ita ita

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ita ita

34 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Egypt.jpg Egyptian
National rank 30
Date of birth 02 Jun 2012
Sex Female
Political party Països Catalgipcians
Faith Ionoist and Karnitxandrist
Married to iris_vk
(Feb 2013 – )
Children Senyor pirotecnic, Mizuki-chan, KarNogo
Newspaper La Veu Valenciana
President of Egypt
December 6th 2012 – January 6th 2013
Preceded by Beorin
Succeeded by Andy The Razor
Vice president of Egypt
January 6th 2013 – February 5th 2013
Served under Andy The Razor
May 6th 2013 –
Served under Costalsina
Minister of Defence of Egypt
November 6th 2012 – December 5th 2012
Served under Beorin
Minister of Finance of Egypt
May 6th 2013 –
Served under Costalsina
Minister of Interior of Egypt
February 6th 2013 – March 5th 2013
Served under Ali Gual
Congresswoman of Egypt
Aug 26th 2012 – Sept 25th 2012
Sept 26th 2012 – Oct 25th 2012
March 26th 2013 – April 25th 2013
May 26th 2013 –
Party President of Països Catalgipcians
Aug 16th 2012 – Sept 15th 2012
Sept 16th 2012 – Oct 15th 2012
Feb 16th 2013 – Mar 15th 2013
Military unit Egypt|Forces Armades Catalanes
Squadron 1st Regiment
Position Member
Military rank Icon rank National Force***.png National Force***
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

ita ita is a Catalan citizen mostly known for her independenstist ideology and her yurifilia. She's a remarcable personality of Catalan Countries and the rightful Empress of the Yuri Empire. ita's also known in eRepublik community as Faraona, dominatrix and Evil's Empress. She has always loved her wife, iris_vk, since iris stole ita's heart with her whip.


She started playing as Spanish citizen and early joined the party Esquerra Independentista and FAEIRC MU, both fight against Spain trying to achieve the independence of the oppressed nations in Spanish state. Soon she became an important member in the party and made a lot of friends who have been by her side in all her life.

After a small time in Spain she decided to leave it and move to Romania. There she joined SPP MU where she learned much things about the game.

Egypt's PTO

But she never stopped thinking about a Catalan independent state and how to get it. Finally her friend Naboal told her the idea of PTOing a country and do it a state for all New World Catalans, a place where they could live and play in fully normalized Catalan situation, speaking Catalan without Spanish insults and get access to politics without Spanish veto. It would be a place where all Catalan followers could feel like their country and fight for doing it better.

With her friends Karnitx and Naboal, she started the strategy of Egypt's PTO. They contacted other Catalans who were excited by the idea and helped them in their goal.

ita was the first catalan to enter in Egypt, and, in few month, PTO become a reality. ita was also the first Catalan CP of Egypt and since that moment she has been working with all Egyptian governments until now.

Catalan Army

ita is designer of Forces Armades Catalanes (Catalan Armed Forces, the Army of Egypt). With the advice of some experimented friends she started the profesionalization of FAC for giving Egypt a professional Army. She created a commandament chain and got a team for instructing the soldiers how to become real soldiers and how to fight for the country.

This way ita become General of Egypt, a position that she occupied for 4 months.

Yuri Empire

Books.jpg This page contains fictional information. (What's this?)

One day, the great Empress of the Yuri Empire, Adoze, appeared in front of ita. Adoze told her that ita was the perfect successor for the Empire, she nomened ita as new Empress and let her the job of rebuilding it.

Soon ita realized what the Empire was: a secret meeting place for all women in eR. Bad tongues tell that inside the Empire take place lesbian orgies and conspitarions for global domination. But nobody really knows what the Empire is unless she becomes a member. ita started recruiting girls for the Empire and it gets bigger everyday.


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Hard Worker (x12)
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Congress Member (x4)
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Country President (x1)
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Battle Hero (x61)
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Sky Hero (x0)
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Campaign Hero (x0)
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Resistance Hero (x3)
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Super Soldier (x59)
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Society Builder (x0)
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Mercenary (x1)
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Top Fighter (x0)
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Top Aviator (x0)
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True Patriot (x14)
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Prestige Hunter (x0)