Avlana Kiarunto

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Avlana Kiarunto

24 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-UK.jpg British
National rank 288
Date of birth 06.10.2009
Residence London
Sex Male
Political party People's Communist Party
Military rank Icon rank Commander.png Commander
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Avlana Kiarunto, also known by his IRC name AnarchistFish, is a member of the People's Communist Party. He served in the The Royal Navy's Indian Fleet, on HMS Funky, until he was elected into congress for the first time on March 25th 2010 (Day 856).

His newspaper, The Subliminal Verses (previously Politics and Anarchism), is in the top 60 newspapers in the eUK. This gives weekly articles on the state of political parties in the eUK.

In January 2010 he ran for congress in the South West of England, but closely lost out on experience points. He lost again in February. In March he ran a third time in the East Midlands and was elected in with only 3 votes, the least amount of votes for an elected congressman in March in the eUK. He lost his seat in April, running in Scotland.

On day 846 he converted from Bobloism to Adderism, but soon left on day 867, since which he has been without an eFaith.

Since he has gained congressmanship one time more and remained a member of the PCP.

On Day 1,121, he was elected in-game as the Party President of the PCP, but failed again to get elected into congress during this term. He was re-elected for a final time as PP the following month.

Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif 8x Hard Worker
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif 3x Congress Member
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif 5x Super Soldier