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Revision as of 08:09, 15 May 2011

中文(繁體)Icon-Republic of China (Taiwan).png
Bahasa IndonesiaIcon-Indonesia.png
МакедонскиIcon-North Macedonia.png
Portugues BrasileiroIcon-Brazil.png


This page has been saved as historical information from Rising.
This information is out of date and should not be used for current game play.


Babelfish.jpg This page's translation is incomplete!

This page is incomplete. An editor began to translate the page from English but didn't finish.
You can help by completing the translation. For more information, see Help:Translating Pages.

Experience Points (or EP, or XP) representa o nível de conhecimento alcançado pelo cidadão no eRepublik. Experience points te ajudará a desbloquear algumas funcionalidades dentro do jogo, como lutar nas batalhas ou se candidatar ao congresso. Se você não possuir EP suficientes para usar uma funcionalidade, você receberá uma mensagem informando quantos EP você ainda precisa e como você pode obtê-los e desbloquear esta opção [funcionalidade] .

Nível Feature enabled (action) XP necessária (para alcançar o nível) XP recebida (por completar a ação) Recompensa Extra Dias Necessários Features not level dependent
1 Consiga um emprego! 0 2 (first time only) -- 1 Consuma comida
Invite friends
Add / remove friends
2 Trabalhe! 2 2/day 1 Work
3 Treine 4 2/day 1 Train
4 Marketplace (tutorial only) 6 2 (tutorial only) 1
5 View Referral link (tutorial only) 8 2 (tutorial only) Treasure map icon.jpgTreasure Map 1 Relax
Buy from marketplace
Edit profile
Upload avatar (+2 EP one time only)
View World Map
Access Inbox
6 Fight 10 1/hit (fight button) (calculated and rewarded when enemy defeated) 1 Receba Doações
Compre gold no Monetary market
7 Use moving tickets
+ Peça nova citizenship
15 -- ? --
8 Colete Gold de amigos convidados 20 -- ? --
9 Create newspaper 30 -- ? --
10 Create Ads 40 Treasure map icon.jpgTreasure Map ? --
11 Create a chat room 50 -- ? --
12 Create an organization
+ Create / buy a company
60 -- ? --
13 Join a party 70 -- ? --
14 Vote 80 5/vote in election ? --
15 Candidate Congress
+ Make Gold/Money Donations
+ Sell Gold on monetary market
100 20/election won
2/voted law
Treasure map icon.jpgTreasure Map ? --
16 Candidate party president
+ Create party
125 20/election won ? --
17 Start Resistance War 150 -- ? --
18 Candidate President 200 50/election won ? --
19 -- 300 -- ? --
20 -- 500 -- Treasure map icon.jpgTreasure Map ? --
21 -- 1000 -- Treasure map icon.jpgTreasure Map N/A --
22 -- 1500 -- Treasure map icon.jpgTreasure Map N/A --
23 -- 2000 -- Treasure map icon.jpgTreasure Map N/A --
24 -- 3000 -- Treasure map icon.jpgTreasure Map N/A --
25 -- 5000 -- Treasure map icon.jpgTreasure Map N/A --
26 -- 7000 -- Treasure map icon.jpgTreasure Map N/A --
27 -- 10000 -- Treasure map icon.jpgTreasure Map N/A --
28 -- 15000 -- Treasure map icon.jpgTreasure Map N/A --
29 -- 20000 -- Treasure map icon.jpgTreasure Map N/A --
30 -- 25000 -- Treasure map icon.jpgTreasure Map N/A --

Further Reading