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| [[File:Citizen-Elle_Roslin.jpg|60px|Elle Roslin]] || [[File:7cfb9838956985164b3655a3a1af5b15.jpg|60px|Rodney McKay]] || [[File:LJS.png‎|60px|Lily Jayne Summers]] || [[File:LJS.png‎|60px|Lily Jayne Summers]] || [[File:ESO_badge1_large.png‎|60px|Unknown]] || [[File:ESO_badge1_large.png‎|60px|Unknown]] || [[File:ESO_badge1_large.png‎|60px|Unknown]] || [[File:ESO_badge1_large.png‎|60px|Unknown]] || [[File:ESO_badge1_large.png‎|60px|Unknown]] || [[File:ESO_badge1_large.png‎|60px|Unknown]] || [[File:ESO_badge1_large.png‎|60px|Unknown]] || [[File:ESO_badge1_large.png‎|60px|Unknown]]
| [[File:Citizen-Elle_Roslin.jpg|60px|Elle Roslin]] || [[File:7cfb9838956985164b3655a3a1af5b15.jpg|60px|Rodney McKay]] || [[File:LJS.png‎|60px|Lily Jayne Summers]] || [[File:LJS.png‎|60px|Lily Jayne Summers]] || [[File:LJS.png‎|60px|Lily Jayne Summers]] || [[File:ESO_badge1_large.png‎|60px|Unknown]] || [[File:ESO_badge1_large.png‎|60px|Unknown]] || [[File:ESO_badge1_large.png‎|60px|Unknown]] || [[File:ESO_badge1_large.png‎|60px|Unknown]] || [[File:ESO_badge1_large.png‎|60px|Unknown]] || [[File:ESO_badge1_large.png‎|60px|Unknown]] || [[File:ESO_badge1_large.png‎|60px|Unknown]]

Revision as of 20:53, 19 May 2012

Every Single One

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General Information
Country Flag-UK.jpg UK
Abbreviation ESO
Forum ESO Forum
Colors White, Red & Black
Founded January 2011
President Lily Jayne Summers
Vice President Vadigor
Members 206
Congress Occupancy 4 seats
Orientation Center-left
Ideology Libertarian

File:ESO banner2 large.png

 ESO will remain a party which is above the mundane politics which have plagued our country, whilst being below the members from which every party attains their true power. ESO will remain a party dedicated to the interests and progression of its members, not itself. 
(Every Single One)


ESO was founded in January of 2011 by Artela and Jamesw. Artela had always been independently minded, and was a growing influence in the eUK military scene. You may recognize her name as she is currently the US CP. Jamesw already had government experience, being elected as the CP under the TUP banner. Both were united in their belief that the UK needed a strong third party to counter the constant fratricide that was occurring between the TUP and UKRP parties that dominated the scene. PCP was active at this point as well, but was less than potent and did not actively participate in many of the UK’s discussions.

ESO was conceived to honour independent thought rather than to toe the party line. The Constitution was written by Jamesw, and in it the party stipulated that members would be accepted without judgment of their past actions. The party would refrain from embroiling itself in petty arguments with other parties, but would rather focus on the development of individual economic, military, and political strengths. The party had a strong military bent, particularly at the beginning. Several of the UK’s most famous military figures were early members, including Emergy Maxfell, Metalmicky999, Hans von Hohenstaufen, George Norfolk, Norris Bush, John F Baker, and Rawdon.

Over time, the party began to attract new players. With the addition of players such as The Grump, Gambit8, Lilitu, OllyFox, Se_aN, RedArmy22, & Llort Zakharov, party policy began to shift. A new focus on the support and development of younger players became the norm. This was cemented when The Grump became the party president at level 21, and with the first donations schemes set up by CastoriousBG and Elle Roslin. The party easily became part of the Top 5 in the UK, and swiftly came under fire from the other parties. TUP and the UKRP were particularly aggressive in attacking the party, claiming that it was nothing more than a vanity project for Jamesw and a rehash of failed ideas. The party struggled in the early days, particularly when Jamesw became ill which coincided with the revival of a competitor party, the APP.

