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Revision as of 13:56, 6 September 2013


31 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Pakistan.jpg Pakistani
National rank 56
Date of birth July 22 2012
Residence Balochistan
Sex Female
Political party Democratic Party of Pakistan
Newspaper TheMIRROR
Minister of Education of Pakistan
August 2012 – November 2012
Served under Mohammad Bilal
Succeeded by ClusterStorm
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan
December 2012 – January 2013
Served under TheJakal
Preceded by TheJakal
Succeeded by TheCaliph
Minister of Education of Pakistan
March 2013 – May 2013
Served under St0l3n1
Preceded by ClusterStorm
Succeeded by Shumaila
eRepublik Mentor of Pakistan
March 2013 –
President of Pakistan
June 2013 – July 2013
Preceded by Faris Khawaja
Succeeded by TheJakal
Representative to NaN Alliance of Pakistan
July 2013 – August 2013
Served under TheJakal
Party President of Democratic Party of Pakistan
July 2013 –
Preceded by TheJakal
HQ Member of WOLF Alliance of Pakistan
August 2013 –
Served under Muz1
Member of Congress of Pakistan
Military unit Pakistan|Guards of Green
Squadron 1st Regiment|4
Position Member
Military rank Icon rank National Force**.png National Force**
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Sparkfyre is a well-known Pakistani citizen.

She is mostly known for her educational endeavors as Minister of Education and competitions on both a National level and International. Lately, she has also begun to show an avid interest in Alliances.

Early Life

Sparkfyre took great interest in the system of the New World from the very start and almost immediately published her first article in her newspaper, TheMIRROR. By the end of her first two weeks she had been taken under the wing of IshamaelNaeblis & TheJakal.

They guided her from the very beginning and she still considers them to be her go-to people for any political queries or otherwise.

There was a whole dynamic of internal politics at the time which Sparkfyre eventually got entangled with but she maintained her Neutral position for her entire early life.

Minister of Education & Enlightenment

Within three weeks of joining, Sparkfyre became a cabinet member under the Presidency of IshamaelNaeblis. Though some would think it odd that a new citizen would be given such a position, it turned out for the best! Sparkfyre was able to learn on-the-job, ensuring not only that she had a good grasp on the basic topics but also was able to convey them to others. She was greatly inspired by Kravenn in this regard.

At this point and time Sparkfyre supported IshamaelNaeblis, even though there were a lot negative responses to his Presidency. After completing his term, he left for USA.

For several consecutive months she held this position, slowly improving techniques and formats etc (helped by ClusterStorm ).

She also became good friends with Muz1, ClusterStorm, Fyr, Kualkerr and Mohammad Bilal.

And then took a pause for RL purposes...

Minister of Foreign Affairs & Internal Politics

TheJakal and Sparkfyre both agreed that some global exposure would be great for her. And though Sparkfyre was a great help, it was clear that Foreign Politics was not for her. She enjoyed her term for the exposure it gave but otherwise did not strive for the position again!

During this term, the internal political climate was rife with anti-DPP propaganda and more specifically anti-TheJakal articles and such. Though Sparkfyre remained neutral still, she made it clear that she would not go against one of her original teachers.

Minister of Education Again & The Beginning of Disillusionment

After her interesting experience in to the unknown world of Minister of Foreign Affairs she returned a little reluctantly to the Minister of Education position. However, as before she published a couple articles and was active in guiding new citizens even before the introduction of the eRepublik Mentor system.

As for the disillusionment, Sparkfyre soon realized that there were some major hypocrisies shown by some citizens in Pakistan. Surprisingly, she found that the root for it was the gold-buying powers of one or more of the citizens. She was disappointed to discover that some citizens would go against TheJakal on account of him being a gold-buyer though those same people would, without hesitance, take advantage of his generosity. But this was only the start for Sparkfyre...

The citizen continued as Minister of Education for a consecutive term.

tḥe Ðrḁgön's Höḁrd

Dragons hoard.jpg

Sparkfyre's first attempt at a National Level competition was very successful apart from a few errors. Her article [MoE tḥe Ðrḁgön's Höḁrd!] introduces the competition (the graphics seem to have been misplaced).

The idea was to create activity and a sense of community with healthy competition. The Questions were designed so that answer of one would lead to the an IRC channel of the next clue. A treasure hunt of sorts. The questions ranged from eRepublik (covering in-game activities, eWikipedia, IRC and ePakistani Forums) to general knowledge and mathematics questions!

Term as President of Pakistan