Greek National Army

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Greek National Army


General Information
Country Flag-Greece.jpg Greece
Total Soldiers 156
Commanded by Dominus potentia

Greek National Army is a military unit of Greece.


GREEK NATIONAL ARMY is a state MU and therefore functions via the state and its citizens for the benefit of the state and the young players that comprise it. The Unit's Commander is appointed by the Ministry of Defense and assumes the responsibility to co-ordinate and advise the troops. The same holds for the Captains, who, through multiple-recipient messages per regiment, are meant to secure daily communication and information flow as well as tend to any problems facing the recruits. The main objective of this Unit is to provide guidance and supplies to newly-registered players so that they can later function and be active within the community. The more active and cooperative the player will be, the greater the future prospects both in terms of advancement in the MU itself and his/her personal account development.

Chain of Command


  • a. Country President
  • b. Minister of Defense
  • c. Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Young Players appointed Commander and Second Commanders
  • d. Regiment Captains

The Commanders have a supervisory role and are also responsible for supplies since they bear the Unit's stock in food and weapons. They also represent the Unit in the communication channels of Greece, of its alliance, EDEN, and of any further allied nations. Captains are responsible for briefing recruits via multiple-recipient messages, aiding them in their need as well as noting weekly progress. Captains are elected upon prior agreement between the Commander and the government. The Commander is responsible for removing anyone who does no longer meet specifications.

Top-five political parties are granted the option to place one member in the MU. This person has a double capacity: making sure everything runs in accordance to specified rules and assist in the Unit's administration in any way deemed fit by the Commander. Said delegates obviously need follow laid rules.

Greek National Army Statue

1. All GREEK NATIONAL ARMY soldiers need bear only Greek citizenship.

2. All soldiers need respect each others personality and not carry any offense against it.

3. Mottos and vote-seeking messages in the Unit's feeds are prohibited. Same goes for an political conversation whatsoever in the Unit's TeamSpeak channel.

4. All soldiers are advised to use the Unit's avatar for identification purposes.

5. All soldiers are encouraged to reply to the Unit's or pertiment Ministries' requests for filling-up forms. Helpful statistical analyses are carried out through them.

6. All soldiers are requested to stockpile Energy Bars and bazookas and only use them on demand by the Commander or the Minister of Defense battle coordination official.

- Discharge


In order to be eligible for sign-in one must be below experience level 25 with no more than 100 days of gameplay. One must also agree to the terms of the Unit's statue. του Unit.


There is no predetermined maximum stay limit. Soldiers are nonetheless advised to have researched and decided upon another MU to re-locate to by the time they reach level 30. Service time of administrative personnel is evaluated and decided upon by the Country President.


  • a) Non-accordance with the Statue
  • b) Being Dead or Perm-banned.