Contract:Founding Articles of the Byzantine Empire

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The Founding Articles of the Byzantine Empire are the articles that make up the treaty that formally established the Byzantine Empire. The treaty was signed by John Daker of Greece and Phaedrus Lidox of Turkey.

Text of the Founding Articles

By signing this Treaty (“Agreement”; “Contract”; “Charter”), the Signatories (“John Daker”; “Phaedrus Lidox”), representing the Government of the Nation in which they have been elected and the Will of their respective Peoples, do hereby agree to form an Alliance (“Byzantine Empire”; “the Alliance”) under the following terms and conditions.

In order to establish lasting diplomacy between their States

Article I – Foundation of the Byzantine Empire

Section I – Organization of the Alliance

Clause I – General Provisions
I. The Nations of Turkey and Greece shall constitute the Founding Members of the Byzantine Empire.
II. Founding Members of the Byzantine Empire shall each hold two votes in all matters regarding the Alliance. All other Members shall hold one vote in all matters regarding the Alliance.
III. The Alliance shall be administered by an Imperial Council that shall consist of the heads of State of all Members.
Clause II – Byzantine Imperial Council
I. The Imperial Council shall administer the Alliance.
a. The Imperial Council shall have the power to modify this Charter by majority vote.
b. The Imperial Council shall have the power to admit and eject Members from the Alliance by majority vote.
i. Founding Members may not be ejected from the Alliance.
ii. Founding Members may veto the admittance of any Member, which will override any vote made by the Council.

Section II – Privileges and Responsibilities of Members

Clause III – Privileges and Responsibilities of Members
I. All Members of the Alliance shall establish and maintain mutual protection pacts with all other Members.
a. If a Member shall terminate or refuse to sign a mutual protection pact with any other Member, the Member which refuses to sign or terminates the pact shall be ejected from the Alliance immediately and without vote.
i. This provision shall not apply to Founding Members.
II. All Members shall reserve the ability to sign mutual protection pacts with any other Nation as long as that Nation is not engaged in war with a Member of the Alliance.
III. Members may declare war on Nations that are not Members of the Alliance but the Alliance shall not be obligated to assist in any war declared by Members of the Alliance.

Text of Amendment I to the Founding Articles

By signing this Amendment (“Agreement”; “Contract”), the Signatories (“John Daker”; “Phaedrus Lidox”), representing their positions as Heads of State of the Nations of Greece and Turkey and therefore their positions as Councilors on the Imperial Council, do hereby agree to amend the Founding Articles of the Byzantine Empire through the following terms and conditions.


Amendment I – Amendment to Article I, Section I of the Founding Articles

Clause I – Amendment to Clause 1.2

I. “Councilors-for-Life shall hold, when not serving as Head of State of a Member of the Alliance, one and one-half votes in all matters regarding the Alliance.” shall be appended to the end of Clause 1.2 of the Founding Articles.

Clause II – Amendment to Clause 1.3

I. “and two Councilors-for-Life, John Daker of Greece and Phaedrus Lidox of Turkey.” shall be appended to the end of Clause 1.3 of the Founding Articles.