Daineal Mac Carthaigh

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Daineal Mac Carthaigh (688-) was a notable Citizen, Commanding Officer, Congress member, and opposition politics man in Ireland. He has also spent equal time in the United States and has served as a Congressman, and was Lt. General of the Special Forces. He is best known as a fighter, having largely gained praise not for writing and politics.

Daineal Mac Carthaigh

55 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Pakistan.jpg Pakistani
National rank 1
Date of birth October 8th 2009
Residence Balochistan
Sex Male
Political party ]
Faith Dioism
Newspaper 2 Gold Net Deposit
Party President of Ireland
December 15th 2009 – March 15th 2010
Served under Clann na nGael
Succeeded by Citizen Snap
Congressman of Ireland
February 25th 2010 – March 25th 2010
Served under Clann na nGael
Congressman of Ireland
April 25th 2010 – May 25th 2010
Served under Clann na nGael
Party President of Ireland
May 15th 2010 – May 18th 2010
Served under Clann na nGael
Preceded by Citizen Snap
Succeeded by Anthony Colby
Congressman of Ireland
June 25th 2010 – July 25th 2010
Served under Clann na nGael
Party President of Ireland
December 23rd 2010 – March 15th 2011
Served under Fenian Brotherhood
Congressman of Ireland
December 25th 2010 – February 25th 2011
Served under Fenian Brotherhood
President of Ireland
March 16th 2011 – April 5th 2011
Served under Fenian Brotherhood
Preceded by 05637716
Succeeded by Marcus Suridius
Congressman of USA
November 25th 2011 – December 25th 2011
Served under Libertarian Party
Congressman of USA
December 25th 2011 – January 25th 2012
Served under Libertarian Party
Congressman of USA
October 25th 2012 – November 15th
Served under N/A
Congressman of Pakistan
November 25th –
Served under N/A
Military rank Icon rank God of War.png God of War
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Early Life

Daineal was born in Dublin, Ireland on October 8th 2009. He rose to a Military Career, and got his start by joining the Irish Defence Forces. From his Reserves Division, a non-Deployment Unit, he became the Chief of Guard. From this initial point of responsibility, he would go on to gather more as Ireland participated in South East Asian and Central European Training exercises.

By Late December he had become a Commanding Officer of a Fielded Division. With complaints about the Military taking on more voice with Political Elements, a plan was enacted. Mac Carthaigh, at that time a Division Commander, knew and helped formulate what became the Master Plan, which consisted of Organizational and Logistical changes within the Defence Forces.

He continued as a Division Commander, until enlisting into the Na Fianna on February 8th 2010, of which Field Marshal Rank was a necessity (In v1 Field Marshal Rank was the Highest Rank allowed). He went on to carry more responsibilities and was given Command of this Division in early April. He held this position until dropping out of the game on June 30th 2010.

During this period of time Daineal created a minor Political Party, to test the waters of the political scene. He utilized his Newspaper often as well. Most of his media work was generally focused upon Economic and Social orientation Politics of the Center-Right. At times he edged on as a Minarchist or Anarchist with inspired critiques of Ireland. He gained some credit at this time as a free spirit, but for the most part people did not readably enjoy his angle. From his Political Party he and a few colleagues gained seats in Congress with a very high probability of success.

Daineal owned and attempted to operate several Companies during these times. However, by this period the economy was largely dominated by a handful of elderly Company owners, the Military, the Para-Militaries, and the Finance Ministry itself. As such he eventually sold his property to the State, yet another small fish in an increasingly hostile shark tank.