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Dead citizen

A. Holst

20 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Denmark.jpg Danish
National rank 13
Date of birth 8. April 2008
Residence Sjaelland
Political party Weberian Bureaucracy Party
Mayor of Soro
20. May 2008 – 20. June 2008
Preceded by Scherf
Succeeded by Hammarlund
Party president of Danish Minority Party
January 16. 2009 – January 21. 2009
Preceded by HrBjorn
Succeeded by HrBjorn
Congressman of Denmark
January 26. 2009 – March 5. 2009
President of Denmark
March 6. 2009 – March 30. 2009
Preceded by Grev Per
Succeeded by Lerdeif
Captain King of Denmark
April 24. 2009 – May 26. 2009
Preceded by crillep
Succeeded by Grev Per
Congressman of Denmark
May 26. 2009 – present
Military unit Den Kongelige Danske Kavalergang Force
Military rank Icon rank General.png General
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

A. Holst is a Danish Journalist and politician, he owns the DNNN and is Danish Ambassador to the United States of America.

A. Holst, Master of Television

Inspired by eSVT, A. Holst wanted to make his own broadcasting network, he renamed his paper to DRNN (Danish Resistance News Network), and began making DRTV (Danish Resistance TeleVision), DRTV was very popular in the start, but when A. Holst took a break from the game (From July 1, 2008 until the end of October 2008), most people had forgotten about DRTV, and the ability to post Youtube videos in newspapers was disabled. A. Holst had a hard time making DRTV popular, but he was getting there as the Swedish president Toothpaste is a fan of DRTV.

Even though there is only one DRTV edition a month (may vary), DRTV is the most broadcasting network (As everyone else has given up). In February 2009 DRTV has changed its name to DNTV (Danish National TeleVision) and DRNN has changed its name to DNNN (Danish National News Network).

A new series of weekly DNTV broadcasts ran from September 17th to November 5th. The new series was in every way superior to the past videos, better sound, better graphics, better intro and the 3 last videos was actual recordings of A. Holst. But due to the low number of viewers A. Holst simply decided that it took too much of his free time compared to how much effect it had, so he made one last crappy video and proclaimed that it would take at least 6 months before he will make DNTV again.

Political Career

A. Holst became Mayor of Sorø from the May 20 to the June 20, 2008. He replaced the corrupt traitor Scherf (he is ingame dead, may his virtual soul rest in peace), who stole of the treasury and supported the Swedes.

A. Holst's successor was Hammarlund from FBS, FBS had noticed that A. Holst did not follow orders from the government, so they decided to get him out of office, and they did so by moving Hammarlund and a couple of other FBS members to Sorø and, as Sorø is very little populated, (At the time only 4 people voted at the local elections) so FBS had no problem getting a majority as Scherf was supporting FBS.

After the Danish liberation he became party president of Danish Minority Party (former "Danish Independence Now" party), his goals was to get the Swedish government to give Denmark the parts of Denmark that Sweden had not yet given to Denmark, and if possible the Swedish regions Scania and Gotland. He also had a goal of lowering the income taxes on construction in Sweden, but that was not important. But when he realised that most party members had moved to Denmark, he decided to do it as well and candidate for congress elections, as there wasn't enough candidates to fill a congress he saw it as the perfect opportunity to become something major in Danish politics.

A. Holst won his first congress elections in Denmark, and manage to finish on the third place by the number of votes in Denmark at that election. His second election went also fine, he finished on the second place by the number of votes in Denmark at that election.

Verry suddenly the party president jakob tkg apointed A. Holst as presidential candidate for WBP instead of himself. This led to a presidential campaign with little political meaning, where A. Holst and the other candidates Lerdeif from DKP and Tonos from The Viking Party, was writing one bad word after another about the others. 20 hours before the election began A. Holst decided to stop the smear campaign and apologize for what he had said. A. Holst won the election with more than 60% of the votes, but one week before the end of his term he was impeached by the Congress with 14 votes for and 2 against.

Holst as a Noble

A. Holst was apointed AHOL[member of the Awesome House Of Lords] of Fyn by Denmark's first Captain King HrBjorn, A. Holst asked to be AHOL of Lolland, but just to annoy him Bjorn decided to make him AHOL of Fyn starting February 18 and ending April 23, 2009.

When it was about time the second Captain King of Denmark Crillep was ending his term, he didn't point out the next king as he shall according to the Danish constitution, so A. Holst proposed that the Awesome House Of Lords overthrew him, Crillep stripped A. Holst of his title as AHOL and one day later he appointed A. Holst Captain King of the Constitutional Timeshare-Monarchy of Denmark.

After one month A. Holst had to leave his position as king and has from that day on not been nobel.

An Unfortunate Businessman

A. Holst tried to run the moving company called DSB (Bougth from Grev Per), but as A. Holst is very unfortunate, it took less than a month before he had to wave a white flag and sell the company.

Nowadays, A. Holst is regaining ground on the business front, he has started the bank AH & Co. Loan and Savings and has begun loaning out money, which proves to be quite profitable.

Quotes from A. Holst

 ...a vote for DMP is a vote for the destructio.... errrrr.... future of Sweden. 
 ...and in the end, the Swedes will sit in their cute little mountains up to the north and think: what happened? 
 ...this is a sign of the common Swedish megalomania (very high thoughts about one self, Hitler had it, Stalin had it, Sweden has it). 
 ...English please, if you want me to insult you or at least understand you, please write something i understand. 
 This just shows how much fun Denmark has, noone knows who is in charge and the only person that migth be in charge aint around.