User talk:Andycro

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If you need me something, just post it here

But have in mind that you will not get an answer immediately!!! --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png


He gave away his account like 3-4 months ago and he created a new one. Can't recall its new name right now, but when I find it, I will let you know. Till then, I guess he is ex-Ambassador :----). --Icon-Greece.png Jimkats1 | profile 16:15, 21 January 2019 (PST)

@Jimkats1: OK, let me know which is his new account so I can make this as a "dead" account and keep it as a part of history. :) --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 01:58, 22 January 2019 (PST)
@Andycro: His new account is ThePolarFox!--Icon-Greece.png Jimkats1 | profile 11:37, 23 January 2019 (PST)
@Jimkats1: Thank you, I will make the update. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 12:43, 25 January 2019 (PST)


Hoće li ovo što si uradio sa Aleksovom stranicom da postane stalna politika? Mislim da je dobra ideja, mnogi "istorijski" nalozi promijene vlasnika, pa se info zagubi, a ovako ga možemo sačuvati. --Icon-Montenegro.png BogiTalk 10:53, 24 January 2019 (PST)

Ja sam da se historija sačuva, a ne da se izgubi. Ako smo to uradili za Smurfius-a, zašto ne za ostale za koje znamo da su promijenili acc. Zato sam i uveo {{Reincarnation}} da probamo nekako povezati kada ljudi promijene accounte. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 12:43, 25 January 2019 (PST)
Odlično, baciću se na posao za slučajeve kojih se sjetim.
Vidjeh da ti je juče bilo 10 godina na vikiju, čestitam! :D --Icon-Montenegro.png BogiTalk 13:16, 25 January 2019 (PST)
@Bogi: Vrijedi, i dobra ti je ideja sa zaštitom članka. I hvala, nisam ni znao koliko sam dugo ovdje. D: --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 14:25, 25 January 2019 (PST)
A šta da radimo sa imenima avatara? Citizen123456 v2.jpg/png, originalno ime naloga.jpg/png, Citizen123456 old/original.jpg/png ili kako? --Icon-Montenegro.png BogiTalk 14:31, 25 January 2019 (PST)
@Bogi: Mislim da je ok ako staviš old na kraju... Znači Citizen 123456 old.png; Citizen 123456 v2 old.jpg... Ili čak u ovom posebnom slučaju možemo staviti Citizen 123456 Ime građanina.png - jer u njegovom slučaju ime se više neće mijenjati, a razloga zašto smo prošli na brojeve je baš konstantna promjena nickova. Šta kažeš? --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 14:37, 25 January 2019 (PST)
Pa da, to sam i ja mislio, ne mijenja se više ime, tako da bi moglo stajati. Može bilo koja od ove dvije varijante što se mene tiče. --Icon-Montenegro.png BogiTalk 15:05, 25 January 2019 (PST)
Šta misliš da uklonimo ID sa ovih stranica koje sačuvamo? Link vodi ka novom imenu, a piše da je dead citizen. Poslije nekog vremena to je svakako potpuno promijenjen nalog u vidu avatara, opisa profila, ranka, snage, broja medalja, itd. --Icon-Montenegro.png BogiTalk 07:15, 2 February 2019 (PST)
@Bogi:: +1 Let's do it. ;) Mislim da još par ovakvih prijedloga i napraviti ćemo neki policy za takve građane. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 07:30, 2 February 2019 (PST)
I ja sam razmišljao o tome, samo treba nekako to da zamotamo da ne kažemo baš javno da su promijenili vlasnika :D --Icon-Montenegro.png BogiTalk 07:34, 2 February 2019 (PST)


Hi. I saw your update on my translated article, I am just curious what is the difference between {{}} and [[]] e.g. Vojaške enote and Vojaške enote. Also, can I redirect page to Slovene translation even though there is not yet one and is in my plan to update/create? Gyantse (talk) 01:43, 6 February 2019 (PST)

