Edit profile

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Revision as of 17:29, 10 August 2018 by Jimkats1 (Talk | contribs) (Fixes)

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Edit profile button.png – edit profile is available only for your own profile.

About me

After registration, you can change the following information:

  • Your description – a little description of yourself which is shown in your profile (max. 300 characters).
  • Avatar

Links may appear broken after saving, so make sure you check again.
To save the content in your description, simply click out of the text area. Then you will receive below it the message "You have successfully updated your description.".

Be aware that posting illegal content in your description or uploading illegal avatar may lead to actions being taken against your account. For more detailed info about what's considered illegal in eRepublik, check Rules Addendum.

Account settings


When you change your e-mail, you will receive a message to your new e-mail address for confirmation and you get the following message: "You have received an email on your new address to confirm it."

Change name

  1. First name change is free.
  2. You can change the name only once every 3 months.
  3. After the first time, the next name change costs Icon - Gold.gif 50 GOLD.
  4. You can change the name as many times as you want, but only every 3 months.

If the new name you are trying to use appears to be taken by another account there are 2 cases:

  1. The name is attached to an existing active citizen.
  2. The name is attached to a dead citizen account that cannot be found with the search option, but the database remembers it.

Note: If you want to change name to the one you previously used and you can't, you should send a ticket to bugs department. Also, keep in mind that you can't use a name that was previously used by another Citizen.


In the security tab there are two options:

  • Change password
  • Set safety code

You can also change your password using forgot password feature.

Security code

Since Day 1,681, the safety code has been introduced to improve the security of the citizen accounts. The safety code can be set in the edit profile page and it needs to have 4 characters (numbers or letters). The code will be used for:

Entering the code incorrectly 5 times in a row will block making of any transactions. In order to unblock the transactions, citizen should send a ticket to the Game Support department for further assistance. The security code will only be requested while making actions stated above. Any other requests for the code may compromise the security of the account.

Please note: If your account gets hacked/phished and your safety code is NOT set, in cases where your companies/training grounds get downgraded you will NOT get any support/refund for your lost goods.

Email notifications

You can choose to have notifications sent to your emails for the following actions:

  • Daily Tasks Reminders – email will be sent to you if you don't complete daily tasks until specified time
  • Daily Order Reminders – email will be sent to you if you don't complete daily order until specified time
  • Reached Energy Recover Limit Notifications – email will be sent to you each time you reach energy recover limit

All emails will be sent according to the eRepublik Time Zone (UTC-7).

Game options

Since Day 3,478, the Game options tab has been introduced. From there, you can toggle mostly the notifications which pop-up in the bottom left corner of the page. These options include:

  • Daily Order notifications - by default is on
  • Daily Tasks notifications - by default is on
  • Empire Rising notifications - by default is on
  • Empire Fallen notifications - by default is on
  • Training contract notification
  • Show Daily Order on all News Feed tabs

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