A groundbreaking shift came with the departure of Artela, who joined TUP in what many viewed as a deal to become the country’s CP. This left the party without the influence of either of its founders, and leadership consolidated within a network of people rather than in one or two individuals. The Grump, Gambit8, Stockyrocky, Ranflax, Lord Lewis Cromwell, Lilitu, Elle Roslin, Rawdon, Metalmicky, Axeell Young, and Llort Zakharov formed somewhat of a communal leadership team. The entire active irc population was drawn upon to lead ESO, with The Grump and Gambit8 serving as PP for several months. Around this time the UKWP rose to prominence under the financial support of Alfagrem and the political support of Sir Nick. Attention shifted from ESO onto the new party, as the eUK community viewed Sir Nick as a racist and Alfagrem as a loose cannon. UKWP rose quickly, until the party was PTO’ed by Bob Boblo. Alfagrem ceased funding the unit that UKWP ran, and the party quickly imploded. Several former UKWPers joined ESO, including a future PP and CP candidate Daeres.

Unfortunately, shortly after the demise of UKWP the ESO PP The Grump was caught attempting to buy votes for a Congress election. He maintained silence for several days and did not respond to inquiries. The party was forced to make the most difficult decision it had ever made, and voted to impeach The Grump. This was extraordinarily difficult, as the vast majority of the party had strong personal relationships with him, and were forced to choose between personal allegiance and staying true to the principles that the party was founded on. Following the vote, The_Grump ceased playing the game (although he does appear sometimes to chat, and occasionally to lend a vote during elections!).

Throughout this time period, ESO members began to make friends abroad. ESO has had a special connection with eBelgians in particular, most notably following a derp decision by Mr. Woldy to invade eBelgium for a joke. Players like Mittekemuis, Director9, Pieter557, and Hollenboer gradually joined the party. At this time ESO was beginning to reach a large player base of 80-100. Jamesw served as CP for the UK again, becoming the first ESO member to lead the nation. Daeres ran for the nomination, but lost to Kevy Shabado of TUP. Eventually Kevy was impeached due to inactivity, and Daeres served as CP for the last week of the term. Another run by Daeres (with Mitte as vPP) resulted in a narrow loss to Thomas765 who ran under the TUP banner.

ESO became renowned for its level of activity. The party’s irc channel #eso in particular was extremely popular, with many players coming to chat and play trivia. Several new players rose to prominent status, including Veruvia, Apronchef, and Lily Summers (each of whom would eventually serve as PP). Game mechanics changed, with the formation of the new MU structure and the decline in cost to own a company. The national military began to decline, with TUP leading the charge out of the military to form the TUP Family. After this, the military slowly withered. ESO was among the last of the parties to form its own MU, primarily due to the strong military focus that the party had always maintained. Finally, in late 2011 an idea was hatched between Emergy Maxfell, Jamesw, and Rednoahl to enter the MU market with an MU that would blow the others out of the water. Much thought was put into the idea, which was intended to reflect the ESO principles of support for newer players and equal access for all players. The MU was named Legion, and with an aggressive marketing campaign (full of fun Lego graphics!) it took off. Legion rapidly became one of the top 3 MU’s in the UK, and regularly beat out the Special Forces who were supplied through tax dollars.

New faces began popping up in ESO around this time. Titansmash, SirMorton, Professor Jerry Moriarty, Geronte, Ullok, Etheri, and Diakun are a few examples. Others like Kinad & Miniman had been party members for ages, but became more active on forum/irc. Rodney McKay revived from a long slumber, and Legion gained several new and active captains such as ghqwerty, Simon Eusnomis, Howard27, Justice Boomticket, Bigheaded, and Zonmei. The nucleus of activity in the party expanded immensely. ESO became the party that could boast of having the most active community in the UK.

