Took Lowind

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Took Lowind


Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-USA.png American
Date of birth June 14, 2008
Date of death 2010
Residence USA
Newspaper The Lowind Press
Director of the Citizen Expansion Program of USA
July 1st 2008 – October 1st 2008
Preceded by Ron Paul
Congress member of USA
August 1st 2008 – October 1st 2008
Vice president of eRepublikans for Change
Aug 1st 2008 – September 1st 2008
Preceded by Ron Paul
Society Director of USA
October 1st 2008 –
Military rank Icon rank Private*.png Private*
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman
Dead citizen.png
Dead citizen

Took Lowind was Society Director of the United States. He served 4 terms in a presidential cabinet.

He is a former three term director of the United States Citizen Expansion Program and a former two-term Congressman for the eRepublikans for Change party. Lowind has had a successful political career and is one of the most well-known public officials in the United States. He is a well-regarded journalist who is known for his commentary on society and his harsh-criticisms on the United States media. Lowind is known for his activity, his communication abilities,and his passion for helping new United States citizens learn about the game.His area of political expertise is United States domestic and societal matters.


Took Lowind began his journey in eRepublik on June 14th, 2008. He originally joined the GameFAQs party and ran as the mayoral candidate for Indianapolis. He unexpectedly dropped out two days before the July 20th mayoral elections to gain more political experience before holding a office. He became the Press director of the now defunct Free Soil Party.

First Mandate as Director of the Citizen Expansion Program

After retiring from the Free Soil Party, Lowind applied for the Presidential Cabinet spot of the Director of the United States Citizen Expansion Program under former U.S. President Dishmcds. On July 7th, 2008, Took Lowind was named the Director of the Citizen Expansion Program.In the first term under Lowind, the program soon became one of the most active programs in the USA. Under Lowind's guidance, the Citizen Expansion Program has evolved into one of the largest programs in the USA. In just Lowind's first term, he implemented the Worker Advancement Program, managed two new buisness in the United States Unemployment Office, and was responsible for stifling unemployment in the US.

Second Mandate as Director of the Citizen Expansion Program

After the August 1st General elections, the newly elected US President Archibald asked Lowind to serve a second term as the CEP director. Lowind accepted the offer and is now working on restructuring the program. Also, the Big Brother Big Sister program (run by Benn Dover) has been reinstated. In Lowind's second term as Director of the CEP, the CEP continued to expand. In Lowind's second mandate the US has seen one of the largest population booms in USA history. To help maintain the program, Lowind has added more positions to the CEP. There were no major changes in the CEP during Lowind's second mandate, but it became a more effective program, and unemployment has almost been completely stifled in USA.

Third Mandate as Director of the Citizen Expansion Program

After the September 1st General Election, the newly elected Immunogenic asked Lowind to serve as third term as the CEP director. Lowind has accepted the article. During this term, no majors additions were added to the Citizen Expansion Program. Lowind focused his efforts on running the program efficiently. With the October elections looming, Lowind announced that he will not return for a 4th term as the Citizen Expansion Program Director.

Society Director of the United States

Lowind has recently been named Society Director of the United States. In this role, Lowind will shape United States Domestic Policy and also oversee important societal programs.


In the August 1st General Elections, Lowind was voted in Congress. In the August 2008 Party elections, Lowind attempted to make a run for eRepublikans For Change Party President. Unfortunately for Lowind, he was defeated by Ron Paul.

Lowind has also been a Vice Presidential candidate in the September 1st GE for Uncle Sam.

After the defeat of Uncle Sam in the September 1st GE, Lowind turned his attention back to the office of eRepublikans for Change Party President. While closer than the previous election, Lowind again failed to secure the Party President spot. Lowind has announced that he will not run for Party President in the October 1st Party President elections.

Lowind has been a two-term Congressman for eRepublikans for Change.

Journalistic Career

Lowind is a highly regarded journalist in the United States media. He is known for his attacks on the United States media and his plans to improve it. He has lately taken a lighter tone in his articles and plans to focus on social issues. He is currently 16th in media points in the US and the Lowind Press is the 20th most subscribed newspaper in USA. He has recently been responsible for founding the Society for Excellence in the Media which will focus on improving the media.


  • Director of the United States Citizen Expansion Program (3 Terms)
  • United States Cabinet Member (4 term)
  • Editor of the The Lowind Press
  • Head of the United States Unemployment Office(3 Terms)
  • Congressman;ERepublikans for Change(2 Terms)
  • Chairman; Society for Excellence in the Media
  • Society Director of the United States