Irish Army

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This military unit played an important role in creating military history, however today it is no longer active

Irish Army

Irish Army.png

Always In The Fight!

General Information
Disbanded Sometime in 2016 (est)
Country Flag-Ireland.jpg Ireland

Irish Army was the national military unit of Ireland.


  • The public IRC Channel of Irish Army is #IrishArmy on Rizon Server.
  • The Irish Army's Newspaper was The Tayto Tribune.
  • The Irish Army's Radio Channel is located here.

Command Structure

Irish Army takes its orders from the Government of Ireland and is under the command of the Department of Defence.

The role of Commander is handed down at the retirement of the previous Irish Army Commander. The decision of who will be appointed to this role takes into council all of those involved in the command operations of the unit, and naturally requires the general approval of the government and people of Ireland. Importantly, the Commander of the Irish Army is not a political position, and so is handled separately from monthly changes in government cabinets. The Commander of the Irish Army's term is indefinite.

History of Commanders
Date Appointed Commander Source
October 19, 2011 MUFC92
December 18, 2012 Seanan [1]
August 14, 2013 Ian E Coleman [2]
January 15, 2015 Mr. Tayto [3]


The Irish Army has a dedicated Bootcamp Officer who looks after all new members of the Irish Army. This officer provides training, support and free food to those who are starting out on their eRepublik journey.


A number of avatar options are available to citizens in the Irish Army. Members of the unit are encouraged to wear one of the uniforms, so that they are better suited to raise the profile of Ireland and the Irish Army when they fight at home and abroad. The uniforms allow for customisation to suit other parts of the game such as politics and community, reinforcing that the Irish Army is a practical, civilian, but professional, unit.

Supply of Weapons

There are a number of ways that you can receive weapons within the Irish Army.


The Irish Army was established on January 10, 2011 during the Country Presidency of CelticTiger211. In December of 2010 Ireland had been critically wiped by the UK, leaving the nation with no regions. As a result of this event, the game of eRepublik transferred all of Ireland's political parties and organizations to the United Kingdom, thus leaving Ireland with a blank domestic structure.

Note that the mechanics of eRepublik no longer transfer national structures in this way following wipes, the circumstances surrounding the foundation of the Irish Army are unique to the time and mechanics of this period in history. Before this event took place the Irish community was characterized by disunity (infighting) between its citizens; notably between the Irish Citizen Army (ICA) and the Irish Defence Forces (IDF). Note again that during this period in eRepublik's development there were not in-game military units, therefore military organizations were entirely player organized and defined.

After the disunity that had characterized Ireland, a popular attitude became that the silver lining to the wipe of December 2010 was the fresh start which was provided for the nation's community. In this spirit of potential unity the Irish Army was formed, and in the process of developing this new national military unit, both ex-IDF and ex-ICA members were brought into the ranks of command and service. Among the founders of this new unit are recorded CelticTiger211, Marcus Suridius, Orangejuicemmm, and Seanan. It is worth noting that at the time of the Irish Army's foundation these founders represented a coming together of groups in the community who had formerly been opposed to each other. These four founders were at one time inducted into a hall of fame for their service to the Irish Army, along side EmalS who contributed companies to supply the unit, Nephworks who was an outstanding commander, and Chance Harrison who was inducted as a celebrated soldier.

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