There were a few more speed bumps in early 2012, most notably with Jamesw falling ill again, and the rise of the UKPP. Jamesw’s absence necessitated an emergency effort from the party, with Rodney McKay doing a stellar job of keeping the ship afloat with the assistance of Mittekemuis, Diakun, ApronChef, and many others. All players gave (and forgave!) which allowed Legion to slowly right itself. The meteoric rise of the UKPP created conflict, most notably from members of TUP and PCP (Invalidation and Keithunder in particular). ESO had come full circle, and was branded part of the ‘oldfag’ aristocracy. The party largely stayed out of the debate, although several members entered the fray with articles and postings. Differences of opinion existed on how to communicate and relate to the new party. I think it’s fair to say that there was a variety of opinions, both within ESO and without. ESO slowly grew to 140 players, then up to 160, and then beyond.

At present, ESO is still blessed with an amazing number of active and intelligent players. The community grows more diverse and wonky each day, which has now been encapsulated in the development of a rainbow ESO badge by Diakun. New ESO members such as Lord Reincarnate, Nazafyn, Beta, Carlini8, Sambo, GTorge, Lightning43, BigAnt, Gordon Strachan, Viperb10, Sanic the Hedgehog, and so many more continue to be welcomed. Each challenges the party community to grow and learn to reflect the viewpoints and values of these players. Where TUP is driven by the mantra of ‘Strength Through Unity’, ESO is driven by the belief that it is our diversity and individual uniqueness that provides the energy and strength to move forward. Almost every other day we welcome a new member to the forums, and their voices add to the debate and strengthen the party. It will always be a challenge to coalesce so many viewpoints into a coherent vision that is consistent with party principles, but it is the only challenge worth facing in this game!

Party Politics

Party President

Icon achievement party president on.gif

Party President


Lily Jayne Summers

Vice Party President Vadigor
Recruitment Officer [[]]
Donations Officer Boer Charel
Media Officers Sambo112
Party President Election Winners - 2011
Jamesw Jamesw Artela The Grump The Grump Gambit8 The Grump Daeres Daeres Veruvia Veruvia ApronChef
Party President Election Winners - 2012
Elle Roslin Rodney McKay Lily Jayne Summers Lily Jayne Summers Lily Jayne Summers Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown


Icon achievement congressman on.gif Bg-fullemployee.gifBg-fullemployee.gifBg-fullemployee.gifBg-fullemployee.gifBg-fullemployee.gifBg-fullemployee.gifBg-fullemployee.gif
Congress Occupancy 21.81% (April 2012)
ESO Cabinet Members
Seal of the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.png Deputy Prime Minister Rodney McKay
Seal of the Minister of Home Affairs.png Minister of Retention BigAnt
ESO Cabinet Members
Seal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.png Minister of Foreign Affairs Ron Swanson
Seal of the Minister of Defence.png Minister of Defence Rodney McKay

Country President

eUnited Kingdom Country Presidents - 2011
Frerk Jholin Mr Woldy Mr Woldy Artela Jamesw Jamesw Daniel Thorrold Daeres ends term temujin94 temujin94 Thomas765
eUnited Kingdom Country Presidents - 2012
Kravenn Temujin94 Talon Karrde Talon Karrde Sir Humphrey Appleby TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD

ESO Programs

The ESO Soup Kitchen

The party believes in the advancement of the individual and runs a food donation scheme for new players.

This is a "no strings attached" programme whereby any eBritish player, under level 20, will be given 100 wellness simply by posting a link to their profile here.

The ESO Legion

To continue this spirit the party opened a now fully-functional militia on day 1,398. Both seasoned veterans and newly-born Britons can join and use the daily 10 Q6 weapons availiable to all recruits and members that work in Legion companies as they see fit.

Claimable bonuses of 5 Q5 weaponry are availiable for a variety of tasks aimed to help the members themselves or the country as a whole, which can be found out about here.

It is currently under the command of Justice Boomticket.

Party Constitution

ESO ~ The party above politics

With this constitution, ESO will set out a structure that will seek to ensure that in the future, the party is not dragged into the personal grievances or contests that dominate the political landscape of the UK, and have done so for some time.

