User:VSkyzv/Library/Macedonia sexy country

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Books.jpg This article is a part of vSkyzv's Library
Macedonia sexy country by User:Belea2008
Summary: An article satirizing the Macedonia (FYROM) naming dispute
This is relevant to: Nobody except Macedonians and Greeks
May offend: Sensitive people, nationalists, etc.

Books.jpg This page contains fictional information. (What's this?)

Information leak

Somewhere in August 2010, information leaked from the eRepublik Labs HQ that a "macedonian land" may be populated in the New World. As time passed, more and more rumors emerged.

Rumors or facts

The eRepublik archivists were intrigued. Although they had no official information if new countries will be added or not, the contradicting rumors spread fast. They started sending their best and brightest apprentices in the four corners of the horizon to check the rumors and find evidence related to the subject. Some were even sent to the far unexplored lands of South Africa. For many days, pigeons flew back and forth; all with the same message: Rumors not confirmed!

The archivists were ready to classify the case as not factual, but in the middle of September 2010 an event happened. In the middle of the night, heavy knocks shake the doors of the eRepublik Library. The Doorkeeper hurried to see who is disturbing the quiet sleep of the innocents. He opened the doors and he saw one of the apprentices with his clothes torn apart and barely breathing: The rumors are true, my lord! New countries will be added...[1]

New countries

While the wounded apprentice was taken to shelter, the Head Librarian was informed. Wheels have been set in motion. The chain of events is unclear, but the next morning, all the archivists knew the lands which will be populated. Among them, the aforementioned "macedonian land".[2]

Name unclear

Days passed and the archivists gathered information about the new territories. Piece by piece, the tomes filled with details. But one fact remained in fog: the name of the new "macedonian land". Some said that the new country will be called "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"; others that it will be proudly named "The Republic of Macedonia". As more variations[3] appeared, a heated debate started. Archivists, although they were filled with wisdom in their daily activities, did not reached consensus and the more they talked, the more they argued. If the debate would continue, difficult times will be.

Enigma cleared

The Doorkeeper sat and watched and saddened: The debate will lead nowhere... something must be done...'

But the Head Librarian was already in possession of the piece of information. Secretly, apprentices sent a clue with the name of the new land: It will be called "Macedonia sexy country"!