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The 8th Parliament of New Zealand was in session from May 25 to June 25, 2011. The membership was set by the May 25 parliamentary elections. It was the second consecutive Parliament to have only four parties represented. It proved to be one of the most stable in NZ history.

Three parties with previous representation all returned to the Parliament. Both the Peace 'n' Prosperity Party and Ranginui increased their seat totals by one seat each. The Stranka Srpskog Korpusa also returned but under the new name Ujedinjenje ili smrt (UIS), however it saw a sharp decrease in seats dropping from 24 to 9.

The big winner was the Red label Party who returned to Parliament after sorting out its own internal affairs. It managed to capture 14 seats, a plurality in the new body. The party had good working relations with the other three parties, therefor making its return to Parliament a smooth process for NZ.

The eight Parliament was a relatively quiet affair. It offered strong support to both the outgoing (Don KronoX) and incoming (Crusadercarl) PnPP led administrations. The Parliament increased the import taxes on weapons and food, reversing the actions of the seventh Parliament (which had done it during a state of war). It also sought to support the government in its role of spiting the New Zealand Army into two separately funded forces, the NZSF and the NZDF.

Layout of the 8th NZ Parliament

Template:ERepublik:WikiProject United Kingdom/Government/House of Commons Layout