1. Mission Statement
2. Independence
3. Membership
4. Party Structure
5. Impeachment proceedings
6. Elections
7. ESO Legion
8. Charity
9. Amendments

Section 1 ~ Mission Statement

With this Constitution, ESO promises to secure the rights and principles of honesty, integrity, equality, individual liberty and respect for all members of ESO, irrelevant of their views, and promises to not be dragged into the personal grievances or contests of the political landscape in the UK.

Section 2 ~ Independence

ESO will remain a sovereign party. At no point will a binding agreement be made with another party in the top 5. The decisions of the party will always be made by democratic polling of members, with the party president responsible for presenting an unbiased and purely factual summary prior to each vote.

Section 3 ~ The members

All members will be judged as equal, regardless of their stature, history or ambitions. IRC and forum activity will not be used to discriminate between members. Active membership will be determined as the number of respondents to the latest in-game party census stating that they wish to be counted as active members. These censuses will be conducted on the 20th day of each month. The total number of respondents by the end of a 72 hour period following the issue of the census will form the number to be used in the calculation of all voting figures.

Section 4 ~ The party structure

Each month the party will elect a party president in line with the game mechanics. There will be no “preferred” candidates, and those seeking (re)election will have to gain the support of the party on their own merits. Upon election, A party president will be expected to appoint a Vice Party President who will cover the role in any instances of inactivity, or take over should an impeachment occur. The Vice Party President will also be available for additional tasks if the Party President asks them.

Section 5 ~ Impeachment proceedings

Any member can propose an impeachment of the party president. For proceedings to begin, 10% of the active member base must sponsor the motion. A motion will pass if at least 40% of the active member base votes, with 51% of those votes in favour of impeachment.

Section 6 ~ Elections

Party presidents will be responsible for opening applications for congressional elections to both party members, and any members of non top 5 parties. Party members will be given first refusal; with non-members being allocated seats after each party member has been placed. Applications will begin when the Party President wishes to do so, but the final lists are to be published and effectively communicated to the party by the 23nd of each month.

Presidential elections will begin with the party allowing its own members to put themselves forward on the 26th of each month, or earlier if the Party President wishes so. Should no party members come forward, the party president is responsible for compiling a list of the other party’s candidates, if and when other parties have selected them. A discussion period will take place from the time the list is published and communicated to all members, but must be concluded before the end of the calendar month. The first poll will be held on the 1st of the month at the latest. For a candidate to win the poll they must receive 51% of the vote or more to produce a majority. Should no candidate satisfy these conditions, the party president is duty bound to create a second poll, with the top two candidates from the first poll. To win this poll, a candidate must receive 51% majority or more of all votes cast. Should no candidate satisfy this, no candidate will receive ESO party backing.. The setting of the official candidate for the party, or for the official support for another candidate, must be concluded at least 12 hours before the in-game deadline of 00:00 Erepublik time, on the 3rd of the month.

Section 7 ~ ESO Legion

The ESO Legion ('Legion') is a military unit founded by ESO members in late 2011. Despite being affiliated with the party, they are run as independent entities, and as such, there is no requirement to join Legion as an ESO member or vice versa.

Section 8 ~ Charity

Every Single One has a policy of promoting an image of national good and charity wherever possible and it is the responsibility of the party president to ensure that the party contributes to charity schemes if and when they appear. Running regular charity drives is not required but is encouraged as keeping in line with the party's direction.

Section 9 ~ Amendments to the Constitution

An amendment can be proposed if sponsored by 10% of the active population or by the Party President. If an amendment is proposed, the Party President is compelled to contact every member with information on the changes and where it can be accessed to vote. The vote shall run for 72 hours and must obtain at least 15 unique votes, an amendment is considered passed if it receives 51% of the votes or more.

The Party President retains a veto over amendments to all sections except the fifth and is required to stipulate their reasoning in full. A vetoed amendment may be reintroduced after 48 hours and must be sponsored by 15% of the active member base.

Ratified Sat Feb 26, 2011
Amended Mon Apr 09, 2012
