Mila Rodino

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Mila Rodino

General Information
Country Flag-Bulgaria.jpg Bulgaria
Owner Hashspy
Subscribers 1954
Content All-round

Mila Rodino or "Dear Motherland" (after the Bulgarian Hymn of the same name), In English is a newspaper led by Hashspy and is the main source of his popularity. It publishes articles mainly in Bulgarian but sometimes does English/Multilingual articles, mainly in the case of "fun" articles, giveaways and lotteries. The newspaper is a full house, publishing all sorts of articles. It generally publishes one article per day, including weekends.

It has remained one of the top newspapers in Bulgaria in terms of activity, coverage and quality of articles published. It also has a high subscription number and is one of the most prominent newspapersi n the country.

Because of the newspaper's popularity, some call Hashspy an "Oligarch of the 4th Power", reffering to the popular phrase "The media is the unofficial 4th power, afther the executive, legislative and judicial powers".

It is openly pro-Communist and pro-Hashspy, although it only publishes confirmed information. Its pro-Communist nature sparked some controversy among the more radical rightists in Bulgaria, regardless, Mila Rodino remained a stable media in Bulgaria for quite some time.


Essentially, Hashspy uses his own format, with the newspapers banner at the top.

Then, a greeting and a general quick explanation of the article bellow that, the actual atricle bellow, with any important points bolded and any quotes in Italic, with a short summary near the end. Then, at the bottom any writer's comments or encouragements (if applicable).


Hashspy, with the help of Mila Rodino have created, sponsored and advertised a lot of community projects. Mainly in the areas of giveaways, lotteries, communes, charities and tutorials/mentor programs.

International Coverage by other medias

Mila Rodino recieved a lot of international coverage by several newspapers, around its big, no entry fee, 25 gold lottery, which topped the international publications page and around its open-doors mentor program Military Unit Bulgarian Defenders, another of Hashspy's initiatives, aimed twoards helping development of young eBulgarians.


On 13th December, 2011, after 2 weeks without a single article, Hashspy declared that the newspaper would go on a haitus for an unkown amount of time. This was due to him losing most interest in the game, although he continues to perticipate in politics. He also declared that it is possible he would move to Albania, to start a new political career there.

The newspaper remains as a way for him to post rare articles every now and again, about his projects in the National Assembly.