@Gyantse: The main difference between {{L}} instead of using classic [[]] is checking does the translated version of the article exist. Therefore using the {{L}} link will lead to that translated version, if it exists, if it doesn't, then it points to the English version of the article. This way we minimize the red links, and as soon as you add the translation, with the {{L}} link in place, it will automatically redirect to the translated version without a need to update all of the articles. :) You can check that on the article where I made this implementation. If I implemented the L template; the hover link will either lead to English or Slovenščina article, depending which one exists, with primary target always being the translation. Also, this hack only works on the translated article, as if you hover over the L example in this talk page, you will see that it leads to the English version of the article. ;) --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 01:54, 6 February 2019 (PST)
Thanks. I am also looking to upload Slovene version of game screenshots. I wonder what should be naming policy for those (e.g. english_name/Slovenščina.jpg) and if it is allowed to do so. Also, should the category be Screenshots or Localized images. Gyantse (talk) 02:00, 6 February 2019 (PST)
@Gyantse: Great initiative, go for it. There is no specific rule regarding naming at this stage, however, if it is possible I would recommend that you make the English name of the file and simply add Slovenščina or Slovenian so it is easier to search through them. The closest to that idea are File:Homepage news.png (English) vs File:Homepage news Türkçe.png (Turkish). In your case please use only category [[Category:Localized Images|Slovenščina]] when you upload this images. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 02:11, 6 February 2019 (PST)

Template:Game Menu/Lang

Ne mogu da se sjetim, a nemam sačuvan log; kako si rekao da preimenujemo Template:Game Menu/Lang? --Icon-Montenegro.png BogiTalk 12:05, 11 February 2019 (PST)

Reko sam da me gnjaviš ako je hitno, ne ako imaš napadaj Alzheimera xD Nije ništa definirano, ali mislio sam nešto na Template:Languages ili Template:Menu Languages ili Template:String Languages... Nešto što ima smisla da može koristiti opet. Sinoć sam bio odmorniji pa sam vjerojatno imao bolje savjete :D --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 12:21, 11 February 2019 (PST)
Napad Alchajmera je vrlo vrlo hitna stvar :D Šta misliš "Language Codes"? Ili je možda "String Languages" jasnije. "Menu Languages" ne bih da se ne miješa sa "LangMenu".
Bacih sad pogled na ovaj Template:Laws: secretary general može da predloži da se zemlja u savez doda ili izbaci, a predsjednik može da pokrene zakon o promjeni SG-a i zakon o napuštanju saveza, pa bi možda to valjalo dodati. A ako praviš samo spisak zakona koji prolaze kroz country administration, onda samo leave alliance, ostala tri su na stranici saveza. --Icon-Montenegro.png BogiTalk 13:20, 11 February 2019 (PST)
Language Codes ili String Languages oboje zvuči dobro. Što se tiče zakona, ne želim previše komplicirati, za alliance iskreno nisam bio siguran jer nije na popisu zakona na President članku, ali je bio nekad davno na popisu, pa reko, možda si zaboravio dodati, ajde da ostavim :D --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 13:27, 11 February 2019 (PST)
Pa bio je, ali mislim da je to ostalo odavno kad se odnosilo na MPP. Dobro se ovo poklopilo ovako te smo se sporazumjeli, pa ću dodati i leave alliance. --Icon-Montenegro.png BogiTalk 13:44, 11 February 2019 (PST)
I daj pogledaj na ovom devil izborniku šta si uradio, dal si stavio country administration link ili samo administration, pa ako nije bed da promijeniš da je link Country administration, a naziv linka da ostane administration ;)
Evo ubih viki (OPET!) sa ovim izmjenama. Da, link je country administration, a naziv samo administration. --Icon-Montenegro.png BogiTalk 14:15, 11 February 2019 (PST)
Jesi li tražio ovo? --Icon-Montenegro.png BogiTalk 10:40, 12 February 2019 (PST)
@Bogi: Definitivno ću iskoristiti to, ali sam baš htio vidjeti kako mu izgleda cijela stranica, kao što je za Congress member-a i Presidenta, da imam overview što u biti vidi. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 16:28, 12 February 2019 (PST)

