Beta:HateBot on Politics

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This material was written by a citizen and taken from their article, forum post, blog post or something similar.
Following material could contain opinions and biases of the author.

The information here is not the current latest information! Do not use this page to gain information!

So, you are probably thinking “I want to take over a country and take over the world,” well as always that’s an awesome dream. But putting it into practice in a political simulator is very difficult.

For some, the satisfaction of taking control of a country, improving the economy, strengthening the military, and leading it through a golden period is more than enough. But some of us are more ambitious. So let’s see how far we can go, let us pretend like we are going to take over a country and lead it to victory; together. I’ll lead you along with training wheels and soon enough let you go into the free world and take over your own country.

It will be a long road, but the rewards are grand and the personal feeling of gratification is more than worth the effort.

So let us begin.

The Political Party

As always it begins with a political party, organization, comradeship, communication, ideology, everything needs to come together. To begin with, you must fill a niche in the current country, fill a role which isn’t currently filled. Be it socialist, absolute-free market (anarchy), absolute constitutional republic (no president, only a senate), whatever. Fill a role and make sure you know how to argue for it.

All parties and all movements need strong leadership. Someone who is a powerful personality that doesn’t back down in the face of criticism but at the same time is willing to make concessions. Many of us think that we are the perfect leaders to fill this role; however, the truth is far from reality. The first lesson you must learn here is that you are not always the best choice. You need to recognize power and leadership within your own movement and be willing to say, “Okay, I know I am not the right choice for this position so I am not going to attempt it.” This is the difference between an arrogant, power hungry dictator and a wise all knowing group of revolutionaries.

If anyone in your party is going to be responding to newspapers, promoting your cause, etc. You must have an amazing grasp of the English language. Depending on the country of course, English pretty universal. Your party needs to be able to communicate efficiently, it is the only way to attract members from other movements to your own cause. You need to be smart, unified; treat it like a military operation. Proper attacks, know when to retreat, and be smart about what victories you want actually win. You may win the battle but you could lose the war.

So let’s talk a bit more about the universal leader.

Your Leader

All movements need a universal leader in the beginning. It is essential for unity in any part or political movement. To have an interior power struggle before you even begin taking over a country is paramount to a split, and eventually the destruction of your movement. It is good to have a cycle of leaders, but only once you have established yourself and developed leadership and singular ideals. I can’t stress unity enough, if your party isn’t devout to this case it isn’t worth fighting.

If you have a leader he/she better be educated and fluent in whatever language your country speaks. Education is important, a basic grasp of economics, political science, philosophy, logic, and most importantly common sense are important for any political party. If you don’t have a strong leader your party will lack a rallying cry and may eventually drift out of the party to other movements.

Your Cause

When you created your party you knew you filled a niche, something that no one else was fighting for. It doesn’t matter if it’s for a free market, socialism, or a radical re-draw of the current administration. The important thing is that you are fighting for change, a golden era of prosperity, and YOU and your party are the only people who can bring this about. Also, the name better be catchy and interesting; dull trite overused names are just annoying.

On a final note, your cause must be superior. You need to tell and convince everyone that your ideology is superior; by mathematics, logistics, logic, whatever. If you hold this “final solution,” in high enough esteem it doesn’t even matter if it’s wrong, people will follow it. We all make mistakes and know that there is no one true pure and golden solution, we will all suffer problems. But they can be solved.

This leads us to your leadership, or your management. The think tanks behind your stone hard leadership.

Your Management

We may think that we can simply do every job. That we’re the educated, smart, balanced, and brilliant enough to run it by our-self; that’s a lie.

So once you’re done masturbating your own ego listen up.

It may be true that you are the smartest person in your movement but no one cares. The entire leadership is equal in all playing fields. And by “leadership” I mean the people who you constantly talk to through MSN, IRC, PM’s, whatever, about your plans and tactics. They are your back up, the people who will defend your stance when you’re replying to someone’s newspaper article and everyone is tearing you to pieces. They are the artillery, and you’re the food soldier. Without the artillery, there is nothing stopping them from doing an all-out charge and slicing you to pieces like grass to a lawnmower. This is why I stress unity. You need this support.

More about that later, first let’s talk about your choices for cabinet members. If you ever do make it as far as being in the running for the presidency you need a powerful cabinet. Generally, forum groups are amazing ways to start a movement, you have a few years experience with each other and you know strengths and your own qualifications then that makes this far easier.

