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Revision as of 17:20, 26 October 2010


<span style="position:relative; top:37px; right:235px; float:right; z-index:998; border-top:5px solid #87AE09; background-color:#9DC414; color:#FFFFFF; font-size:Expression error: Unexpected < operator.px; font-weight:bold; padding:4px 7px 3px 4px;">20</span> Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-USA.png American
National rank 629
Date of birth May 24, 2009
Residence Karnataka, USA
Military unit Mobile Infantry
Military rank Icon rank Recruit.png [[Military rank|Icon rank General.png General]]
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Early Life

Dimension was born into the eWorld on May 24, 2009 his first taste of eRepublik with the bit of mudslinging going on there. His mentor, whose name escapes him at the moment, encouraged him to move to either Florida or New Jersey because of something he called a 'q5 Hospital.' Knowing little of game mechanics at the time, his mentor sent him a q1 ticket and got him to Florida.

Joining the MI

Dimension joined the Mobile Infantry, he thinks, on June 12th under the direction of Ma'am Raquel Ferreira. He was encouraged to enlist by his mentor, and thank goodness not through the welcome message that encouraged him to join a very defunct TD. He skipped the 'pleasantries' of TD and directly joined the Wardogs, or as most know them, Bravo Four.

Moving up the Ladder

About 2 weeks into joining the MI, Dimension was approached on the IRC by Astron. Astron greeted him, and I quote directly, "DIMENSION! | I've been looking for you. | How'd you like to get your own platoon?" to which he replied, "Cool." Sadly, this story didn't have a good middle, but it did end well. He was encouraged to sign up for promotion through the officer application document, and when he asked Astron whether or not he needed to wait for Ma'am Raquel to give him the okay to get his own platoon, Astron replied yes. Later that night, after Dimension had sent a PM to Ma'am Raquel on both the forums and in game, he was informed that Issues didn't care about the form and he was being immediately promoted to LT of the Bravo Sevens. Ma'am Raquel was not happy that Dim had been pulled from beneath her feet. She blamed it on Astron and immediately quit. (Luckily she rejoined and is now the LT of some platoon.)

The Lucky Sevens

He came into the Lucky Sevens a little wet behind the ears. Dimension had been yanked from Bravo Four with very little warning and the only training he received was what he got from reading the Officer Training Guide while being given the fastest tour of a google doc he'd ever received, by the lovely Issues. Those were a few weeks when he learned everything important about the MI.

Consequently, this platoon has the most ex-LT's serving as senior officers in the MI.

Ex-CO's of B7:

Loftedraptors Dissent

As some of you will know, in the third week of July 2009, the Ex-General of the Mobile Infantry, Loftedraptor, got a little tipsy and felt like the MI wasn't being treated correctly. He issued an order to move to Ukraine, which Dimension passed onto his platoon. On a side note: All of his members moved before citizenship was implemented. This made Dimension rethink whether he wanted to continue playing this dang game.

Promotion to QM

After a few weeks into being the Lieutenant of the Bravo Sevens, Dimension coerced Issues to promote him to a QM position inside the MI. He became the Bravo QM, after much begging and pleading of JimmyOlsen to change to the Charlie QM position. He was also QM alongside Sakyo, under the command of awesomo6000.

Promotion to QMG

Awesomo6000 resigned due to RL issues, Issues resigned due to... getting DD'd, Sakyo left with Issues, Maelyn, Enoch Root, and SVV and JimmyOlsen... went to JAG. That left Dimension. Dimension was promoted to QMG under Deificus. He is, to this day, the Quarter Master General of the eUS Mobile Infantry.


(This is being written by Dimension) I have met some good friends on this game.

Let's start from the beginning:

Therose, I met you when I was promoted to B7 and you were promoted to B1 and we were both just shoved into the positions. You are a great friend. ;p

Issues, I met you when I was Lt of B7 and you were Support Command. I looked up to you and was glad to be able to serve under you.

EnochRoot, I first /met/ you when I invested 20 gold into the Euca fund, but I first looked up to you when I found out you were resigning from the MI because your personal beliefs were more important to you. I was glad to serve under you in the role of Trader for eNOVA. Sadly, RL took it's toll and I was not able to continue trading for you.

Maelyn, I first met you when I got on the IRC for the first time. You were... outspoken. I don't really know how or why we grew so close together, but i'm glad we did.

Soji, I'm not sure if you consider me a friend, but I consider you as one. I first heard of you when I was looking for a Sergeant for Bravo Seven. I looked on the Officer application form and you had, believe it or not, NINE endorsements. I snagged you up, and sadly, when couger found out you agreed to be an officer, he snagged you up. In 3 days you outranked the person who first promoted you. However, in another 6 days, that was reversed again. ;p You are now back under therose and I hope you don't leave the MI for a good, long time.

Polluxe, I didn't get to know you well, but... I couldn't leave Lor out of this. Lor Lor Lor...

Deificus, I don't know if you consider me a friend, but you are a great commander and I'm glad to serve under you.

Side-note about eNOVA

You all should join eNOVA. eNOVA is chartered to help eNations regain their original regions along with helping them out with other projects. If you would like to learn more, go to http://www.enova.freeforums.org/ and sign up.

I joined eNOVA as soon as I first heard about it, and found my 'in' when I heard they were looking for a Tech Adviser. I had become proficient with IRC and knew enough about forums to help out around there. I moved up in rank, and am part of, as JO likes to call it, the triumvirate of eNOVA. Ananias, JimmyOlsen, and I are the main leaders of eNOVA.