Lily Jayne Summers

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Lily Jayne Summers

26 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-UK.jpg British
National rank 570
Date of birth Oct 16, 2011
Residence UK
Sex Female
Political party Every Single One
Newspaper The Red Team Express
President of Every Single One
March 2012 – June 2012
Preceded by Rodney Mckay
Military unit The ESO Legion
Position Commander**
Military rank Icon rank Commander.png Commander
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman
 There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way.  


Lily Jayne Summers began the game on 16th October 2011, after looking for a political and economical game to join, and found eRepublik. She started out very slow, and began looking for a political party to join, when Veruvia persuaded her to join ESO which worked hard for all their members and had very active members.

She began helping out with recruiting, and soon volunteered to be their recruitment officer sending PMs to new members, and explaining reasons why ESO was unique. Lily began to hardly go on eRepublik anymore for a few months from December - January mainly due to Boredom but also, as her internet was terrible. She rejoined in late January and eventually helped Roz in recruiting again, and then Rodney as his vPP.

Having served under Rodney Mckay as vPP and Recruitment manager (restoring ESO to third place in the national rankings) she has now stepped up a place for her first term as President of the ESO party, after being tempted by Rodney McKay to run.

Her election manifesto promises an increase in theusual ESO humour but more seriously a desire to close the gap on and replace the UKPP as the eUKs official opposition, deliver an ESO CP (Jamesw a prominent former ESO member has been CP but under TUP backing) and the creation of more debate. She won by 18 votes, and closely beat Betafoxtrot who decided to run at the last minute.

Party President of ESO

For her first term as PP, she helped increase more debating within the party, reform the old constitution, and to try and make it more helpful to younger members. For congress elections in March, she helped elect 4 ESO congress members, Lily admitted afterwards it wasn't good enough and vowed to learn mistakes from it. In CP elections, Lily helped get an ESO Candidate in Betafoxtrot for the first time in months although he lost to Talon, he came 2nd place. She additionally helped increase member numbers by 23% and secure ESO into 3rd place. Overall, Lily helped reform the ESO constitution, bring more competition, and more energy to the party, she however made a few mistakes which she made sure would learn from in the future.

She re-ran for a second term, and faced no opposition winning 66.30% of the vote, a huge sign of confidence. However, reforms of the party slowed down and in the CP elections, she controversially anulled the CP elections due to evidence of cheating, which bought criticism and signs of impeachment, however she continued regardless and helped Appleby and UKRP win the CP elections, and end the domination of TUP. She also helped ESO come joint 1st in the congress results, a huge success as they were 3rd in the political rankings.

Lily then re-ran for a third term, which in ESO history had never happened before, she had a lot of criticism from valued members of ESO, that it was the time for new members to step up, she also faced a lot of opposition and candidates standing to make sure she wasn't elected and in the elections she won by a small margin (She was 4th in the elections at one point) She became the first female ESO to win 3 PP elections and the first person to win 3 successive ESO PP elections.

As her third PP term has gone up, she has helped ESO come first in congress results in electing 15 congress members (A signficiant number when ESO was 2nd by 100 votes behind TUP) and was mainly due to fantastic mobile voting of the party, and constant communication. She has also helped ESO move into 2nd place (The first time ESO has ever been in that position) which bought more criticism from TUP as ESO was now seen as the official opposition. Since then UKPP has moved back into 2nd place, but ESO not too far behind.

Political Views

Lily is a Labour Party member in real life, and is seen to be Centre-Left and enjoys debating on economical and political matter. She doesn't find the military side of eRepublik very interesting, but is eventually getting there...