Portal to Japan

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Welcome to the eJapan Portal!

Japan (日本 Nihon/Nippon, officially 大日本帝国 Dai Nippon Teikoku, Great Japanese Empire).

The characters that make up Japan's name mean "sun-origin".

Japan is an island country in the Far East of Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it stretches from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north, to the East China Sea in the south. In relation to it's neighbours, it lies to the east of China, north of Indonesia, west of the USA, and south of Russia.

Japan is a small-sized nation in terms of population, currently sitting at around 169 active citizens.
President: Seth the Magnificent

Prime Minister: Akane Homura

Minister of Defense: Suujiku

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Fyreous

Governor: metehan2010

Minister of Education: Saito Himura

Selected article
The First War with South Korea

"Japan engaged in a war with South Korea shortly after the war module came online. The war was long and hard however in the end victory was in Japan's hands, they took the whole of South Korea in an undramatic conquest. See the Japan-South Korea War. In November 2008, ATLANTIS backed freedom-fighters liberated the regions of Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheongnam-do and Gyeongsangnam-do. These three territories remained sovereign South Korean regions until May 2009, when the South Korean government decided to form a union with Japan. Sporadic resistance wars occurred during the months between the original resistance wars and the formation of the union. However, none of these resistance wars were supported or funded by either the South Korean or Japanese governments. An attempt in late August 2009 for independence failed when the Theocrats from Switzerland gained a majority in the Congressional elections, the country was reabsorbed by Japan. However in September 2009 the Theocrats started what became known as the Theocratic War and took control of Gyeonggi-do, declaring South Korea an independent and sovereign nation. Theocrats continued to start resistance wars across South Korea in an attempt to make South Korea a nation under Theocracy. In mid-December, three more South Korean regions were returned to Korean ownership by Japan.

Formerly , Japan was engaged in mutually-agreed training wars with both South and North Koreas."
Selected biography
Kitsune Usureki

"Kitsune Usureki ( 狐 or きつね ) was a Japanese citizen. He was born on Jan 21, 2012. He is press director of Kuronishibi, formerly known as Black Sun.

At his first days in eJapan, Usureki became the member of Shinsengumi. Some days later he had left the party SSG for joining Team Nippon, and when the MU Nippon Power was formed, he left MU SSG as well. He served as Minister of Home Affairs of Japan during 5th February 2012 – 5th March 2012 under Country President Geezus. He left e+Japan on circa day 1,580 of the New World, for a long retirement. He returned on day 1,795 of the New World. Usureki was the Minister of Education of Japan."
Selected picture
Icon of eJapan

In the news


Did you know?
*...that eJapan is currently divided because of political veiws of eRoC?
  • ...that eJapan is the member of CoT?