icon-Canada.png Canada X
Icon-Italy.png Italy, Icon-France.png France X Icon-Switzerland.png Switzerland
Icon-Sweden.png Sweden Icon-Germany.png Germany X
Icon-Hungary.png Hungary X Icon-Czech Republic.png Czech Republic
Icon-Mexico.png Mexico Icon-Portugal.png Portugal X
Icon-Romania.png Romania Icon-Hungary.png Hungary X
Icon-Pakistan.png Pakistan Icon-India.png India (Revolt) X
Icon-Spain.png Spain Icon-Portugal.png Portugal X
Icon-Spain.png Spain Icon-France.png France X

Wiki Account

User:Ramon Mendoza