But you also need to remember this isn’t a democracy, if you’re organizing a movement you need to be willing to realize and recognize the strengths of your own team. Pick very carefully, one weak cabinet member can mean the destruction of your entire administration. It just takes one person who isn’t as good with English, or who doesn’t quite understand his/her job to start a shit storm in the newspapers.

We want to avoid this. It just takes one decently intelligent person with a newspaper and enough votes to get you removed from power. That is the power, and the flaw of democracy.

Sheep follow the one who barks loudest

And if you do find yourself in this situation what do you do? Well there is only one solution.
A combined effort to eliminate the problem. You need to have a chat room meeting, vent discussion, whatever, over this problem. You cannot allow someone with enough popular support to start an uprising it could cause you your movement. You need to treat this like a military operation, who is going to do the frontal assault, who is going to provide covering fire, who is going to do precision strikes? All of these things need to be planned out and discussed. This is why someone who has taken Logic is so important, learn to dig and find fallacies in arguments and expose them. Tear holes in arguments; eat at the foundation of their opinions without going too off topic. Let them charge the discussion but consistently dispel it.

You are a reaction, not the cause. And make it professional, all responses need to be planned out and understood. Again, unity is important here, active unified leadership is going to make you far stronger than the competition.

And finally, you need to learn to deal with criticism some times. It’s unavoidable; know when to respond and when to just ignore it. Learn when to joke about it, and when to be serious. Every attack doesn’t deserve 5 pages of text to dispel, and sometimes you are more professional and witty if you don’t.

Your Corruption

So let’s say you are now in power. You control a country (horary!), but your work has only begun. Sometimes your leadership is corrupt. I use corruption in the general sense, sometimes they are unwilling to give up power, other times they are not fit for their job, whatever the case may be it needs to be dealt with.

But the question is how do you deal with it?

Well, there are two ways:

  1. Expose the corruption in your political party and ask for removal.
  2. Start an interior conspiracy.

Lets start with number 1

You expose the corruption and start your own shit storm in the party. You cause disunity and “camps,” people against you and people who support you. You may curb your opponent, he may get removed, but you need to be careful. Sometimes the other camp is stronger and they even question your duty, your abilities. This can cause a political split and even the removal of you from power. A political split can destroy your entire movement and result in a fall from power you will never recover from. So this way is pretty messy and dangerous let’s look at some other way.

And the second solution

You start an interior conspiracy within your party, you conspire and plot with other people you know who are loyal to you. This is a quiet way to get rid of a serious problem. Depending on how your administration works you could get a majority within the party and get the problem removed peacefully without starting a massive thread about his faults and problems. Only a simple 1-page article about why you feel he isn’t up to par. No one debates against it and your quiet supporters remove the problem.


But this also has some repercussions. Interior plotting can start paranoia and corruption within the party.
Think of it as removing cancer without using kemo. You removed the actual problem, but at the same time, the infection that the problem started could spread. It could be from more ambitious party members wanting power or from people in your own cabinet who knew of the plot and now conspire against you. This starts another power struggle and could create a possible split.

It’s up to you to decide what the best choice truly is, because I don’t have the answers and both ways are quite messy.

So let’s finish up

There are a few key points I want to make here before we leave each other and you decide to take over your own country.

1. Understand you don’t always have the answers. Be willing to make concessions and give up power.

2. Be willing to change your political party and morph it if it’s really necessary. Having a rigid skeleton is good but it doesn’t always work out.

3. Keep unified, keep talking to each other, and always be friendly. Get on ventrillo and start to get to know each other, it’s important.

4. Work for the greater good, you aren’t doing this for yourself you are doing it for everyone else. Your own personal desires shouldn’t affect your opinion.

5. People complain, get used to it.

6. Get an interior political structure and stick with it. Do NOT CUT CORNERS. Once someone starts bending rules everyone else does it and then your political structure doesn’t function.

7. Get a basic grasp of economics. Everyone needs to understand the market a little bit; this game is built off it.

8. If you don’t win keep trying. If your cause is noble enough people will come to you. You don’t need to come to them. People know a good movement when they see it.

9. And finally, be happy. It’s just a game =)


  • - July 14th, 2008 by HateBot

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