Party Page

What exactly is linked to other articles in regard to the former PP/CPs on the Iron & Wine page? The reason for deleting all that was that we had an internal discussion about removing all the cluster (the massive lists) on the page.---- Icon-Netherlands.png Tim Veltkamp | Hue 17:47, 22 March 2019 (PDT)

@Tim Veltkamp: All party presidents are linked from the party page. However, I see your goal and I applaud it to make it less clustery. Can I recommend that you then make a subpage (e.g. Iron & Wine/Elections)? That would solve both your wishes and keep the linking intact (even easier to update the list)? :) Does that sound like a solid compromise and a good solution? --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 17:52, 22 March 2019 (PDT)
Yeah it would, I was thinking about it when I was removing it too. I'll get around to do that soon.---- Icon-Netherlands.png Tim Veltkamp | Hue 17:57, 22 March 2019 (PDT)
Great. :) --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 17:58, 22 March 2019 (PDT)

Files merge

Hei. Can you merge those files for me:

  • File:Decoration Leaderboards Damage Ground National 1.png with File:Div I DD 1st (Nat).PNG, File:Icon decoration fighters div4 mu rank 1.png, File:Icon decoration fighters div4 nat rank 1.png,File:Icon leaderboard fighters(damage) 1st(Military Unit)Division 4.png, File:Decoration - leaderboards - slayer ground 1.png
  • File:Decoration Leaderboards Kills Ground 1.png with File:Icon leaderboard opponants-deffeated 1st(Military Unit)Division 4.png, File:Icon decoration oppdef div4 nat rank 1.png, File:Icon decoration oppdef div4 mu rank 1.png and File:Div I Slayer 1st (Nat).PNG
  • File:Decoration Leaderboards Damage Ground National 3.png with File:Div I DD 3rd (Nat).PNG, File:Icon decoration fighters div4 mu rank 3.png and File:Icon decoration fighters div4 nat rank 3.png
  • File:Decoration Leaderboards Damage Ground National 2.png with File:National Damage Dealer Silver Div3.png, File:Icon decoration fighters div4 mu rank 2.png and File:Icon decoration fighters div4 nat rank 2.png
  • File:Decoration Leaderboards Kills Ground 2.png with File:Icon decoration oppdef div4 mu rank 2.png, File:Icon decoration oppdef div4 nat rank 2.png and File:Slayer Silver Div3.png

Thanks -- Icon-Belgium.png Gyantse (talk) 11:21, 5 April 2019 (PDT)

Will be done. I will review some of the pages and update them (or simply remove the decorations from the articles if they are hard/impossible for update) and other I will fix with the bot. I will cross out as I finish something, feel free to put more if you have something. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 10:50, 9 April 2019 (PDT)
Great. That should be all. Now just need @Bogi: and his bot to deal with redirects on decorations page. Also, it seems I did some redirects of redirects and now some files are not shown properly. -- Icon-Belgium.png Gyantse (talk) 10:16, 10 April 2019 (PDT)
Double redirects corrected. ;) --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 05:36, 13 April 2019 (PDT)
I also did a little redesign of the decoration page in my sandbox (User:Gyantse/Sandbox2). Does it look better than the current page and I can proceed with the update? -- Icon-Belgium.png Gyantse (talk) 12:13, 13 April 2019 (PDT)
@Gyantse: Amazing work, just go for it and update the page. :) --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 12:58, 13 April 2019 (PDT)

sup n/&&a

sup n1kkah -- Wiki bureaucrat.png Daniel Dimow Talk B / C / P / S Icon-Bulgaria.png 15:30, 25 April 2019 (PDT)

@Daniel Dimow: U ALIVE? :P --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 15:31, 25 April 2019 (PDT)
Slurp... You must be hungry after all the awesome editing you've done to this Wiki, have some milk and a cookie as a reward!

