Grev Per

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Grev Per

18 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Denmark.jpg Danish
National rank 5
Date of birth 28 February 2008
Residence Hovedstaden
Sex Male
Political party Weberian Bureaucracy Party
Mayor of Copenhagen
21 May 2008 – 20 June 2008
Preceded by Skinke
Succeeded by Skinke
Party president of Danish And German Independence Now!
spring 2008 – January 2009
Succeeded by Hr. Bjorn
President of Denmark
Febuary 6. 2009 – March 5. 2009
Succeeded by A. Holst
Congressman of Denmark
May 2009 – June 2009
Military rank Icon rank Recruit.png [[Military rank|Icon Sergeant.jpg Sergeant]]
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Grev Per is a Danish politician and journalist.

Political Career

Grev Per started his political career in the former nation of Denmark. With a background understanding of economics he was able to advise the former President Onaninho. After a month of making his presence known and of advising Onaninho, Grev Per (whose name at the time was Wheelchairman) became elected head of the Weberian Bureaucracy Party.

Not long after that Grev Per became President of Denmar. As President he created the following organizations Kulturministeriet (Ministry of Cultural Affairs) Den Danske Statskirke (The State Church of Denmark) Hemmelige Statspolitiets/HEMSTAPO (Secret State Police/SECSTAPO) Finansministeriet (Ministry of Financial Affairs)

Having no succes in making any allies or even contacting Sweden, Grev Per initiated a campaign of antagonizing the behemoth neighbor state. With the belief that invasion was inevitable, he justified this policy by saying "If we're going to get invaded, we might as well deserve it."

Career as a Journalist

Grev Per is editor of the newspaper The Citizen Journals. Originally meant as an informative but entertaining paper on life in Denmark, it's tone has changed greatly since becoming party president. While the description of the paper claims it to be unbiased it's articles are largely biased in favor of Danes at the disadvantage of Swedes.

The paper made a breakthrough in world media as being vehemently anti-Swedish in the weeks leading up to the war. One of the most famous articles claimed that the Danish ministry of Science had proven that Swede weren't human beings, but in fact some kind of great ape. This article went on further to name this new species of ape as Homo-Swedes. Unfortunately this offended many Swedes and the resulting article was deleted and Grev Per was banned for a day.

Other notable articles have been on the History of Denmark, The Burden of Integration, and a series of articles told in a first person narrative on life in the resistance.

Grev Per was also the first person in eRepublik to give a speech live via webcam.

Grev Per threatening Dr. Eddike at Rebel Base Camp.

Provocateur as a Businessman

Immediately after the invasion of Sweden, Grev Per tried to establish Danish run businesses in all sectors. (All but one has been sold now). The two that Grev Per ran were called: Danske Pølser til Svenske Kvinder (Danish Sausages for Swedish Women, the description goes on to say "Svenske kvinder fucking elsker danske pølser! Spis mere! Ej de kan slet ikke få nok danske pølser!

Hey baby!" (Swedish women fucking love Danish sausages! Eat more! Oh my they just can't get enough Danish sausages!"

The other was a gift company called: "Store Danske Gaver til Små Svenske Kvinder" (Big Danish Gifts for Little Swedish Women)

Grev Per today

Grev Per is currently head of the Danish resistance.