--    Wiki bureaucrat.png Daniel Dimow Talk    B / C / P / S Icon-Bulgaria.png    06:49, 1 May 2019 (PDT)

Wiki Rewards

Why didn't I get a reward? I won 30 gold. And in March, I won 10 gold. My eRepublik account;

@Meteturan61: You should have received it, however, there is not an in-game notification; instead, the gold balance is automatically increased. @Gucio: can you please take a look and confirm that the reward has been given? --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 10:20, 2 June 2019 (PDT)

List of presidents by country

I've finished reviewing all the lists ... Do you think you can turn me on to another project that needs urgent changes or I'm looking for work by myself? "Stephan Condurachis ===>>> Do not ask me to become what I am not because then I cease to exist (talk) 12:26, 20 June 2019 (PDT)"

@Stephan Condurachis: Great work. You are more than welcome to look for the work yourself. On another point, I will be updating today and tomorrow Presidents - June 2019, so I was thinking to do the Presidents - May 2019, would that be ok with you as you already put InUse there? --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 14:22, 20 June 2019 (PDT)

if you do not have time, I will do it on June 2019 ... and now I finish May 2019 "Stephan Condurachis ===>>> Do not ask me to become what I am not because then I cease to exist (talk) 14:26, 20 June 2019 (PDT)"

@Stephan Condurachis: Sure, just do it, my time is limited and list of tasks enormous. Can I maybe just ask you not to replace all of the red links for presidents who have multiple terms (5+) as I have them on my to-do list to create articles about them and then I will have to undo your changes and make wikilinks again... I wouldn't ask you but I have to click on all of the changes to confirm that they are OK and these small edits are quite a lot of work for me as well. I mean, it is amazing when you do them for people with one presidency and few red links, but I already have over 50 edits to review since my last answer to you. :/ --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 20:08, 20 June 2019 (PDT)

ok .... i understand .... June 2019 is donne "Stephan Condurachis ===>>> Do not ask me to become what I am not because then I cease to exist (talk) 03:23, 21 June 2019 (PDT)"

@Stephan Condurachis: It looks great. Well done! --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 14:24, 21 June 2019 (PDT)

if you do not have time, I wish to do tomorow Presidents - August 2019 "Stephan Condurachis ===>>> Do not ask me to become what I am not because then I cease to exist (talk) 14:21, 8 August 2019 (PDT)"

@Stephan Condurachis: go for it, I am doing something else as you are doing a great job with president updates! :) --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 14:24, 8 August 2019 (PDT)

List of file categories

Do you perhaps have a list of all file categories? -- Icon-Belgium.png Gyantse, "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here." 10:17, 27 June 2019 (PDT)

No, would be good to have one, I could create it and updated the Category:Images which at the moment only consist of all main file categories. Unless the main file categories are enough for you, please bear with me a couple of days and you will have the complete overview of all file categories next week. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 10:25, 27 June 2019 (PDT)

Wiki Rewards

Why didn't I get a reward? (30 gold) Not added to my account. The same problem happened last month. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Meteturan61 (talkcontribs) 1 July 2019

@Meteturan61: I announce the rewards, but they are given away by Gucio and he writes in the comments when the rewards are given out. If you have an issue receiving the gold, please write to him, either here, on discord or in-game, whatever is more practical for you. He will respond as soon as possible. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 08:38, 1 July 2019 (PDT)

Request for increase of privilege

Hi. I've been seeing some problems in templates and such that need fixing but I don't have permission to do it. It would be great if I was put in the group Engineers, I think that's the one that would allow me to do the editing I need to do. Thanks in advance.

Democr1tus (talk) 10:20, 30 October 2019 (PDT)